Sunday, September 2, 2018

Sinuses and Lukas

It is a very good man who goes out early on a Sunday morning to bring home distilled water and special sinus rinse medicine, warms that water in a bottle, carefully mixes in the medicine, shoots it up my nose, holds me in his lap and rocks me around gently to move it around inside me, then rubs my back while I clean out my sinuses. He's a good daddy. 

I'm sick :( I think it's because I've been pretty much trapped in our apartment building for so long and going out Friday exposed me to germs I wasn't prepared for. We stayed home mostly yesterday except for going to the grocery store. 

I'm trying to blog less and write more with Lukas. I am nearly finished with chapter 10 and I hope to finish it today. Ash plans to relax with video games today. Me being sick means I'm not pawing at him to take me out and do stuff. :) He enjoys a good day at home resting and he deserves it. Ok back to writing... 


  1. Yes, he is a very good man, but I'm sure you would do the same for him. Make sure the common surface areas in your house are clean and that you both wash your hands frequently, as that is how the rhinovirus is transmitted. It is not just being in the same area. We pick it up from surfaces that have been touched by someone with the virus. That way, you can prevent him from becoming ill also.

    1. Now I'm wiping everything down with lysol wipes. Oh but I did full on sneeze this morning on his chest in bed. :( I cleaned him up though. It was a mostly dry sneeze... mostly. :)

  2. Devil Defeaters, lol

  3. Thank you, Zahir is now calling me his "princess angel."

    He had a gift made for me in Iran. A smaller version of the cartouche charm with our names I got for his birthday. "Now you keep MY name on your heart..." He told the jeweler he was VERY close to his baby brother. It wasn't a lie his dad DID in fact adopt me. I got weepy and he pulled me away from the crowd. He read chapter ten to me. FYI: BETTER than text to speech.

    He ask if I wanted to try the remote fingering session next time he has to go on a trip without me. I told him I will never let him go alone again, "I'd follow you into hell just to be with you." He got annoyed saying it was not my place. I was his angel, a beacon to carry him out of the dark places.

    I have to clean up and get back to the party...

    I just wanted to take a minute to say, thank you for your stories!

    1. Thank you!! :) Im glad it turned out ok. I can't believe you guys haven't done the remote thing We've even done it when he's stuck at work late or sometimes on his lunch break when he checks in on me at home. :) It's always fun but it never feels right when it's me doing it not him. It knows his fingers and prefers them to mine.

    2. I made a tactical error, I yawned. Mama caught it and told her son to put me to bed. He knows I've been up since 4 this morning, it's now 9:30 p.m.

      As to the remote play, what can I say Zahir is a patient man. Ok, he is a bit too patient for my liking on occasion. This was the first time we spent more than two days apart and almost two years. I think he was afraid of me hurting myself. He's also afraid of me JUST thinking of myself as a sex thing.

      The character Denise scares me. She kind of reminds me of the bitch who branded me. Sweet to your face until you oppose her beliefs. There are some kinds of "people of faith" out there who believe if they can't convert you it's better you not be in the world. She fell in that category.

    3. two days apart 'in' almost two years...

  4. Another great chapter, Emri! So glad it ended well.

    I'll have to go to work on a night shift in an hour (I'm in Europe, so it's late in the evening here) and this gives me a good feeling for that :-)
