Thursday, September 27, 2018

New Lukas is posted.

The new Lukas Chapter posted. Chapter 14 is up. yay that was quick!! I posted a link on my google plus but it was quickly deleted by google. Apparently I can't post dirty story links on there... 

At least Jesus Likes it... :( 

I can't wait to see how people react. It is a little more than I usually do with my "perfect couple" characters. I might go for more if it's well received. 

I went to sleep after the husband left for work this morning since I woke up so early. I woke up at lunch time and did some edits on the story then some school work. Pretty chill day. Luckily I turned on the crock pot when I went to nap so there is delicious food to be had when the husband comes home. What a long day he has. He got off about 9 and he won't get home until nearly 7 tonight. Poor guy. 

I did make the dinner he likes with the roast and vegetables in the slow cooker. I rarely use it, but I've been thinking about it lately. We are supposed to get rain next week so that makes me immediately think of winter food since winter here is the only time we usually get rain. 

I'm on to Lukas 15 soon. I want to either do something with Lukas being back at school or Lukas being sought by a rival of Ari's. 

I also want to get them back to Ari's condo for some time. He hasn't been there in awhile and maybe Ari has spruced it up with some pictures of his love. 


  1. Loved it as always... Sleeping with seven men and none of them is pulling me off into the hills. I'm living vicariously through Lucas.

    Zahir is promising to get me alone soon.

    I'm not going to make it another week.

    1. I hope you get some soon! That would be crazy to have him so close but not be able to get private time.

  2. Bro! You're a fucking maniac with your writing. I wish I had that much creative gusto with my free time. After a day of school work I usually just watch Netflix. I've been binge watching The Great British Bake Off and it's inspired me to get back into baking. I'm not a super artistic person, but I've always loved cooking/baking. Recently I've dabbled in making raspberry and BlackBerry pie and a cinnamon apple pie, but gotta focus more on my crust designs to make things more interesting. What's your veg crock pot recipe? I love the tenderness crock pots create, but haven't use em since college. I made some sick lasagna and brilliantly cooked simple black beans in a crock before.

    1. I love that show! I get ridiculously attached to the bakers. I get teary-eyed when they announce Star Baker and when they send someone home.

    2. I haven't seen it! I am not a super chef. I try to make interesting things, but I usually don't. :)

    3. It could be worse Emri, just last year I burned Ramen.

  3. I love my Crock Pot/slow cooker and I use it a lot. Since I work night shift, it is easy to make sure I have dinner couldc for my guy on nights I have to work. I have many recipes that I can share with you Em. I think I told you that my Ouma made sure I could cook.

    You snuck chapter 14 in on me. Now, I must go read it!! Without reading, I'm sure it is another work of art. You are so talented and I never want you to stop.

    (Ha ha ha)

    1. couldc? What a strange autocorrect for cooked...

    2. You have some reading to do! :) I know you're busy though. Thanks for sharing that website. It had good simple ideas.

    3. Of course! Any time you want some more ideas, just let me know

    4. Another brilliant chapter! "hyper-alphas from planet Persia"...Ha ha ha! I love that.

    5. Thank you!! Im glad it turned out ok. :)

  4. The story was AWESOME as usual. It made my day to see a new chapter to see on a day off. The way you bring out your alphas is very bold and makes the story pop!
    As for the crockpot/slow cooker, you can cook many things in it. I have cooked desserts meals, and have even cooked chicken burgers in them. It turns out great. (my hubby loves when I cook for him and our child in it). My favorite meal includes rice, hummus with tomatoes, and chicken. I love to cook this in the slow cooker and add a vegetable on the side or to steam it on top of the slow cooker I have. Chicken is very inexpensive where I live so we eat quite a bit of it here. I have even learned how to do a pot pie (chicken in a pie with vegetables in a sauce) in a slow cooker. It smells the house up, you want to eat it immediately, when you cook it.

    Good luck with the next chapter!!

    Aclassylady AKA Jen

    1. Thank you! That recipe sounds interesting. I just did simple brisket with veggies and some sauce stuff. It was ok. I think the smell that it gives the house was what makes him go into the meal expecting something great. :)

  5. You did it again, Emri. Another great chapter. I love how we get some background on Lukas' dad and how open he can be with his son. Also, the scene at the end gives Ari more depth without switching the perspective. Looking forward to the next chapter!

    1. Thank you! I tried to not abandon his story line but also not let it take over. There will be more of him. :)
