Sunday, September 9, 2018

Sad stories and old obsessions.

I was working on the new chapter of Lukas and writing another scene that made me cry. 

I blame all of you for sending me such amazing but heart-rending stories about growing up gay in conservative areas or with parents who didn't take it well. I have to include them. I get inspired. So again A found me post-cry with my eyes a little red. He chalked it up to the illness and made an appointment for me with the Persian doctor on Monday. 

It's a really good scene about Lukas feeling free and being blown away by how different things are for him now. Ari doesn't really get why he's crying, but Mr. Khorasani does. He knows that for Lukas staying in Glendale was much more than just being close with Ari, it was being closer to what he dreamt of becoming and being in a world that embraced what his home world mocked. That's an Almodovar quote (A director I became obsessed with when learning Spanish in high school). "You become authentic the closer you get to being the person you dreamed." or something like that. You have to fight for the life you want and make it happen. A does that for us so I don't have to. Being with him is the life I want. 

Oh! By the way. Check out some of the blogs I like to read. I hope they don't mind me sharing them! We need more LGBT blogs. What are some of the ones you like?  

I used to post my stories on both Literotica and Nifty. The cool thing about Literotica is you can see how many people looked at your story. You can se it in the picture below. 17,200 people opened Emerson and the Lion! That's amazing! Noah got 16,500 readers. I have no idea how many people read on nifty. It doesn't count. 

I haven't posted the last two series, Colton or Lukas. I can't post them on literotica because all characters in their stories must be 18 years or older and both Lukas and Colton are 17. 

The other reason I don't post on there anymore is this picture below. Every single story I posted on there (56 chapters) has a red "hot" sticker on it (The red squares by each chapter title). That means it averaged a rating of 4.5 or higher on a scale of 5. That's SUPER awesome, but I became obsessed with the feedback and ratings on there. I would check and recheck to see the ratings and agonize whenever I got low ratings and lost a red square. Ash even caught me one time looking at the website once because I was checking it at dinner. It was too much. 

We are going out tonight for dinner and to the see the movie Peppermint. Fun. :) 


  1. I'm sure everyone has a story to tell. I know that I told you about my first boyfriend and the terrible experience there, and then of course what happened a year ago. I have come through it stronger and in a much better place. I now have a guy who treats me like the world revolves around me and it probably wouldn't have happened without your support.

    Have a great evening! I'm at the family dinner now waiting to eat while my guy and everyone else is speaking in Arabic. He translates for me every once in a while when there is something said to me or he thinks I would like to know the topic. I love to sit back and watch the interaction and find it interesting.


    1. Oh, and by the way. I don't mind at all that you mentioned my blog. I am just beginning, but if people want to read it, I will write.


    2. I notice my guy's dad interprets a lot more for me than my guy and the funny thing is when they argue over the interpretation. His father is much better with English than he is (educated in Britain). Sometimes I think he doesn't translate if it's something not nice about me.

  2. You are good at authenticity. I am glad you are telling our stories.

  3. I found the best art, imitates life.

    I looked at Literotica but I didn't like how they broke long stories up into pages. When I write it tends to be epic sessions. I don't organize my thoughts well, at least not that would break up into consistently interesting chapters.

    I tried to do series writing on GayDemon, it wasn't well received. I got a lot of hate/flame mail.

    As to sharing my blog, I have no issue here. If my diary helps someone I would be overjoyed.

    1. I realized the stuff I posted on GD was garbage and asked it be taken down, they did.

    2. I started posting on gay authors once, but their stories were a lot shorter and not as graphic in the sex scenes. One of my nifty chapters would be five chapters on there. I didn't post for long on there and never really got a following. :) nifty is the first site I found when I was an awkward teen looking for stories to read. I was way too young to be on there, but well... :)
