Friday, September 14, 2018

Lukas 12 and Phoenix

Lukas Chapter 12 posted and I'm already getting comments. People are demanding to know what is going on with his dad. I guess I need to address that more in chapter 13. I also need to get into Nasim and how that works out. There will be some drama with Lukas on the track team. I think it's time our boy got into some trouble. 

We had fun on our trip. He feels good when people want to get help from him and learn what he does. He came home from it happy. It's good to see him built up. I try to do that for him, but it always feels good coming from the outside. I always tell him how grateful I am that he works so hard for us. He just says, "That's what daddies do."

We had an early flight this morning from Phoenix. We got home about 10 and I felt bad because I got to go back to sleep and A had to go do some work. Poor guy. He is going to be tired when he comes home. I'll make him a nice dinner and put him to bed. 

We couldn't come home last night because we had a dinner with clients and his coworkers at this really cool place in Scottsdale. Phoenix is beautiful but so hot. We are not considering a move there. Scottsdale had a cute downtown with shops and restaurants and a river canal walk. 


  1. No spoilers for the new chapter please!! I haven't read it yet.

    It sounds like you had a good time. I told my guy last night that I want us to go somewhere warm this winter for a little vacation. I am thinking San Diego (your idea Em), but I've looked up Phoenix and it looks nice too. Anywhere to get away from the cold and snow...yuck.


    1. Oh! Sorry sorry! :) I am bad about spoiling things.
      What about Palm Springs? They have a lot of gay fun stuff in the Winter. A likes it there because it's mostly old gays and so he doesn't worry about me. It's kind of cool though. HE has friends out there (older gay clients) who have cool houses and invited us to stay.

  2. Not the best time of year to visit Phoenix. Eight months of gorgeous weather from October to May. June is good for swimming. July, August, and September I leave as often as possible. Unfortunately, it was 107 in BH when I went in July. Then I got talked into going to Vegas and Florida. Now in Houston. Ugh! From the frying pan into the fire. The only relief I had was a quick trip to Laguna. If I ever had to live in southern CA, that's where I would go -- coastal Orange County, where the marine layer lowers the temperature and pushes the smog inland. Not much gay life in that area anymore, though. They all sold out and moved to Palm Springs and Palm Desert.

    1. We had a crazy hot summer. It's finally starting to cool off. Phoenix was blazing but everywhere there has intense air conditioning. We didn't do much outside. :) I like it there because everything was nice and new. Most of LA looks like it's falling apart. You don't notice it until you leave and come back.

  3. Another great chapter. Really curious about the dad, though. But I do have some thoughts/fantasies about it ;-)

    By the way: Ari giving his last name to Lukas made me think of something. It's a really personal question, so you don't have to answer if you don't want to. Did you take A's last name when you guys go married?

    1. I did! I think that was the biggest happy moment of it all. Seeing my name on official stuff with his last name was like WOW. I was really his. Now I'm a white guy with a Persian last name. I'm sure I'll have to explain that for the rest of my life. :)

    2. If my guy and I get there, I will totally change my name.

    3. I was so ready to take his name. I used to write it out or type it and just look at it. The weird thing is my initials went from EAS to EAT which is pretty much the only thing we argue over (my lack of eating).

    4. Awesome. Having his name must make your connection that much stronger...
