Thursday, September 27, 2018

Lukas & The Wasp

Almost finished with chapter 14 of Lukas. I got some good writing in yesterday. If chapter 13 pushed the limit, 14 might just be too much! But I'll leave that to the readers. I'm really happy with where it's going and I hope to finish it today.  

I'm sticking to Lukas' perspective but trying to give Ari more voice and insight in this chapter while also bringing in more of Lukas' dad. There's a lot, so it'll be another long chapter. 

I woke up at 5:00. I NEVER wake up at 5:00! It's still dark outside! I had a nightmare and I woke up with a jolt that woke up A. He tried to settle me back down and hold me, but I realized I was keeping him up. I told him I wanted to get up and do some school work so he would go back to sleep. He works crazy hard so he needs all the rest he can get. I'm staying home today to work so I can go back to sleep after I get him off for the day. 

The nightmare: 

I was at this party working as a cater waiter guy. My husband was there with a lot of his business friends, but for some reason I was working. 

I was in the dining room and it was my grandmother's house where my dad used to take me when I was little. 

A bee or wasp or something got in, it was one of those angry yellow jackets and people started to flee as it buzzed around. I didn't leave. I kept telling everyone what my dad always told me. "If you don't bother it, it won't bother you."

None of them listened. They ran screaming while I tried to serve cucumbers with some white stuff on them. 

I stayed there and tried to avoid it. I thought if I left I'd lose my job. Then the bee came at me and I got under the table in the earthquake position squatting down and covering my head. It stung me on my head and I squashed it with my hand. 

A (the husband) came suddenly and helped me up and we could see the squashed yellow jacket on my hand along with a stinger stuck in my hand. He pulled it out and I woke up. 

Does that mean anything? 


  1. Lol you might need a dream book to tell you the meaning. At least you didn't go into anaphylaxis shock from the new sting. And it's sweet that A was there to take it out and help you out.
    I woke up at 4:30 this morning which is crazy early for me too. My husband isn't here to comfort me tho :(
    I started my EMT bootcamp this week so we're apart for the next 2 weeks which sucks. I've been having to memorize hella shit all morning from opening up patient airways to assessing patient vitals. It sucks not having my big spoon every night ugh... hope your classes are treating you alright man. I still gotta catch up on your last like 6 chapters haha

    1. HAY! I was wondering where you went. I hope things are going well. He took out the stinger and comforted me. It was a fat stinger and it left this circle in the center of my palm. In the dream he seemed annoyed that I didn't leave when the bee/wasp came in.
      That part was kind of strange because he normally thinks I'm too naive/dumb to save myself from common dangers. :) haha.

  2. I have no idea how to interpret that dream. Dreams are strange and they always seem to have layers of meaning. I seem to have a recurring dream that I am in a large crowd, like a conference and I can't find Sajid, then suddenly he is there and pulls me to safety. I kind of feel like it is a representation of everything I went through until he came fully into my life. I used to have a lot of nightmares (Em you know why) and this dream isn't quite that intense. I get nervous, but then he is there to wrap his big strong arms around me and everything is ok then. I don't know why this hasn't come up in our chats, but your mention of the dream triggered it for me. I guess we just need our men there to comfort and protect us...


    1. Haha! when I first got with A, even before things turned heated, I dreamed of being in impossible situations where he saved me. That was both in sleep and in day dreams. :) He consumed a lot of my mindspace. He still does. :)

  3. Here’s what I see. You’re responsible and hard working (following your Dad’s advice and continuing to work), you feel like you don’t have a voice or aren’t being heard (no one is doing what you tell them), you’re completely capable (you try to protect yourself when needed and then kill it), BUT you have someone to share your problems with and can get through anything together when needed.
    I have a ton of dreams where people aren’t listening to me. But usually I’m trying to warn them of something important and they are discounting me. It’s sooo stressful when I wake up.

    1. That makes a lot of sense. Thank you
      I guess in the dream I was giving advice but it turned out to be bad advice so maybe people were right to flee. :)

    2. That is true, none of them were stung. That’s a pretty weird dream:)

  4. Dreams are so hard to interpret. Even Freud used to say "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar". At least it made an entertaining story. Of course, that might be attributed to your good writing style.

    The odd thing is that a friend came over for tea this afternoon and said she had been stung by a wasp this morning. Two wasp stories in one day.
