Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Gross but funny... but gross

We are in Phoenix for a few days, well just outside Phoenix at a resort. The cool thing is that his company asked him to go and when they sent him the package they had already planned for me to go along with him. He didn’t even have to request or offer to pay for my ticket. They are so cool and they really love him.

They sent him here because some of their commercial real estate people aren’t doing well and he’s supposed to review their stuff and make recommendations then he’ll start to oversee them from back in LA when we go home. He loves helping other people be better and it’s nice to see him so happy with what he is doing.

Now the gross thing *stop reading if you don’t like gross stuff or semi graphic stuff*

So last night we settled into our room after dinner and I’m doing what I do between his legs like a good boy should. Anyways. I was sick last week with sinus stuff but it’s getting better.

So my head is going up and down like you’re supposed to do only he is kinda big so it stuffs me and it makes my ears stop-up for some reason. That pressure made my sinuses drain and right as I’m going forward this big wad of white stuff dislodges in my left sinus.

Before I could stop it, it came sailing out and lands on his belly button (he’s an innie. I’m an outie but it’s tiny and not like a stick out gross one. He loves to nibble there because it’s sensitive. My whole stomach is a turn-on place. He says that’s a thing of youth that everyone outgrows… but that’s beside the story).

So it was a good tablespoon or more of thick white goo.

I froze and looked up at me. He gave me this wild look with one eyebrow raised.

“Your nose came,” he said. :) Gross but funny. He got a tissue and put it to my nose then told me to blow. Then he wiped himself off, and told me to continue. He is very much the daddy and never grossed out by me.

The clean desert air is much better for me than smoggy LA. I do have to get saline stuff to shoot up my nose because it’s so dry here. Otherwise I get a nosebleed by day two. Vegas is worse.

Anyways now I can breath again. 😃Thank you, Arizona.


  1. Hahaha it's better than my ramen noodles! Arizona sounds cool, hopefully the resort's got some good local food. I heard they grow some pretty unique chiles down there. Oh and maybe those grilled cactus steaks! Maybe you managed to dislodge most of your bogies lol.

    Sidebar. You ever hear of the band Future Islands? Andrés and I are heading out to Oakland tonight to see them live. The singer is an awesomely unique dancer. Gotta take a quick nap before dancing all night. See yah!

    1. I haven't heard of them, but sounds like fun! :) We haven't tried any weird food. I'm a bland guy for the most part. The funny thing is I have to remember to tell them light on the salad dressings. They drown things here. It's not like California, but it's ok.

    2. It was a dope show! They played a ton of extra sets and put on a great performance. The food isn't that weird, it's just indigenous :) you know you can order the dressing on the side lol

    3. I love to sample local foods when I travel. In fact, I would prefer to go where the locals hang out, instead of the touristy places.

      If you come here to the Midwest, everything is smothered in gravy. Ha ha!!

  2. "Your nose came"? Ha ha ha!!! I love that! Hilarious. A few times, my guy has finished so explosively that I felt like it was going to speed out of my nose, but that's different.

    I'm sure the dry air of the desert does help your sinuses. Maybe this winter when the Midwestern weather has my sinuses all jacked up we should take a trip to the desert. Sounds like a good excuse to get away.

    Have fun at the resort. I'm jealous!


    1. Speed? That's a funny autocorrect. It was supposed to be "spew"

    2. When I Read it quickly, I read it as spew. So I autocorrected the autocorrect. The dry air is good, but I have to use the saline spray to keep things moist. It is very dry here and the sun kind of bakes you even when indoors. If we lived here we'd need a humidifier. I'm enjoying the fresh air though.

  3. A NoseGasm... An outstanding recovery on "A"s behalf. The military forces must have a course called emotional damage control 101. I have yet to meet the servicemember, regardless of the nation, who couldn't turn a disgusting personal event into something hilarious.

    Great coping mechanism. I'm really looking forward to reading chapter 12 hopefully Zahir will read it to me as a bedtime story.

    1. He is the best at making me feel ok when I do gross things. :) He is very much the daddy. I'm sure yours is too. 12 hasn't posted yet. :( Usually it's up by the next day. I guess the nifty guy is on vacation.

    2. I posted the finale of Frozen and Chosen. I decided to format it in html. Not sure how good it is. Have you ever gotten 90% finished with a story and your heart just isn't there?

      From it's inception I saw Trista getting the Disney princess ending I wanted. I started it when I had the hope of one day finding/reuniting with Mom. I hate when life gets in the way of my fantasy.
