Sunday, September 23, 2018

Princess Choice and House Hunting

Yesterday was "Princess choice day (PCD)" as A calls it. He let me make plans. But they fell apart... 

I'd wanted us to go to the Tokyo Village and then eat at this Turkish Street food chain that I saw pictures of on Yelp when researching what I wanted to do for my choice day. It is a kebab place with crazy looking food that I knew he would like. I wrote up my proposal for him and emailed it to his work email on Thursday. He sent back an approval and we were all set. 

Side note: He always jokes about having forms for me to fill out and he sends me little pdf surveys with his business letterhead. I've used the complaint form a few times. It actually does make things easier. :) 

We got in the car and he put on the traffic app and it was crazy red. 40 minutes to get downtown which is 7 miles away. It was sending him down some crazy routes and around Dodger stadium. 

"Is your day, we will go!" he said when I told him we could do something else. But then he got a phone call from one of his friends we hung out with Friday night. He's a realtor who specializes in Orange County homes and he said he had a few things for us to come look at just to get some ideas. 

A told him no. He said we had plans and it was my day, but I quickly jumped in and said no let's go do that. We headed in the other direction away from the traffic and it only took us a little over an hour to get 40 miles away down to Irvine. A promised we will do PCD another weekend. He knows he railroads me sometimes and he tries to be extra mindful of including me on decision-making. 

We had three houses to see! They were OMG beautiful. The one thing we talked about with the realtor friend is that we want there to be a kitchen and that is open to a living room and small bathroom but somewhat contained from the rest of the house. 

We plan on having lots of babies and we want an area where I can keep everything together. Some houses have a stairway that goes right into the living room and then big open area to dining and other areas. We want to have a few baby gates to keep everything contained and everyone together for the 9-12 hours a day when he is out working and won't be there with me. 

I saw it on one of those house hunting shows where the lady had her kids in the living room and the kitchen was right there and a small "powder room" but then the rest of the house was separated somewhat. 

It's important because my biggest fear is that I'll go to make a bottle or something and one of the kids will escape and something bad will happen. I don't want to think about that.

We are definitely in love with our apartment life, but we wants kids soon and A is already working out a timeline with my cousin who is going to donate eggs (She looks like me and my dad's side has very dominant genes so the babies will at least resemble me from half with his sperm making up the other half). 

We'll be here at least through the spring when he can wrap up his current projects and then start to take on more stuff from his company down closer to OC. 


  1. That's very exciting!! Is that a picture of the actual house you saw? It's beautiful.

    I love Princess Choice Day! Ha ha! We often try to decide what to do together, but usually, we end up doing what he wants or what he thinks he wants (secretly I want to do those things too). I'm getting good at accepting his direction and just want to be where he is anyway.

    My house (ours now) has an open concept on the lower level, with the bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and the laundry room upstairs. This was my grandparents house and I had never seen a laundry room on the second floor. My grandmother used to say, "Why take your clothes off upstairs, carry them downstairs to was, and then bring them back up to get dressed?)...good point. :)


    1. Wash... autocorrect got me on that one. Lol

    2. That's a different house than what we looked at, but the one house we did like looked like that one, but imagine a wall on the right side instead of windows and bedrooms behind that wall. We really want an area like that, it would be perfect but we'd want softer flooring.
      Our townhouse had washer/dryer upstairs between the bedrooms. It was so nice! Our apartment has the wash/dryer next to the guest bath (dad's bathroom).

  2. You should look in Emerald Bay. Great place to raise children. Fenced and gated community with private beach, tennis courts, parks, and swimming pools. Even has its own fire and EMS station. Great sense of community. Your children would never get away with anything! Truly a gilded cage in which to raise your chicks.

    1. I had to look that up! I'd never heard of it. That's Laguna Beach. I think that is too far south. He is looking at Irvine and some of the newer areas around the Great Park. He wants good access to the 5 and the 405 for when he has to go into LA. I can already see him kidnapping me and the babies so he can use the carpool lane. :) Getting too close to the coast would put us too far over a million. :( He makes good money but not THAT good, especially with a family of little mouths to feed coming.

  3. The pic is beautiful and you have great taste!!!

    1. Thanks! We both like a very masculine design aesthetic. Most of our stuff is warm gray, steel, and wood.... and Dodgers blue! :)
