Friday, September 21, 2018

Friday night

We are going out tonight with some of his friends. I'm ready for fun. This week was hard. Lots of schoolwork and writing. I'm waiting for him to come home and change so we can go. 

If you read Chapter 13 of Lukas, don't worry. I am going to get into his father's stuff, but it'll probably be in the form of Lukas seeing it or hearing about it in talks from his dad. I won't shift perspective and write from his dad's pov or Mr. Teza's or anyone elses. 

I may down the road do a chapter from Ari's POV. That could be interesting. But this is about Lukas and Ari. So I don't want to focus too much on the dad or Mr. T. 

Sometimes in my series the side characters become more interesting than the main ones and I've made the mistake of switching to them which is confusing for the reader and kind of odd overall. 

I want this to be Lukas' story. 

So this dude got hit by Ashton Kutcher's Tesla! HE could totally be Lukas. Or Colton for that matter. When I saw it on TMZ I was like woah! hah. Apparently he's a real douche though. His instagram is full of weird stuff. 


  1. Ooh...a night out! I hope you had fun!

    I think a chapter from Ari's viewpoint would be awesome. I agree that focusing too much on Lukas's dad would take away from him. I think that Steven's adventure needs it's own story. It would be interesting to learn how a man with a gay son suddenly finds himself in a sub roll to a Persian alpha. Hmm...


    1. Thank you! It is a LOT easier to drop an interesting side character into a story than it is to write up a whole back story and seduction with them. :) It's easy and fun. How to explain it all is the hard part. I realize it makes readers go, "Oh Wait! Back that up! OMG!" haha.
