Monday, September 3, 2018

Sick day 3 & Luuuuukas

Chapter 10 of Lukas is up. Thanks for all the kind feedback! I am already storming away at chapter 11! I decided to do the crazier story line that will be hot although maybe a little over the line... I think I found a way to do it semi tastefully! We will see how it turns out. I don't always know where stuff will lead. I just toss the ingredients together and then it takes on a shape of its own in the oven...

A (Persian Husband) texted me this pic (See Below) that he saw on instagram. It's funny because we have joked about that before. I said I would throw him and all his stuff out (he was being EXCEPTIONALLY messy that week and throwing clothes around the house wherever he decided to undress). He said I was the most important thing he owned so I'd have to come with him.

A. took me to urgent care since our Persian doctor is closed for the holiday. My sinus stuff added a cough and throat junk with it. This doctor was Armenian so A. wasn't totally unhappy since that's at least a neighbor of Iran. He said I have sinus stuff, possibly an infection. He talked to A. instead of me. Everyone tends to do that after spending more than two minutes with us. They know which of us is the daddy.

He gave me a pack of antibiotics to take and told us to get stuff from the pharmacy that will help my sinuses clear out.

SO we rested and I'm working on Lukas ch. 11. He worked on business for the week and then played video games. I did do some school work too!

We got delivery from a BBQ place since we weren't able to attend a BBQ with his friends today like we'd planned. They have those good pickles, the thick sliced homemade ones. I get smoked turkey thin sliced, wrap it around a pickle slice and dip it in the BBQ sauce. That's all I need… maybe a tortilla too. A got meats and sides that I never make for him like macaroni drowning in cheese.

When he was about to order the food, I told him, “Go on to your BBQ with your friends. I’ll just make a sandwich and go to bed.”

Him: Only a loser would leave his sick baby wife to go party.

Me: I’m your husband, not your wife! (He only calls me wife jokingly because he knows it bugs me).

Him: Only a GAY loser would leave his sick baby husband to go party.

Me: No one says loser anymore... you dork.

Him: [Attacks me with tickles]

He’s pretty good with jokes in English.


  1. Emri, I hope you recover quickly. I know being sick sucks.

    Culture question, are Persians as crazy about bread and starch as Bedouins? Just about every meal has rice, or some form of bread here.

    1. He is when his mom is here! There is always flat bread and ALWAYS rice with things or potatoes. I do the cooking here though so it's mostly protein and vegetables. I'm not even good at making rice. I will buy low-carb tortillas for him. When we go to a restaurant, he will always get rice, potatoes, bread, whatever he can. :)

  2. That's awesome! I love the joking. So, he identifies himself as gay? That's interesting. I'm not sure my guy does, but being Saudi, it's understandable. I brought it up once, and he kind of sidestepped the conversation. It doesn't matter to me though. He is mine no matter how he identifies. :)

    I hope you are feeling better today. I finally got everything put away from our barbeque yesterday and worked on my class assignment for a while. Back to normal life after a long holiday weekend for us.


    1. He only recently started to warm up to the idea of being gay (after our marriage). He still won't call himself that and doesn't try to do much with the community, but yeah we don't speak of it much.

      I'm starting to feel better, but my sinuses are draining so that's ick. Thank you! Im glad your BBQ worked out ok! Our bbq place does a really good Santa Maria-style tri tip. It's beef so it's acceptable and it is yum!

    2. Em, I don't know how often you come back and check blogs after you post, but something happened this afternoon that I have to tell you about


  3. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Hopefully it is just a summer cold and not a flu virus. If you are hopped-up on pseudoephedrine, the next chapter promises to be a "through the looking glass" experience.

    I am behind on my reading. Had friends in town for the holiday weekend. I was going to make the Tah-dig, but everyone wanted to go out to eat for every meal. I suppose I could have forced it, but I was in a "go with the flow" mood. I should have time tonight to catch up on Lukas, or maybe I will wait until you drop the next chapter. That way I will have three to read.

    I appreciate you!

    1. You have to keep up with the reading so you can join a book club to discuss it. :) heh kidding! That would be funny though to know there is a book club out there discussing my story! How cool would that be??

      I don't feel too loopy from the stuff I got. He doesn't like me being on things that change my personality. I would like to try some kind of chill out pill. :)

    2. A book club would be cool, but I worry about a group of gay guys getting overheated. I'd go to the kitchen to refill the coffee and come back to find an orgy in my living room. "We said no visual aids! Dude, not on the upholstery!"

      Some guys pants come off way too easily. Haha!

      Changing the subject, I tried to convince my hubby and friends to go see Crazy Rich Asians over the weekend. No luck. We saw Mama Mia 2. It was ok. I guess I'm going to have to sneak and see it by myself. Maybe when I'm in Houston in a couple of weeks I can find a friend to join me.

  4. I hope you decided to explore the possibility of a sexual relationship with Mr. Khorasani...such a hot concept. :-)
