Sunday, March 31, 2019

Housing and Votabulous Ahmedery

We had a great weekend! This morning we went down to OC for brunch with gay dads at their house and then looked at some houses with them. They REALLY want us to buy in their neighborhood but we weren't really interested until today. 

We saw this house. Ok so it is older, built in the 80's. It is huge though! Plus it is at the back of a cul-de-sac back in the end of their neighborhood and it is two miles in from the beach. They know a lot of families in the neighborhood and introduced us. It has a lot of families with young kids. Most are straight couples, of course, but they were super friendly. Husband likes the thought of a community where everyone knows each other. I don't like how white the area is. It's kind of creepy when you're used to LA, but there are Persian areas nearby. 

The house we saw is below our budget so we could redo it before we moved in. We have no urgency to get out of this apartment since his company pays for it. The downstairs has the kind of area we want. The one big thing we want is an area with the kitchen and a small den attached and little bathroom but sectioned off from the rest of the house. I can cook and keep the baby(s) together all in one small contained place during the day. My biggest fear is that I will need to leave the room for something and the baby will suddenly get into something. I want to be able to be in a little confined area with him/her while the husband is out all day. We don't want that big open concept where the baby could wander off and find poison or a loose wire or a gun (we don't have a gun but you never know!). 

Ahmed Thoughts... 

So Dylan needs a stalker. Which of these would you choose for a crazy psycho guy who cannot resist Dylan? 

A. Seems like the logical badboy. 

B. Looks like he is used to getting what he wants. Not used to being told No. 

C. Love that nose. Just like my husband's. Feels good rubbing against the back of my neck. 

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Stream of Emrisness....

Thank you guys/ladies for all the suggestions! I will definitely read over them more when I get to that part of the chapter. School work has been rough this week so I am slow in writing. I do have an idea of where I want to go though so that makes it easier. 

I wrote a long blog post yesterday but didn't publish it. I had a bad experience trying to get things from my old university to my new one and I ended up getting super angry about it with the department on the phone and we went in circles until my husband came back to his office from his meeting, took the phone from me, and solved it in about two minutes. 

That is one of the downsides to being the boy of a very competent grown-up daddy. I have moments like that when I realize I have lost the ability to solve my own problems. Then even worse is him saying I should have let him handle it for me and I do not need to argue or get upset with people. 

He is very good at talking to people and fixing things. I am not at all good with confrontation. Maybe that's just who I am or maybe it's because I haven't had to be good at confrontation. I haven't had to solve a problem on my own since a week after I met him. I can't complain. He does what he does because he deeply loves me and wants to be the guy who keeps me happy and innocent. 

He is the man and thinks it is his duty to be the protection over us just as soon enough it will be my duty to care and feed and love for our child. That's the deal. He handles the world, I handle the home. He told me, "I don't feel bad that I have lost ability to make my meals and work the clothes cleaner (he means the washer/dryer)." 

Oh well. So next Ahmed is in the works. I really want more diversity but of course any ethnicity I put in will bring in emails that I am sexualizing/objectifying Asian/African/Austral/etc... people. 

Monday, March 25, 2019

Vote Please!

The new chapter of Ahmed's Cub posted. Click here to read it! How exciting. There is crazy stuff planned for the next chapter (Ch. 5). 

I want to add some diversity in this story. So which nationalities/ethnicities/cultures would you like to see? Also which combos would you like to see? Asian Daddy with North African boy? African daddy with Russian boy? Malaysian (Malaysia/Singapore have some BEAUTIFUL men) daddy with Latino boy? Younger Daddy with an older boy? What kinds of power dynamic combos would you like to see? 

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Today is Sunday.

We were up at 7 am on a Sunday! Why? Travel. I made pancakes. He is eating them and looking at house listings. He always wants me to get excited about the pictures, but we have looked at so many places that I am over it. I will like whatever he chooses. He's a real estate guy so this is like his big moment. It usually goes like this: 

Him: Umm-ree [No one else can ever say my name like he does] Come! You will like this. It has new kitchen.
Me: Oh I like that fruit bowl [or some other decoration in the picture]. Does it come with the house? 
Him: We buy our own! Why we will want their bowl? 
Me: Fruit bowl or no deal!
Him: You are ridiculous! [laughing]

I got some writing done yesterday on the next Ahmed. It is close to finishing soon. I promise! I am working with someone on it and he is giving good notes and direction. I like these stories I get to write with other people. I get good ideas and my weird tangents get reined in. 

I am halfway through my spring classes! These are so much easier than the stuff I did in the fall. It's a ton of writing but that's ok. I can do that. I can write and write and write. 

I have tried this before! I can't pick him up and he gets weirded out whenever I try it... but I still try it. 

Thursday, March 21, 2019

home tomorrow...

We are going home tomorrow. Apparently the air here in Houston is toxic! There are crazy chemicals in the air about 20 miles east of here. We went out of town a little to a nice mall called "Sugar Land" with his mom. There is no Salt Land... ๐Ÿ˜That was our joke for the day. It was cool. They have this little fake city that is supposed to look old but isn't. They had some cool stores and we are trying to eat at restaurants they don't have in California. 

We really like it here except for the toxic fire clouds. At least when there is fire in LA it's just brush and trees. But there is a lot of space here. Things aren't all jammed together. It's like where we are looking in Orange County, but much much cheaper. 

But I am ready to go home! We need a few quiet nights together to get things back to normal. I need to bounce without having to be super quiet. 

Ahmed 4 is coming along, but it'll still be a few more days. It is hard to write here unless he is working on his computer, but even then sometimes his mom wants me to help her in the kitchen or practice her English. Plus his brother is always around. 

It's so cool to see him with his brother. They rough around together and play video games and it brings out the playful side of my husband. He never gets rough with me like that. He thinks I am too fragile and breakable. Plus the sight of two strong boys trying to pin each other is just plain hot. 

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Smoky Town

So we went out for dinner with his parents tonight and as we are driving I'm like "Woah! Those black clouds are like a straight line!"

My husband goes, "Yes, is smoke from refinery fire. We have discuss this the last two days! This is why we have been in the house so much. I do not want you out in this! Is danger."

I said, "No! I haven't heard a thing about it. Maybe every time you discuss it you are talking in Farsi! I thought you just didn't want to take me out."

Then his father who was driving said, "You need to translate for him! I translate for your mother all the time! It is rude to not include him! He doesn't even get safety information!"

So through dinner he was translating for me and explaining what was going on. I had no idea the city was on fire! It has been gray and cloudy but that's just kind of Houston.

He was funny translating their conversations during dinner. His brother was talking about a new expensive protein powder and his mom was saying, "You do not need drugs! I make delicious food and you say 'no mommy. I don't need food, I already eat my drugs!.' Why do you want drugs? My food is to make you stronger than a drug can do!" Then the brother was trying to explain to her what protein shakes do and how he wants to be built like his brother (my husband). 

It was funny. I didn't grow up with a family. It was just me and my dad. I can't imagine all of them together (with his siblings in Iran) and arguing like that. My husband said it gets unbearably loud very quickly and I would probably try to burrow into his jacket. 

I know he wants us to have a big family with at least three kids, maybe more. I want that too 

We are going home in a few days. I am getting a little writing and editing done. When we get back home, husband wants us to really hit the home search and get going with starting our family house. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜™

Monday, March 18, 2019


We are in Texas. Fun! I am kinda bored because the husband was working today and no one else was around to take me anywhere or entertain me. :) I did work on Ahmed some. I am about halfway through the next chapter. It is turning out nice. 

I made the husband take a relationship quiz and made a google sheet out of it. He did pretty well! He was getting into it once he saw I was keeping points. I gave him two guesses to get it right. Sometimes he just needed one. 

Friday, March 15, 2019

Cuz boys like you...

It is 5:05. I'm waiting for my husband to get home in LA traffic so we can uber to a place nearby for a happy hour. Just the two of us. I am rarely a drinker, but he says I can try out a lemon drop or something fun.  He likes old man drinks. He knows how to make almost anything. 

I haven't started on Ahmed's Cub 4. I am getting some strong reactions to it. Some people really love it and some people are not into it. I have learned to stop reading emails when they use the word "but" or "however" in all caps. :) That is a good life rule. They start out with something positive to say and then BUT or HOWEVER and then it goes off a cliff. I got one that literally said, "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!... EXACTLY WHAT I WAS HOPING WAS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!!" There was no but... ๐Ÿ˜

I think sometimes people forget that I write for me and post for fun. I make no money from this and I can kill off anyone I choose. But I am super super grateful for all the love my stories get. I truly am. I was such a weird silent kid when I started writing. 

I remember the summer I met my husband and I started writing as a fantasy about him not even knowing he was into me like that. I thought he was just being nice and adopting a weird quiet white kid. Nope. He was hunting and said he knew the first day that I would be his mate. We're still pretty good at mating. 

We both had a long week and he said "Let's go drink!" He NEVER says that so I was like "UM YES PLEASE!!" So I got all pretty and now he is stuck in traffic trying to get home to me. We always uber/lyft when he is going to drink. Even if it's just a few blocks. He doesn't drive like that. 

He can drink like four or five before he starts getting silly. Me with three sips and I am leaning on his shoulder and telling him how pretty he is. 

Next week we will be in Houston to see his parents. I can't wait!! The weather looks nice there and it won't be so cold. It also isn't dry there. It is like wet all the time so my lips don't get all dry and my nose doesn't bleed. I like the climate better there, but Los Angeles is home. 

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Prowlers after my meat.

I know my husband gets hit on a lot. He is a decent looking and super outgoing guy who dresses in nice suits and winks a lot. Plus he drives a flashy car and will talk to anyone as if he deeply cares about them. 

He does a good job at keeping that in check and keeping me away from it so I don't usually worry too much or get jealous. If I do see it then he says "They just flirt. I defend myself and preserve myself for my partner. Is not to worry for. When they see I have you, they know they cannot compete with this." He tells me I'm crazy then blushes and kisses me. Who doesn't like a little protective jealousy from their mate? 

He gets looked at a lot! Especially when we are out in West Hollywood or another gay area. They love him. He looks like that guy who is going to break you in half. If they only knew how goofy he is and how much I do to make him look that good. I pull the weird hairs, apply the moisturizer, gel the spikes, and pair his suits. You're welcome! 

He does a lot to protect me from that kind of stuff. But this morning I saw an email on his computer that he had left open when he went to brush his teeth after breakfast (He does not care if I look through his phone or laptop. He finds it amusing when I snoop like it's me showing I care.). It was an invite to San Francisco this weekend. It looked simple and I got excited. I love San Francisco and hotel fun with him is always the best. 

When he came back I asked him about it and he shook his head and said "No, this is not for us. I decline it." 

"Why? We have fun there and I like walking the park!" Golden Gate Park is a freaking magical wonderland if you ever get to go. It's like Central Park in NY and it has great views of the Golden Gate bridge and the city. It is a big green slash through the city. 

"No. They wish for me to go alone and I will not travel without you. If they wish for me alone then they have plans for things I would not want to do. Is not worth it." He looked at me with that look like to say do not push this. 

I said, "Oh... OHHHH... Eww... Are they cute?" 

He just shook his head and laughed then rolled his eyes at me. "No and does not matter!" 

"Right... right..." 

So he got an extra special dinner tonight and fun time. He says we can plan our own SF trip soon if I want. I told him "Lets just focus on getting to Orange County so we can start our next chapter together." He liked that response. 

Monday, March 11, 2019

Ahmed3 and the week begins...

I finished the third chapter of Ahmed! It’s already up too. So quick! By now you should know what other series of mine this is linked to. If you haven’t read that series, check it out! This series is different because it shows it from the perspective of the alpha where the first one was from the boy.

I haven’t decided yet whether Ahmed will be good or bad. I think he will be a mix of both. Most people are a mix. My husband has times where I can see he is bad, but it’s never towards me, or so I know. In his work he is supposed to make the most money he can for his company and that is why we have this nice place to live and lots of other good things.

I think Ahmed will be like that. Even though it might be selfish what he did to Dylan (he could have helped him without making the boy love him), but in the end he will do what is best for his boy. I think he truly believes this was the best thing for him. If he had allowed Dylan to go through this procedure and then go on about his life, he wouldn’t be able to monitor him and make sure he is ok… right? Did I rationalize that enough?

This weekend my husband went to play soccer with his friends. It's so rare he gets to do that. Then Sunday we went down to Little Arabia in Anaheim. It is a district with a lot of Arab food and businesses. It was pretty cool. We took one of the gay couples from the parent group we are hanging out with. It was cool but my stomach is not built for heavy food.

They liked seeing his culture (He is not Arab, but there was lots of Persian stuff). There is a large Persian community down in Orange County, but it is kind of hard to find ones who will be open to a family like ours. He is beginning to make more connections. He says not to worry about it. I want to make sure our someday kids have a network to connect with his culture.

I can NOT see my husband wearing this! He gets stuff like this for me, but he prefers more standard stuff for himself. He is not very adventurous with his under-gear. :)

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Chapter 2 is up.

The next chapter posted of Ahmed's Cub. I really like where it is going. I have some crazy ideas for it! Part of his recovery needs to be getting Dylan back in shape to the healthy jock boy from the skinny depressed kid he became when his parents died. Ahmed will be on a mission to train his boy. 


We are going to Texas soon. His parents have the house now and they are decorating and settling in. It looks like a HUGE house. Especially compared to California houses. There is a lot more space there and people can spread out. My husband says we could afford a crazy mansion there but then we would have to live there. 

My classes are going well! I think it is an easy semester. I am doing a lot of writing courses so there is a lot of writing which is good. Writing I can do. It's the math and science and blah that I can't do and whine to my husband about. He has worked so hard to get me to understand those things and it just never works out. It is not how my brain works. Formulas are bad, creativity is good.

I've been getting him to drink more water. I put a bottle in his work bag every morning and write on it in gold sharpie something like "I am so thirsty!" or "Emi will be so proud of me!" Some days it works. He loves coffee but then he gets stomach issues at night. I have to take care of him.  

Monday, March 4, 2019

Ahmed and Aladdin

I finished chapter 2 of Ahmed today. I am going to listen to it one more time before I submit it so it doesn't have any weird stuff lurking. [EDIT: I submitted it! It should post in a day or two]

There are so many ideas I have for this series! I want to give a warning to read a previous story, but it would be a spoiler and I don't want to do that. So just go back and read every story I have ever posted

It'll be helpful! I really hope that it doesn't get too weird for the readers. Sometimes I worry a ton and then people are into it. Hopefully that's what we have here. I never know. 

I made a super yum dinner for the husband. He likes my attempts at Mexican food. 

I am obsessed with the new Aladdin movie coming out in May! 

Mena Massoud is beautiful. He is a daddy in training. :) My husband is not interested in seeing it. But I will drag him to it. After a little whining, he usually gives in to me. 

The guy playing Jafar is hot too! Hopefully this will increase the popularity of my dominant Arab stories. Maybe I was ahead of my time! ๐Ÿ˜„

Friday, March 1, 2019

Coming Soon

I wrote the first chapter of a new series and sent it in tonight. I am trying to limit myself to doing shorter chapters with this one. normally I do over 10,000 words which is 21-23 pages per chapter. This time I am going to cut them off at 15 pages or around 6,000 words. It will be easier to keep up with and post. 

If you see "Ahmed's Cub" pop up, that one is mine. I'll link to it when it posts. I don't know what category it will end up in. Definitely interracial. 

I really liked writing from the alpha's perspective when I did it a few times in stories so I decided to do a whole series like that. I am toying with an idea on where to take it. 

He's an Egyptian, muscled college boy who makes his money humbling older, money men while working on a super nerdy science degree. Of course he will meet the boy who finally captures his heart, but he'll have a lot of fun along the way.