Friday, March 15, 2019

Cuz boys like you...

It is 5:05. I'm waiting for my husband to get home in LA traffic so we can uber to a place nearby for a happy hour. Just the two of us. I am rarely a drinker, but he says I can try out a lemon drop or something fun.  He likes old man drinks. He knows how to make almost anything. 

I haven't started on Ahmed's Cub 4. I am getting some strong reactions to it. Some people really love it and some people are not into it. I have learned to stop reading emails when they use the word "but" or "however" in all caps. :) That is a good life rule. They start out with something positive to say and then BUT or HOWEVER and then it goes off a cliff. I got one that literally said, "FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!... EXACTLY WHAT I WAS HOPING WAS NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!!" There was no but... 😏

I think sometimes people forget that I write for me and post for fun. I make no money from this and I can kill off anyone I choose. But I am super super grateful for all the love my stories get. I truly am. I was such a weird silent kid when I started writing. 

I remember the summer I met my husband and I started writing as a fantasy about him not even knowing he was into me like that. I thought he was just being nice and adopting a weird quiet white kid. Nope. He was hunting and said he knew the first day that I would be his mate. We're still pretty good at mating. 

We both had a long week and he said "Let's go drink!" He NEVER says that so I was like "UM YES PLEASE!!" So I got all pretty and now he is stuck in traffic trying to get home to me. We always uber/lyft when he is going to drink. Even if it's just a few blocks. He doesn't drive like that. 

He can drink like four or five before he starts getting silly. Me with three sips and I am leaning on his shoulder and telling him how pretty he is. 

Next week we will be in Houston to see his parents. I can't wait!! The weather looks nice there and it won't be so cold. It also isn't dry there. It is like wet all the time so my lips don't get all dry and my nose doesn't bleed. I like the climate better there, but Los Angeles is home. 


  1. Dude, don’t kill of your readers though! That sounded sinister:)
    Maybe if you’re extra slutty he’ll want to take you drinking more, sorry if that sounds crude, my guys like that though, lol

  2. I'm getting some strong reaction to my last post to. Other folks are saying don't let the bastards grind you down. That's the same advice I'm going to give you EM...

    Remember, it's your world of fantasy. You can "paint" it whatever color you want!

    1. Just a note before bed.

      PLEASE! Keep writing. Right now it is the sunshine in my day. I know that is a selfish reason "BUT" I want you to know you are loved and your work makes a difference.

      See not all big buts (or butts) are bad.

    2. Thank you! I hope yours keeps going too :) I'll always read past your but!

  3. Don't change how you write. Remember I told you that for every one person who complains, there are at least 10 who love it and won't tell you. You have an amazing gift and I love everything you write.

    I wish I could go out, but I've been sick and he won't let me go anywhere. So, this is a stay at home weekend with him treating me like a princess. His mother has even jumped on the band wagon and has shown up here every day with some new Saudi herbal concoction that is supposed to make me better. I hope you guys had a blast last night! Tell us all about it

    1. That is true and I do get lots of positive msgs, but some of my stories bring more negative readers than others which is weird because I see all my series as more or less the same story with slightly different characters and settings. I hope you are feeling better soon. You have had a lot going on!

    2. I haven't heard from you. :(

  4. Emri,
    Coming from a females perspective, I think you need to write the way you want to. That is your story and it may come from your mind. Anyone who doesn't read that needs to understand that they are not you. Please keep writing the way you have been PLEASE. I enjoy the way you write and it keeps me excited to see a new chapter come out. So just enjoy the drama people tell you, but do what you want with your stories. =) =)


    1. Thank you! I am always happy when I hear from female readers. I am surprised they are into it, but that's awesome :)

  5. So I’m newer to your writing, but (no caps), I really like it. I think you should keep writing what you enjoy.

  6. Me too, I love your writing! "So just enjoy the drama people tell you." sounds like good advise to me. Daniel

  7. I had my rant about the assholes who write us, Now I add enjoy your visit to Houston.

    This swamp raised boy never thought of living in a desert nation. I am a veteran of Miami PRIDE events, bubba food and water lots of water. There are days I miss home. I know now that my heart's only borders are mapped by the circumference of Zahir's arms. I know I am a lot younger so feel free to disregard this, be open to change if it comes. If Persians are like Bedouins the draw of family is black-hole strong.

    1. Yeah we are going to be in Houston most of this week. He is trying to work remotely and still enjoy his family. Their new house is cool. We have a bedroom that is just for us... for now unless his other brothers' families come visit from Iran. :)

  8. Thank you. :) Lemon drop is like a lemonade with vodka and stuff. It was pretty good. He let me have one before dinner and one after to ensure I ate enough. He Bribed me.

  9. Awesome adult beverage. I like it when I get treated like an adult. I feel like I'm not always taken seriously because I look young & I'm not the biggest guy around. Daniel
