Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Prowlers after my meat.

I know my husband gets hit on a lot. He is a decent looking and super outgoing guy who dresses in nice suits and winks a lot. Plus he drives a flashy car and will talk to anyone as if he deeply cares about them. 

He does a good job at keeping that in check and keeping me away from it so I don't usually worry too much or get jealous. If I do see it then he says "They just flirt. I defend myself and preserve myself for my partner. Is not to worry for. When they see I have you, they know they cannot compete with this." He tells me I'm crazy then blushes and kisses me. Who doesn't like a little protective jealousy from their mate? 

He gets looked at a lot! Especially when we are out in West Hollywood or another gay area. They love him. He looks like that guy who is going to break you in half. If they only knew how goofy he is and how much I do to make him look that good. I pull the weird hairs, apply the moisturizer, gel the spikes, and pair his suits. You're welcome! 

He does a lot to protect me from that kind of stuff. But this morning I saw an email on his computer that he had left open when he went to brush his teeth after breakfast (He does not care if I look through his phone or laptop. He finds it amusing when I snoop like it's me showing I care.). It was an invite to San Francisco this weekend. It looked simple and I got excited. I love San Francisco and hotel fun with him is always the best. 

When he came back I asked him about it and he shook his head and said "No, this is not for us. I decline it." 

"Why? We have fun there and I like walking the park!" Golden Gate Park is a freaking magical wonderland if you ever get to go. It's like Central Park in NY and it has great views of the Golden Gate bridge and the city. It is a big green slash through the city. 

"No. They wish for me to go alone and I will not travel without you. If they wish for me alone then they have plans for things I would not want to do. Is not worth it." He looked at me with that look like to say do not push this. 

I said, "Oh... OHHHH... Eww... Are they cute?" 

He just shook his head and laughed then rolled his eyes at me. "No and does not matter!" 

"Right... right..." 

So he got an extra special dinner tonight and fun time. He says we can plan our own SF trip soon if I want. I told him "Lets just focus on getting to Orange County so we can start our next chapter together." He liked that response. 


  1. I am soooo glad I don't have that issue here. I know if we were in Miami I'd be in the same boat. Zahir on the other hand is worried of others trying to steal "his emeralds" (my eyes).

    He thought my day nurse was after me. When I told him that the nurse has been pumping my for info on Z's sister Besan I thought he was breaking into a happy dance. I saw Zahir telling the nurse all about his sister this morning.

    1. That is funny! On the rare occasion a girl flirts with me he gets this giddy smile on his face and thinks it is cute. "My boy has a crushy girl!" I'm like "Shut up, stop it!" He will tease me forever about it. He thinks it is cute.

  2. How bold to tell a married man to come alone. People are so forward. I play some of those buddy games online, and people try to hook up on there! Like really, propositioning people on Yahtzee works for you?!?
    But that’s cute that he winks a lot. I think you always feel special when someone winks, even if it’s a situation that’s plutonic:). I’m sure it helps with his work! I admire people who are outgoing like that. I’m not shy really, just kinda lazy, haha.

    1. OMG these are clients too! People with lots and lots of money don't always have class. Husband is a super outgoing guy and has this way of looking at you like you're the most interesting person in the world. He had me hooked from moment 1. :)

    2. OMG these are clients too! People with lots and lots of money don't always have class. Husband is a super outgoing guy and has this way of looking at you like you're the most interesting person in the world. He had me hooked from moment 1. :)
