Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Smoky Town

So we went out for dinner with his parents tonight and as we are driving I'm like "Woah! Those black clouds are like a straight line!"

My husband goes, "Yes, is smoke from refinery fire. We have discuss this the last two days! This is why we have been in the house so much. I do not want you out in this! Is danger."

I said, "No! I haven't heard a thing about it. Maybe every time you discuss it you are talking in Farsi! I thought you just didn't want to take me out."

Then his father who was driving said, "You need to translate for him! I translate for your mother all the time! It is rude to not include him! He doesn't even get safety information!"

So through dinner he was translating for me and explaining what was going on. I had no idea the city was on fire! It has been gray and cloudy but that's just kind of Houston.

He was funny translating their conversations during dinner. His brother was talking about a new expensive protein powder and his mom was saying, "You do not need drugs! I make delicious food and you say 'no mommy. I don't need food, I already eat my drugs!.' Why do you want drugs? My food is to make you stronger than a drug can do!" Then the brother was trying to explain to her what protein shakes do and how he wants to be built like his brother (my husband). 

It was funny. I didn't grow up with a family. It was just me and my dad. I can't imagine all of them together (with his siblings in Iran) and arguing like that. My husband said it gets unbearably loud very quickly and I would probably try to burrow into his jacket. 

I know he wants us to have a big family with at least three kids, maybe more. I want that too 

We are going home in a few days. I am getting a little writing and editing done. When we get back home, husband wants us to really hit the home search and get going with starting our family house. 😍😙


  1. Your fire made the news here. I am glad A and his family are keeping you safe.

    I can't speak for all families in this part of the world but THIS family is loud... I am not looking forward to THAT part of tomorrow's celebration.

    1. It's crazy. The fire is finally out. We are going to drive to a beach today out of the area. The air is still bad here.
      Hopefully your party isn't too loud! If so then find a closet and put a blanket and tablet there so you can escape for short periods. I have a nap corner in our closet at home with a mat, blanket, and pillow. A dark, quiet place. :)

    2. Escape is not really an option when you're the guest of honor. The family thought they lost me, they are happy so we celebrate. I have no doubt that Baba or Zahir will be taking me out into the Garden on several occasions for rest.

      The night nurse just took my last vitals and has released me from home isolation. I fed the dogs for the first time in three weeks. Kaeleb (the psycho puppy who has been camping out on my window ledge) lost his mind and was snuggling me hard instead of eating.

      I just woke Zahir "up." He was singing to me in the shower. Mind you he is singing badly but he was singing.

      Baba is taking me into town today. The Vancomycin did a number on me, I'm still bright red and ichy. I have no doubt every inch of me is going to be covered either with fabric or with sunscreen.

    3. Oh! yeah I guess that makes sense you can't disappear at your own party. My guy knows I don't like being the center of attention. For me, a big party about me would be terror! He is a big spotlight person so he takes the shine for us when we are out socializing. Luckily our birthdays are just a month a part so he does something small for me then something big for "us" when it is closer to his birthday. :) I think he realized that when we were planning the wedding. I am not a center of attention person at all.

      I'm glad you are back with the dogs and doing better.

  2. I had not heard about the fire, but I’m on the East Coast and also follow fewer news sites than most people. It’s all New Zealand and operation Varsity Blues out here.
    Sorry to hear that. You guys can’t escape the fires and smoke. Hope the family isn’t too close. Although I guess the whole city is close when it comes to that type of fire...

    1. Yeah it was crazy. I am not a news person so I didnt really know until he told me. It smells weird out there.

  3. When we go to my guy's parent's home on Sunday evening for the weekly family dinner, it is so impossibly loud. They are all talking and arguing in Arabic at the same time and even though I am beginning to learn the language, it gets very confusing. Since we go every week, well almost every week, I have gotten used to it, but wow! It is so very different from the quiet reserved gatherings for my family. Lol

    1. Isn't it crazy? It is magic to watch. They all compete for attention and talking time. My dad and I are so opposite. I like it though. I like how extra touchy feely he is with me when we are with his family (not right in front of them obviously but once he gets me alone). He gets extra protective and sweet, like I am his only responsibility in the world.
