Thursday, March 28, 2019

Stream of Emrisness....

Thank you guys/ladies for all the suggestions! I will definitely read over them more when I get to that part of the chapter. School work has been rough this week so I am slow in writing. I do have an idea of where I want to go though so that makes it easier. 

I wrote a long blog post yesterday but didn't publish it. I had a bad experience trying to get things from my old university to my new one and I ended up getting super angry about it with the department on the phone and we went in circles until my husband came back to his office from his meeting, took the phone from me, and solved it in about two minutes. 

That is one of the downsides to being the boy of a very competent grown-up daddy. I have moments like that when I realize I have lost the ability to solve my own problems. Then even worse is him saying I should have let him handle it for me and I do not need to argue or get upset with people. 

He is very good at talking to people and fixing things. I am not at all good with confrontation. Maybe that's just who I am or maybe it's because I haven't had to be good at confrontation. I haven't had to solve a problem on my own since a week after I met him. I can't complain. He does what he does because he deeply loves me and wants to be the guy who keeps me happy and innocent. 

He is the man and thinks it is his duty to be the protection over us just as soon enough it will be my duty to care and feed and love for our child. That's the deal. He handles the world, I handle the home. He told me, "I don't feel bad that I have lost ability to make my meals and work the clothes cleaner (he means the washer/dryer)." 

Oh well. So next Ahmed is in the works. I really want more diversity but of course any ethnicity I put in will bring in emails that I am sexualizing/objectifying Asian/African/Austral/etc... people. 


  1. Writing is your world, and your trip. I am just thankful for the privileged for you opening the door to the journey, then asking us to tag along.

    Luv ya EM!

    1. Thank you that is so sweet. I hope you had an awesome week! :)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree, your husband taking care of all that stuff you are not good at gives you the freedom to do what you are good at, writing. Giving us the gift of your art. In my case, guys will ask why I always obey my husband. I say because I know he has my back, and I trust him. These guys are all about their independence. Yet I act more independent because I know I have support, and they act more like they have a stick up their career, my grades, my reputation. "I can't do that!"

    Just finished your latest chapter. Interesting Ahmed feels guilty about taking away a piece of his cub's freedom. Yet he also realizes that it is extremely likely his cub was not going to heal from his trauma and was most likely going to have a miserable life without a major intervention. It's all a bit slippery, good stuff comes from bad. When the good stuff comes, just enjoy it. Daniel

    1. He is a conflicted character trying to rationalize why it was ok for him to change his cub's sexuality. He did this super great thing for him but then he also took away his freedom and made his cub addicted to him. Like any other drug the boy has lost his free will but gained happiness and freedom from what he was dealing with. It's a complex case. :)

    2. I'm told you need conflict for a good story. Often the choice is not between good and bad, rather between two goods or the lessor of two evils. I'd take the deal. terrible life or addicted to a hot, brave, heroic leader, I'd take hot daddy. What makes my decision so easy is that, I know the hero loves me, and that makes all the difference. Maybe the cub doesn't know it, but as a reader, I know it. I really like the story. Daniel

  3. You could totally do it if you had to do so. It’s easier to let the other person in the relationship take care of things when it comes natural to them.

    1. That's true. I could have gone off on the guy and eventually gotten some kind of resolution and maybe learned how to deal with that situation. It wasn't a good day for me.
