Monday, March 25, 2019

Vote Please!

The new chapter of Ahmed's Cub posted. Click here to read it! How exciting. There is crazy stuff planned for the next chapter (Ch. 5). 

I want to add some diversity in this story. So which nationalities/ethnicities/cultures would you like to see? Also which combos would you like to see? Asian Daddy with North African boy? African daddy with Russian boy? Malaysian (Malaysia/Singapore have some BEAUTIFUL men) daddy with Latino boy? Younger Daddy with an older boy? What kinds of power dynamic combos would you like to see? 


  1. The most unusual pairing I have seen was a Circassian (light skinned Muslim from the Caucasus originally) he has a Jewish guy (He was Israeli Mossad). My friend David was NOTHING like this man.

    1. Both men work for Zahir's brothers security firm. Both men are strong ripped and perfect Chase eye candy. Baba hired them to teach me escape training.

      Hiram (Israeli) taught me how to use my small size to shoulder roll a larger predator. He laughed when I tried to reengaged. Then got pissed when I wouldn't let it go.

      He told me I was too small and frail. (Cub's don't protect the pride) Hiram told my whole job was to break the contact then run and hide long enough for security to find me and if needed rescue me.

      I have thought about adding "the kitten's teeth/roar" into a story. No one would believe it.

    2. I like that. :) My husband made our closet a safe space. If anyone comes in, there are these two big square plastic tubs where he keeps old books and files and things. They are stacked on top of each other and on top of this flat dolly that has wheels under it so I can slide it over and then off the dolly to block the door. Sounds kinda weird, but we tried it a few times. It is a pain to move them afterwards, but I can do it. He plans a lot for security even though we live in a guarded building.

    3. Our Daddy's will go to "crazy" levels to protect us. Of course that would be crazy to the outside world.

      Mohsen had two safe rooms on the ranch. (Pre Zahir) Stacy's job in a crisis was to gather "the chicks" (their foster babies). We actually did have a family member attempt to grab their child who was in protective custody. He met a wall of security.

    4. Has emri tried learning farsi? How did emri meet his husband?

    5. Wow I guess on a ranch like that with foster youth you have to have security drills and things.
      -Umair: Look for the story "Noah's Starship" on nifty. It will answer your questions. :)

    6. For the most part if we were inside the inner fence line we got to be normal kids.

      If one of us was going to court there would be a lot of drills. Lots of stranger danger exercises.

    7. Jordan's royal guard. This is what Circassian warriors look like. I saw them perform a sword demonstration once. OMG HOTNESS!!! They carry honey on one of the rifle cartridges to sustain them in trial, and poison in another to prevent capture.

    8. That should have read... carry honey "IN"

  2. Being Dutch myself I'd like to see a North-African (Moroccan?) daddy with a light, Dutch boy. Not sure why they would be in America - and your story - though... :-)

    1. I hadn't thought of Dutch boys. I will research that. The dutch people I have known here in LA all speak English perfectly. I guess because it is right next to them. :)

  3. I would love to see large hunky arab with a filipino or pakistani with a spanish or a mix of both!����

  4. This as a unrelated question being a young gay but how do a gay couple have babies other than adopting coz emri mentioned something about fertilization or something? ?

    1. Donated egg from a family member of Em's and a surrogate mother. He shared in an earlier post.

    2. Yep, egg is in the process now :)

  5. German or Eastern European alpha, with a younger South American soccer player. Although I would read about that last guy with a pillow, or staring at a wall. If you put his type in there lmk his name so I can find him.

    I think I know how you’ll work the new characters in, after reading your last chapter.

    1. Thank you !That sounds good :) There are some super hot guys from Malaysia I have met. A lot of it isn't natural though. They do lots of plastic surgery.

  6. Well I think any of the choices will work. All sound fab! It makes my mouth water when you talk about each of the couples. I am a female that loves to read about all different kinds of pairings. So I am not voting on such a pairing. Let Emri know your choices, but he will decide what goes into the story for he is the writer. The choice is for you to decide. But in my opinion, all the choices are great.
    As for the panic rooms you have it is a good thing for you to have them. When my family started out, I had such a place too, but as we got older and more wise, I got the balls to stand up for myself and learned how to defend for myself. Now I dare an intruder to come after me of my family. I would smash them to bits!! Go to love training!!

  7. Ohh me lord many many ways to go. Personally , I vote for African daddy with light boy Russian boy, boy that would be something. But with your skill and talent,anything would be amazing!!!
