Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Sometimes flowers get jealous of their bees.

I keep having discussions with people where I'm like, “I have to blog about this!”

Tonight's chat/topic/sermon is on jealousy

A… should I just name him Ali for the purpose of this blog? I've accidentally called him Ali/Ari/Amir before and Ali is one of his brothers’ names! He jokingly called me Erwin in response! Erwin is the guy from the long-running furniture commercials you hear on the radio in LA (Erwin & Larry). It's a bit they have done for YEARS. Anyone born and raised in SoCal will know, “You're killing me, Larry!!”

Anyways, he is super social and he charms his way to the best tables at restaurants, the last two seats together on the airplane, the best room at the hotel, etc... He's a business guy and he's good at it. Lots of guys and girls take it as an invitation and yes I get jealous... but:

A) Middle Eastern people are naturally chatty and more friendly with strangers than Americans (at least Californians... we can be a bit stand offish).

B) He's hot and well dressed (I coordinate his outfits in things I like so that's mostly my fault! He looks super hot in a tight shirt and pants! Plus I yank them when he gets weird hairs in strange new places.)

C) Their men are more outgoing as they are usually the ones addressed more rather than the females. Also their mothers treat them like princes their whole childhoods. I treat him like a king and a warrior.

He is very quick to put a stop to it when he realizes it's happening. Sometimes he just thinks people are being nice back to him rather than seeing it as a sexual advance. Although!! He is super quick to notice when someone is eyeing me, or as he puts it, "there are bees hovering my flower!"

He will tell me I'm crazy but then blush and be all over me when I get jealous. It makes him laugh and hold me and tell me I'm being silly and he's a beast who is lucky to have his dream boy by his side. He likes to know he's seriously wanted and craved by his boy. He likes to know that I'm not just holding onto him for my own protection, but also to let others know he is mine.

Seriously, the ads run like 80 times a day since at least before I was born.


  1. I love this! They are all alike, aren't they? I had a super heavy dose of jealousy yesterday and he worked so hard last night to make me feel better. When he left for work this morning he said, "How could I hurt the one who holds my heart, my habibata?" Aww... He always knows the right thing to say that makes me melt into a big puddle of goo.


    1. They are good with the overly sweet comments. :) I never know how to respond at the same level. I usually respond physically; kiss, hug, or cuddle. I can't compete, but with him it's not a race.

  2. I don't know if you will read this Em, but it's too good not to share. I know you've told me to blog, but I'll use yours, since people already read it. This is not a jealous moment but more of a WTF?

    I got home from work a few minutes ago, and the same cute little old Persian man (big white mustache groomed and curled at the tips and same light green turban always)that walks by my house every morning stopped and spoke.

    "Hello Alex"

    "Um...hello to you" -How does he know my name?

    "You are boy for Arab man living here" - not a question by the way

    "Yes, sir. I am"

    "You keep him happy home?"

    Blushing profusely -"Yes, sir"

    "This is very good thing" - smiles, winks, and walks away.

    Ha ha! I was like WTF? I called Sajid and he told me the man's name and said he was Persian. Apparently, since my grandmother died and I was living here alone, he walks by every day to check on me because, "The pale pretty boy should not live in the city alone. He needs a strong man to care for him". I guess Sajid has been out making friends with all the neighbors while taking the dog for evening walks. Like you said, he is a magnet and people are drawn to him. He makes friends with everyone. He definitely makes my life interesting. :)


    1. You are one of them, the village looks out for you. :) That reminds me of how A used to bring home a pack of cigarettes for the older lady who lived across from us. She would always keep an eye on me and when I looked out the window sometimes, I'd see her there. She had his cell phone on speed dial in case anything happened.

      Wherever we live, A always ends up as the block captain or floor captain because he gets to know everyone and they all like and/or respect him. There is only one rude guy on our floor and A had to remind him to be nice. :)

    2. Apparently the neighbors knew the backstory around me before the movers finished. Of course the story they were told was that I was a disabled orphan boy.

      During the last holiday, one of them presented me with a third of a goat.
