Monday, September 24, 2018

Need some Input

I'm working on the next Lukas. I'm ⅔ finished with it. I like how it's turning out.

I need a little advice though. How public is Ari when it comes to sexual things or affection with Lukas?

Most of you have read the series, I hope, so I think you know his character somewhat. I think one issue with a story like this is it has too many characters so there isn't always enough room to fully develop Ari. Even with thirteen chapters posted he is still somewhat two-dimensional.

He's tall, muscled, Persian, loving, wealthy, athletic, protective…

One problem is that he shares responsibility of Lukas with his father and Lukas’ father. If he had Lukas in his home then there would be much more development like foods Lukas makes for him or how Lukas takes care of his home.

With me, I met A. (husband) in June and moved in with him in November. After that we've never lived apart.

That felt like such a long time, that period between where we got serious (July) and when he got our townhouse (November). It was really only 5 months. Since then (3 years!!!😍👏🤗), I've had to learn how to be a good houseboy. I've learned how to take care of more upscale things and clothes. It's a lot of growing. He even offered to get a cleaning lady to help out but I thought that was weird. I take care of him. He is mine to adore...

Someone posted this folder with my name on it online but it's in polish. What is it???

I haven't googled my writer stuff in a long time “tarzanacide”

It's a unique username so it all tracks together. I didn't realize adult reads was publishing my stories. They link to Literotica So I guess it's ok but it's fascinating that people are voting on my stories there?! That feels weird. As long as they credit me and my email address I guess that's ok? I don't know.


  1. Like we mentioned before, maybe a chapter written from Ari's perspective. What does he think about? How does he feel about the closeness his father has with Lukas? What are his plans for when Lukas turns 18? I would like to see Ari developed a little more. I love the alphas in your stories.

    My guy tends not to be real affectionate in public, unless we are with his family or friends. I know I told you about what happened when we were shopping a while ago.


    1. I followed that link. It is to a Polish site and they have your Lincoln series there for download. Someone must have enjoyed it. :)

    2. Thanks for your polish skills. I couldn't figure it out. :)
      My guy is reserved in public unless we are in a private home or a gay establishment. Even then, he likes me in his lap but we don't make out or anything too much. :)

  2. First of all, the picture of the man in underwear -- woof!

    Second, you pose a good question. I think the answer could be found in how Ari's family would feel about public displays of affection, whether it was a man and woman or same-sex. They seem like such well-mannered people that overt sexual displays would not be acceptable, unless the circumstances warranted them, such as kissing at a wedding or anniversary, where the purpose is to celebrate a relationship. They do not seem to be a stoic family, so more innocent displays, like holding hands, hugging, and nonsexual kissing would be fine. The way you have written Ari to this point makes me believe he would not hesitate to display his love for Lukas publicly, as long as it conformed to the family values. I don't think it would be in character for him to be publicly sexual, except situationally, such as at a gay bar or a private gay party, and even then, only if he is drunk.

    Anyway, that's my read on Ari's character.

    1. OMG I love your comment. I can't comment without giving things away, but yeah :) Thank you!

  3. Our situation is different here. In public Zahir treats me like a baby brother, even with freinds. I doubt anyone is fooled. But there is a line culturally he does not cross, to protect his family. I wonder what would be different if all of us were back in the States.

  4. I agree with Brad. But maybe they could find a way to bypass the tracker on Lukas’s phone so they can go to his apartment at times. Like leave it at another location and go back for it later:)

    1. I do need to get them to Ari's condo. There should be something that happens where they can spend a weekend there again and Ari establishes how he expects his boy to take care of things.

  5. Well I think it would be a more intriguing a story line if they showed a moderate amount of affection to each other. Ari needs his POV to be expressed so as the reader sees it. I think Ari and Lucas need time away from "peering eyes" and have a chance to love each other.

    Just to let you know the pics are awesome you put with your blogs!!
    Have a good day to all,

    1. Thank you! I agree. I need to show more of who Ari is.

  6. You must have been quite young when you moved in with him. That’s cool that your dad didn’t mind, and that you both knew so quickly you were a good match.

    1. I was... but he waited until I was 18 to move me in. :) My dad knew it was exactly what I wanted, plus A is very good to him and respectful.
