Monday, September 17, 2018

Finishing Ch. 13. Soon soon

I'm finishing up chapter 13. I should finish it by Wednesday. If not, please yell at me. Yell loudly because you're likely far, far away... Unless you live on our floor then please don't yell because A will want to know why you're yelling. 

I'm a little worried because I want to push things with the characters but i don't want to end up going off into completely unrealistic weird world. 

Sometimes tv shows do that, especially when they have been on the air too long. Some regular character ends up going to jail and the whole thing just goes weird. 

I don't want Lukas ending up working in a Tijuana meth lab or anything. :) 

These guys look so vintage, but I would wear that... 

Nifty stories can especially go too far. Sometimes in chapter 1 the character is a mild mannered banker (He always says "I'm older, but I take good care of myself"). Then by chapter 4 he's living off of pee and oatmeal, covered in tattoos, and taking it from anyone who breathes on him. I try to keep my characters from going over the cliff. 

We had a long day! I went to work with A and my tutor came and worked with me some. I am making good progress on my courses and I feel like this semester is going to be so much more organized and paced than I regularly do. I'm a planner and I like to take my time with things, but then sometimes when I have four classes going I miss some assignment until it's due the next week and then I'm scrambling like crazy to make it both perfect and finished. That's hard. I don't want to do that. 

I am obsessed with these converse with the little heart guy. I have four pairs of them in different colors and some I only wear for special time. Does your guy like you wearing shoes when you play? Mine is big on my feet. He likes shoes and socks on me (with nothing else) but then he takes them off to play with my feet. I don't know, but it makes him happy.... so that's what we do. 


  1. Lol @ oatmeal. Yes, agreed. Because I’m probably in the minority with not wanting Mr. K and Lukas to do more than they have.

  2. This is part of the reason I like doing longer self contained stories. I just cannot breakup a story into chapters. I envy your ability.

    No weird clothing fetishes observed with Zahir... YET! Unless you count this, every night when he puts me to sleep he prays over (then kisses) my two scars.

    1. I agree. I really should write out all the chapters and then go back and edit them before I start posting a story. But I'm not that patient. I know a few writers who will write a complete series then post one chapter every two days. That would be ideal but I like feedback as I go.

      Aww your scars are better now? smaller?

    2. The surgical team who worked repairing my larynx did a wonderful job blending that scar into the folds of flesh in my neck so it's always been small. The excision scar under my left pectoral is healing. It is much smaller and thinner but I can still feel the lump from the sutures inside. I'll feel those for about a year I'm told. Still I don't look like Frankenstein's monster anymore.

  3. Please Em, nothing weird. I would like to see how Lukas's dad is going to fit in the story. Maybe develop his sub tendencies?

    I love those shoes! I need to find a pair. I have 2 pairs of Converse and my favorite are black high tops with orange flames on the sides. My guy doesn't really pay attention to my feet and doesn't seem to have any clothing fetishes. However, the role play we did one evening that I told you about really turned me on. I'll share here for your readers.

    My guy asked me one day why all Americans see middle eastern men as terrorists. I told him that people here tend to be wary and even afraid of middle easterners. He got this funny look on his face and asked if I thought he was a terrorist. I answered, "I don't know. Are you?"

    He picked me up over his shoulder and carried me upstairs and threw me on the bed and said, "I am a terrorist and I have kidnapped a pretty white boy to be my sex slave".

    He stripped me and tied me to the headboard. He then proceeded to ravage me wearing nothing but a Keffiyeh, sunglasses and boots. So, I have developed a bit of a role play fetish. Ha ha ha!!

    1. Yes! I had a friend (female) who was going out with this arab guy and whenever he would um *do* her he always put on the keffiyeh. It got him in the mood or something. She thought it was hot. :)

      Mine doesn't do a whole lot of role playing. He used to when he wasn't so busy. Unless it's the weekend, we usually do faster stuff. But a good, empty Sunday afternoon will bring out the role playing. He rarely fantasizes about me being in control. It's always him. He does have a green, soldier's coverall uniform type thing that is super hot. He'll do that with black boots and dark sunglasses. :)
