Friday, August 31, 2018

Best in Show...

We are home on a Friday night. We argued and then spent a LONG time in bed making up so we missed our movie time.

We went to lunch with some of his friends and his one friend who normally never addresses me made some rude comments. 

He started off nice, asked me how my classes were going... but when I told him they'd just started and I'd been out of school since the spring semester, he said, "What have you been doing since May? What have you been doing?" 

"Keeping up with the house, going to the gym... um," that was all I could think of. 

"Wow, that must be nice! I wish I could do that." 

Then A. jumped in saying "Emi runs my life. He takes care of me and he's very good with the home budget. I save so much having him. He does everything for me." That was the only time he jumped in. Then he kind of ignored it and talked to his other friends. 

This rude friend kept coming back to me even though I was trying to ignore him and not make eye contact and play on my phone. He kept asking me what it's like to not do anything. He was trying to be funny about it and I don't even think he realized how rude it was. 

At one point he told me that in his country, there was a word in Arabic for boys like me that translates to like a poodle or show dog. He said it's boys who lay around all day looking pretty and waiting to be pet, fed, or played with. 

I looked at A. who was turned away from us and talking in Farsi to his other friend. I looked back at the rude guy, then I got up and left. I went to the bathroom and texted A. to let me know when he was walking out to the valet and I'd meet him there. 

He didn't know I was in the bathroom so he called me to ask where I was and what was wrong. I told him I didn't want to ruin his lunch, but I was done and I'd meet up with him when he finished. He paid for our ticket and got my food to go then I met him at the valet. I wasn't even hungry anymore so I didn't take the food from him. 

I told him what happened on the way home, and he kept trying to explain it away like the friend says shocking things to be funny and that he was teasing me because he had an obvious crush on me. 

That was so not the case. I hate when guys think that someone being rude and obnoxious is a way to flirt. No. No one enjoys being called a show dog or whatever the Arabic word meant. 

A. said Omani guys are like that and he will make sure I'm not alone with him like that ever again. 

He said the guy expected me to tease him back. I reminded A. that he frowns whenever I get into conversations with his friends outside of when he is participating. I told him that he wants me to be his quiet sidekick boy, but if he wants that then he should defend me when his friends are being rude. 

We went back and forth until we got home. We never yell at each other, that's not how we are. It's more like a polite back and forth with the goal of making each other happy. 

He said most of his friends respect me as his boy and perhaps that friend doesn't respect him that he would even engage me like that whether flirtatious or rude. I think he understood that it wasn't just someone being playful and it hurt my feelings. I'm pretty insecure about not working or contributing financially to things and when someone works hard to press on that nerve, it makes me feel pretty bad. 

I didn't cry though. A. agreed that he should have paid more attention. He said he wouldn't have wanted me to be rude back to the guy. He called the guy and yelled at him in Farsi or Arabic. He speaks both. He told me the guy will not bother me again. 


  1. Aww... I'm so sorry that happened. What a way to ruin a good time. It's too bad it was not handled as it happened, but it is good he called and set the guy straight. I think I know the word you are referring to. Remember I told you about the man at the family dinner that didn't like me? He made a few comments about me that my guy did not like at all, and one of the words he used was "bardaj". I don't speak Arabic, but when someone sneers at you and uses the word, it can't be good. I was told it means kept boy, or sexual slave. It may not be the same word used today about you, but it really set my guy and his father off. The man who said it has not been back to the weekly family dinner.

    I have to believe your husband would never allow you to be harmed or disgraced in any way.


    1. Also, don't be too hard on yourself. You do contribute. Right Now while you are a student, you keep a happy home for him. When you graduate and start working, it will be different. Enjoy it while you can. You already know my schedule of work, cleaning the house, cooking, my class, and making time for my guy. Life doesn't necessarily get easier, but more complex. I know that may not help, but it works for me and I love it.


    2. He didn't say that actual word for it, at least I Don't think he did, but they slip in and out of English and other languages. he just told me there was a word for it. I'd imagine it's similar to what you heard. Once school is finished, I'll be full time with the babies and taking care of the house. I know my future job will be his assistant. I doubt I'll ever have a real job outside of that, maybe after the kids go to college. :)

    3. That would be another stepping stone for me. If we get to the point of having children, I wonder how thin I can stretch myself? Ha ha.

    4. This made me think about our discussion on giving the guys time alone with the guys. This is kind of why I think. :)

    5. You are probably right. If you had not been there, the topic probably would not have come up.

  2. Hugs from the other side of the pond.

    I got called a zamil once when we lived in Salt. Zahir was pissed that the coffee house boys made me cry. He decided we would move after that.

    1. Zahir thinks the boys were Moroccan migrant workers. The curse, and the joy, of Jordan is we have people from everywhere here. Many bring the ugly side of their culture.

    2. I am kind of fascinated by those North African Arab guys. I've heard from readers in France (where a lot of them end up) that there is a whole fetish gay community around them. I tried to throw in some of the slang in the Cage series.

    3. Like English, the Arabic is diverse. In North Africa zamil means fa_ or fa__ot. Here it is a street walker, whore, or prostitute.

  3. He obviously had a poor upbringing. No gentleman would say such a thing. Good job handling it with class.

  4. What an idiot. You seem so sweet I can’t imagine why someone would keep hounding you like that, especially when you were trying to ignore him.
    I feel like if you were female, or a traditional college student home with his parents for the summer, he wouldn’t have done that to you. A lot of teachers don’t work during the summer. Would he consider them lazy?

    1. Thanks. Yeah his friends are all business guys starting out. When we hang out with his really big business guys they always are much nicer to me and say they know how hard it can be on a partner like me.

  5. Sorry Em. I hope A has made you feel better after talking to his friend. I have been in Virginia most of my life and when I went overseas, I learned a lot from the people I met. Their language was not something I was used to but I learned to understand it from school. I also was told that the language barrier was going to be difficult for me. With having a german friend I learned the language quickly and when I was insulted in their language, and cussed them out in their language, it shocked them greatly. It helped me learn to understand them. I am so proud to understand people when they speak German when they think I don't know the language. So when someone hurts you you can do two things..... one being to ignore it or them, and the other being to respond to the hurt. Growing up I acted on the hurt, but as I got older, I learned to let it go. It isn't worth any of the hassle you have to put up with. So Smile in their face and just think they are not in your shoes to live a good life. Enjoy life with A. and be Happy!!! You deserve all the happiness you can get. Take care and enjoy your writing from a friend across the US

