Sunday, August 19, 2018

birthday weekend

He had a great birthday weekend!! I think. He seems happy.

Saturday we went to the outlets then went to this Japanese place where you sit around the grill and the guy makes food right in front of you! I've seen it in TV but when I mentioned to him that I've never been to one he demanded we go. It was so cool. You get to order two or three kinds of meat so we each ordered two knowing I would only eat one. So chicken for me and steak, chicken, and more steak for him. I did have a bite of the steak. It was pretty good but the grilled vegetables were amazing!

We shared a grill with these straight girls having a girls night and they loved us. A. (husband) was charming them like he does with strangers. He was complaining to them that I never take him out or let him eat steak (so many lies!!!). They adored him. When he saw they were turning against me though, he told them what a wonderful husband I am and how much I put up with. We both got adored after that. I am the worst with chopsticks. He, of course, uses them flawlessly.

For his birthday party I decorated the tree for him (we have this Norfolk pine that is about 4 feet tall in it's pot. We got it two years ago. When we get a house we will plant it, but it's great to decorate for Christmas and birthdays/anniversaries. It's not too messy for an indoor plant.). I put all the ornaments we bought from places we visited and pictures of us along with a string of clear lights.

His friends and my friends came over and there was alcohol. We grilled up on the rooftop patio thing and he kept making me go put more sunblock on. It was hot up there :(. He needed a relaxing day without work and entering his 30s is a big deal. He made me a “cocktail” but it was just a half shot of Tito’s vodka with cherry 7up (my favorite). It was good. I felt a little goofy, but it didn’t last too long.

At the outlets we stopped in a baby store and looked at things for the future. There is so much to buy. We bought a tiny onesie and a little stuffed lamb. I expected him to tell the saleslady we were buying for a friend or something, but he put his arm around me and said we were getting ready for our own. That's a big step for him. He's opening up.

Most of the people are gone and just a few of his friends are left and they’re deep in a video game so I have a little time to work on Lukas. This chapter isn’t going to be super dramatic, but the next one will be, I needed to do some setup.

Tomorrow is his actual birthday and I'll wake him up with a nice breakfast and his last gift.

Oh his gifts! I got him Dodger's tickets, a new wireless phone charger, and some new boxer briefs I plan to see him in. Tomorrow I'll give him the new digital photo frame with updated pics of us for his desk at work.


  1. That sounds like a fabulous weekend! I'm glad the party went well and that he had a good time. When I told you the gifts I'm giving Sajid this week, I didn't realize we had such similar ideas for gifts to give our guys. That's funny. :D

    We have one if those restaurants here called Kabuto. It is almost like watching a performance while they cook and is a lot of fun. We haven't gone to that restaurant together, but we have been to a Japanese restaurant called Tomo. We were having a romantic evening and he wanted something a little more elegant and intimate. After sitting in a private booth feeding him bits of sushi off my plate, I'm surprised we made it home before he jumped me. Ha ha!


    1. It's so cool. We will try some more of them in our area. It didn't seem too unhealthy, just a little. :) Watching him make fried rice on the grill was so cool. I will definitely try it again. Sometimes we get stuck going to just Persian or Mediterranean places because it's easier for him to order things he knows I will like. I love falafel or a chicken kabob and hummus is always great.

      We definitely think alike! :)

  2. Glad you had a rockin birthday.

    There's Arabic name very similar to yours Amri. Zaheer's father tells me it translates as "one who enlivens a place" or "one who lives a long life."

    I hope it is both for you my friend.

    1. I hadn't heard the Amri name. I like that I might use it in a story. I ran out of Arab names for characters. He used to say my name like Uh-muh-ree then now it is morphed to just Emmy or uh-mee depending on how tired he is.

    2. Consider it a birthday gift. Jordan you hear names from all over. It is so cool. Jordan is the melting pot of South West Asia.

      It is also a Pakistani name and Swahili. Although it have different meanings.

      It is quarter after three in the morning and I just woke up. I figured out were the camera is. It is in the TV. Zahir had a still of me sleeping on the screen. "My baby so cute when he sleeps."

      Baba gave me a sleeping pill at 9PM. It is not fair, I havn't gone to bed at 9 since I was 12. Add to that I missed talking with Zahir. Still, it was nice knowing he was watching over me.

    3. Ok, I just read that... and saw the typos... I am going back to sleep.

    4. Sleeping pills make me zombie out for a whole day. I already sleep 9 hours or so most nights and a nap. A says it's because Im growing, but I don't think I'm growing anymore. :)

  3. Well I am glad you had a good birthday for A. We have a restaurant here that is the same. It is called Kan-Pai. That is a Japanese dinner that you save up for. The chicken is $12.95 here. I went years ago for my prom. Hope you tell A, hope he has a good birthday, and to relax with you for just a day to celebrate and enjoy life with you.

    I hope we see your writings for years to come. I will say I look forward to see your stories come out. I can't wait for them to post for it is like a relaxing moment for me. (almost like a drug)

    As far as kids go, enjoy life with your husband before you have kids. Once they come then you have to "make time" for each other and find times to enjoy each other without the kids finding out what the parents are doing.

    How are you and A doing with the fires going on in CA? Hope you are safe and sound. Just worrying for you and A from VA.
    Take care,

    1. Thank you! That's so sweet. We are doing ok. Taking it easy tonight. He's doing a little work and watching sports. I made dinner and cleaned up, now chill time. I'm working on the next Lukas. I just need a sex scene and it'll be finished. It's not a super dramatic chapter but it sets up stuff for the next one which will be big drama... hopefully. :)

  4. A Leo. I have one of those. So demanding and so loyal and sometimes utterly maddening. When are you planning to have a baby (Sorry. New to your blog. Maybe I should go back and read old posts)?

    1. I think in a year or so. He is heavily researching it more and more and already has a plan in place for when we're ready to start. It's so weird the things to think about like how to get a breast milk donor and weird stuff like that. I'm glad he is a super planner and thinks of everything. :) Welcome!

    2. Not sure about Iran but the concept of hiring a "wet nurse" (donor) is not that bizarre here.
