Monday, August 13, 2018

New looks and a good show.

I'm not sure if it's a new trend or just the incredible heatwave we've had all summer, but this new thing of guys wearing long sweatpants with the legs pulled up over their calves. I thought it was just a few guys but now it's a full on thing. I've even seen it with guys who aren't working out. It's kind of cute. I like the tank top paired with the pulled up sweatpants. I saw a hot dad rocking the look at Coffee Bean today. Good for him.

Is it a new trend or is Los Angeles just really that hot? I've noticed that sometimes things start out here and then show up in movies and on tv shows in the next season. I'm going to try the look... A (the Persian husband) calls it the "Oops I should have worn shorts" look. He's not big on fashion other than suits though... 

We had the best weekend ever. We did absolutely nothing of any value or work. He did check his emails a little but not enough to where it would ruin our happy laziness.

Saturday we binge watched a show that was only six, one-hour episodes. It's called The Last Post and was a British show about the 1960’s British occupation of a port city on the southern edge of the Arabian peninsula called Aden.

So good to watch while cuddling!!!

A (the Persian husband) immediately pointed out the inaccuracies and claimed that it was not dry enough to be Yemen. He loves when he can share facts about things and feel smart. I guess all men do that. We checked online and sure enough they filmed it in South Africa. He noticed other things but he enjoys those military shows and films.

It let me ask him about his time in the Iranian army. He doesn't talk about it much and said it was a miserable time in his life. If you're into that stuff you should check it out.


We did go to the gym together. I like working out with him. He gets on the treadmill next to me and runs for five minutes then goes to the weights. Then he catches up to me in the elliptical and does five more then goes back to the weights. We work out so completely different. I kill myself on cardio then do my stretches and yoga; while he lifts, squeezes, pushes, and pulls heavy things. I finished before him and sat on the steps between the cardio and weight lifting areas to watch him. He liked showing off for me.


I got my first hate mail about the Lukas series. Said it was gross that Ari took Lukas fully. He said Lukas is underage and they should have waited. I started to respond but I'll just leave it alone. I don't think Ari and Lukas could have waited much longer.

I'm working on chapter 9 now. Over a third through it. Let's see if I can anger more peeples!! :)


  1. I agree with "A" on the sweatpants. Looks kinda silly, says the guy who can't wait to climb into a thobe.

    Odd... Maybe its the lack of sleep. I just imagined climbing into Zahir's thobe WHILE he was wearing it... one week down, three to go.

    1. Give it a try! You have to have nice calves though. :) Get werkin.

  2. I like the style of the sweatpants. Unfortunately I wouldn't be able to pull it off :-)

    Don't let the hater(s) get you down! I LOVE the Lukas story. Can't wait for the next part!

    1. Thanks. I'm nearly halfway through the chapter.

  3. I don't think it is just a Los Angeles thing. I see it here too. I like it, but then, I do like legs though. ;)

    I think everyone had a good weekend. Mine was fantastic, including my first ever family dinner with my guys family. Some of the best days are spent relaxing and laying around. Lazy weekend cuddles on the couch are the best. It's awesome the workaholic took time to just relax and spend quality time with you.

    Don't worry about hate mail. You can't make everyone happy. Your writing is great, so just keep doing what you do best.


    1. Thank you! :) I'm so glad things are working out for you. You deserve it. I hope you get a weekend cuddle bing fest sometime. Maybe with pizza. :)
