Sunday, August 26, 2018

Dinner & a Movie with a Memory

We went with his friends last night to dinner and to see Crazy Rich Asians. If you haven't seen it, you must! There is so much to love about this movie and you don't have to know anything about Chinese culture or Singapore to love it. You will see all these actors from a variety of tv shows and be like "Oh that's that guy from that show!" or "I love her!" 

So many hot guys in this film!!

So much of the movie made me think back to my Emerson and Ali story, and even more to Lincoln and Amir. I looked back and realized that I first started Emerson and the Lion (my first story to be posted online) August 30th, 2015. 

That's almost three years ago! OMG I can't even remember what my life was like back when I started writing that. 

I had only known A for a little over two months and I was still living in my father's home. It was my first week being a real college student and not a high school kid taking college classes. I remember how weird it felt to not wake up at 5:30 to head to my first day of school. I remember A (now my husband) refusing to let me take the bus. He got up early to be able to pick me up. I even offered to ride my bike over to his place and then go from there, but he came over and I made him breakfast. 

Ok I'll blog about that stuff later. A three year anniversary for Emerson and the beginning of putting stories up. It seems like a lifetime ago. 

But some of the stuff in the movie like the plane with the private room pod! I put that in the Lincoln series! I know I didn't invent it, but it just was so cool to see it on the screen and imagine my characters in there having sex and watching movies to pass the long flight to Satra. Then there was the home and parties and servants and everything else I imagined Emerson walking in to. It's a really great film! Please go see it! 😍

We went to a really fancy Chinese restaurant before the movie. Being out here closer to the San Gabriel Valley we have the most Chinese-dominant cities in the US and it's probably only second to the Bay Area in overall populations. 

Dumplings are Bomb! 

I had an assortment of dumplings. One had soup in it! So when I bit into it there was this really good soup. Another one had vegetables. The string beans with almonds were my favorite, and the spicy noodles were too hot for me. 🤤

I was sitting between A and one of his friends that I don't know very well. Halfway into dinner, A got up and made me switch seats with him. He said he was having trouble hearing his friend across the table, but then later he told me the guy I was sitting next to was too interested. I thought he was just making nice conversation, but then he kept taking pictures of the food and everyone and A said he was trying to just get pictures of me. Sometimes I zone out with his friends because they use Farsi and Arabic and languages/inside jokes that I don't understand. I don't always pick up when someone seems genuinely friendly and interested in my life versus someone who is trying to move in on me. 🤷

We woke up this morning to find out there was an earthquake in Iran. A's family is all safe. It was a big one. 

Go see this movie!! You will not be disappointed!


  1. I would like to go see that movie. The previews look good. I'll bring it up and maybe we'll go.

    Dumplings are awesome and you can do so many things with them. It's one of the things I really enjoy about Chinese food.


    1. I'd like to make them someday! they don't look all that crazy complicated. :) Go see the movie!! Take your man and go :)

    2. I'm glad your in-laws are ok Em. That's scary. I think there was an earthquake in our bedroom last night...he he...

      But seriously, earthquakes are no laughing matter. I'll bet living in California, it is on your mind always. You guys have earthquakes and we have tornados and the possibility of a huge earthquake on the New Madrid fault, which is due for a big shake. The last one was over one hundred years ago. We have felt tremors here, but it is always over quickly.


    3. I used to live on the New Madrid and you’re right, it is due for a large earthquake, not to scare you but it sounds like you know already, lol. They said it for years when I was in the Midwest and it never happened, nothing big anyway.

    4. New Madrid fault zone was a project for my Geology 201. The last "big one" in 1812 caused a section of the Mississippi between Cairo, IL and Memphis, TN to flow South to North briefly at the speed of a fast horse. THAT is power.

      The damage in the Memphis and St. Louis area will be nightmare extreme unless they adopt California level seismic building codes. Still a lot of buildings and earthen levees just won't make it.

      New Madrid Zone is six times larger than the San Andreas. Sometimes I hate my degree path.

    5. That’s very interesting. I was in SW Indiana and we would have periodic days where some expert would predict a large earthquake, which luckily never happened.

      Emri, glad your in laws are safe. I keep up with international news a little better than national or local but I hadn’t heard that yet.

  2. I'm going off topic here. Do you have a good recipe for tah-dig? A persian friend who we haven't seen in years is coming to stay a couple of nights. I remember him talking about missing his mother's version. He's married to a lovely american woman, and she doesn't cook. I would love to make this for him. There are so many different recipes online. I'm not sure which one is good.

    On topic, I haven't seen the movie yet, but I'm planning to go either Monday or Tuesday. A friend has those nights off, and I'm waiting to see it with her.

      I don't really make it because A kind of goes "meh" even when his mom makes it, BUT this lady's recipes are pretty close to his moms and the stuff I have made from her site always turns out really good. The potato tahdig he does like! :)

  3. Glad A's family is safe. So is Zahir, he had Baba and the family keeping me from the TV yesterday. His second oldest brother took me sofa and chair shopping. Had to replace the ones the puppy ate. They should be ready when he gets home.

    1. How do you train a dog to not eat furniture? That would really piss A off. hehe. He loves our furniture.

    2. He got stressed... Zahir was pissed. Malinois have a play drive on speed. The sitter didn't play with him enough.

      Zahir didn't see the fact the dog destroyed HIS side of the couch and HIS chair. I think Kaeleb thinks I am HIS boy, and is jealous of Zahir.

      Short answer, you play with them.

  4. When was the last time you rode your bicycle? Do you still have it?

    Emerson and Lion is my favorite. I loved that you included them in the other stories. Lincoln’s is unfinished. Needs a Chaper or two more. ( sorry but that’s my take on it, I’m a bit greedy like that) I hope you can revisit it like you think of doing with Cairo’s.
