Wednesday, August 1, 2018

You should go and love yourself...

I sent in Chapter 7 of Lukas last night so hopefully it posts later today. When it does, you can find it here.

I've been getting into this routine (2 days makes a routine?) of going to the gym and then drinking my protein shake in the bathtub while watching stuff on the iPad before I nap and then make dinner for the Persian husband. The majority of the stuff I watch is either youtube or Netflix. The big TV and the DVR in the living room and bedroom is all for the husband's stuff. He told me it's one of the things that shows we are different generations. I'm used to shows having one commercial or none and being on smaller screens. His generation likes DVRs and giant screens. 🙈 

This series is SO GOOD! This episode really hit me. Not so much the search for being muscular, but the parts on the guy who is too femme and the bulimic guy. 

I don't know that the gay community necessarily hates femme guys. We had a long talk about it last night over dinner and he had some different insights being from a very restrictive culture. My husband loves me and I'm not necessarily feminine, but I'm definitely not super masculine or a bro. He says I am very quiet and shy. I don't draw attention to myself or say/do loud and vulgar things. 

He said in his muslim culture it is taboo to be with another man so if a guy is too "loud" in his femininity it may draw a lot of men who can easily identify him for sex, but it is too risky to make that a relationship. It would invite rumors and danger.

He says a boy like me is more ambiguous at least until I open my mouth 🙊. A man who is looking for a boy might see me as someone who would be open to his affections, but the general public would just think I'm a smaller guy, smart and quiet (odd he said that since I don't think he thinks I'm very smart). It would be safer to be out with me in public in Iran (If I looked Iranian) and not have it assumed we were together in an unacceptable way. 

He said that sticks with muslim culture guys and any restrictive culture guys when they come here. They are scared off by overtly gay men here. He said it was ok when he was just looking for someone for a night, but he always knew it couldn't go further. It wasn't that he wasn't attracted to them, but that his instincts and alarms put a definite and quick ending on things. That's interesting because whenever he takes me around clients or earlier on when he had me around his friends, he would always say how proud of me he was for being a respectful boy who stayed by his side. I stick to him so he doesn't worry about me and I usually just sit and listen or play games on his phone so I don't intrude on things. I'm just naturally a quiet observer. It's my personality. 


The other interesting part of the show was the boy dealing with bulimia. I definitely have issues with food. I convinced myself that I don't like food and especially that I don't like sugar or sweet things. Honestly though, it's just that my fear of gaining weight is bigger than my need to eat something tasty. I love being picked up by him and if he ever makes even a simple joke about me being heavy or makes a grunting noise like he's struggling, I will spend the next week cutting my portions in half and working out more. It's become so routine that it's instinctual. It's not even a struggle. 

Even my husband, the man I'm committed to spending my life with, thinks that my favorite food is raw cucumbers, grilled chicken, and oatmeal. Those are the three things I eat most and I really do like them. Sometimes he will order dessert and make me try a bite or at least lick the fork after he has had a bite. He says I need to eat more and he worries when my weight gets too low. But I know he likes me small. He will make comments sometimes. Like if I see a guy I think he will like and point it out to him, he'll say something like "No, he is too big," or "No, he needs to workout more." I know he's saying that because he wants to reassure me that I'm the one for him, but sometimes it feels like it sets an even stricter image on what perfection is. 

He said he feels pressure too, always needing to lift more and get bigger. He thinks I need him to be jacked and cut and shredded and all those other terms 🙉. I actually love him with a belly, except that it usually means he is too stressed and not taking care of himself. Yes... we are codependent.  


  1. I never realized how much you go through when you are a gay or lesbian person in this world. There is enough people who discriminate against all persons in this world.

    I know it is not that easy to deal with all the idiots or pigs in this world, but sometimes you have to grin and bare it for a lil while until you can deal with it yourself. Some deal with it violently and some deal with it (not at all)by not dealing with it. I was told to deal with the "hate" by thinking it is a grain of salt and by throwing it over my shoulder.
    If there is a better way to deal then please let me know your secret way of copeing with it.
    As for the body types of people, I was brought to believe there are all types and that is what makes this world a melting pot of people. By seeing the video, it reminds me that All people are not created equal. You have to be happy with yourself before you are happy with others. So as a friend told me, Be happy with who you are and to he!! with the other opinions. Besides, ALL people have two things in common, Buttholes and opinions. They are STINK!!

  2. Long post and yet another show I've never seen. I very rarely watch television, unless there is a movie I want to see. I prefer music or reading, but as soon as Sajid walks in the house, the TV is on.

    You have posted about your eating habits before, and even gave me an idea for something. I don't have body image problems, I just tend to eat things that are quick and don't take much thought (yogurt and granola, bell peppers and hummus, fresh cut vegetables, etc), which is in stark contrast to the fact that I love to cook. We all have our funny quirky things.

    I'm looking forward to the next chapter. I haven't seen it post yet. I need to check.

    1. Men and their tv, especially if there's soccer on or soccer highlights, or talk about soccer, or soccer news! Sometimes when he is gone for a very long work day I'll put it on in the afternoon just to feel him there.

      I know my body image issues bother my guy, but he seems ok giving me reassurance. Strange enough, I always fantasize about being pregnant with his baby. It might be too weird to work into a storyline, but I just imagine how crazy he would be taking care of me and our baby. Weird... I know... Weird

  3. Emri,
    You did a fantastic job with the story. I am patiently waiting for you to make another chapter. This story is very interesting to me. I look forward to more.

    As for the television, it comes on as soon as my hubby gets home too. The dog even likes to watch it with him. It is sometimes funny to watch them watching the tv. It makes me laugh.

    Hope everyone has a good day!!!!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind comments! :) I don't know what it is about having the TV on and men. My dad used to do that too. I like having music on especially since we have the connected speakers through the place.

  4. Fantastic chapter. As far as writing more, unless you’re going to continue Noah (my favorite), you should definitely continue this series. You are quite talented. Love the blog too.

  5. "...I might wrap up this series..." Em I can only say say on thing to that...


    Please, I cannot lose two thing I love at the same time. It is looking like Zahir will be stuck in Iran for the full month. This sucks.

    As to the question of personal image, I don't think that is a gay/straight thing. I have had a ton of foster sibs over the years almost all of them focused on some part of their "signature" look.

    With me I do have an eating problem. When I get depressed, I forget to eat. I lost a lot this summer, dealt with a lot of pain. I didn't even notice it come off this time. Zahir blames himself for not "looking over me properly," then he teases me about using my rib-cage as a xylophone.

    I think he had Mohsen ship me the case of my favorite peanut butter from home. I put almost 10 pounds back on this month, Of course his mother and sister have been feeding me every 2-3 hours... Have you ever tried to say "no" to a Bedouin woman trying to feed you? Don't, you will not win!

    Z is up for morning prayer and I have to feed my fur babies.

    1. Thanks. I might just take a break from it for awhile and come back later. When you stop hearing from readers it just kind of feels like why rush. I have been getting some ideas to revisit the Cage! Cock! Cairo! series. After two years off from it, it could use another chapter. :)

    2. Some times it is good to step away from a project and come back fresh.

      I will be happy with whatever you write. ;)
