Thursday, August 9, 2018

Finally finished ch. 8

We are up late tonight. A (the Persian husband) is working on a big project for deadlines tomorrow before the weekend hits. The good part is he will be off early tomorrow and promised to take me out for Friday night in the city. We live so much closer to things now and it's easier to go into LA without getting stuck in crazy 405 traffic chaos. 

I finished Lukas Chapter 8 tonight and just sent it in. It's a long chapter. Maybe it will post tomorrow night while you're all out having wild times! Wild times!! I had to figure out where I want the story to go and I think I have something interesting for it. Readers will either love it or hate it or go "meh" and move on. You never know. 

Next week I have to get ready for my online classes. There isn't much to do, but I did get my schedule. A picked my classes this year. He got a degree plan done for me since I was kind of aimless and taking writing classes that interested me with some of the necessary yuck classes that didn't. 

I'm almost finished with my most hated (math and sciences). I have one more of each and they are going to be tough. He says not to worry and he will budget time to go through it with me. He is a math guy and science guy so I guess opposites attract. He can do accounting and giant spreadsheets and crazy formulas that make no sense to me like that giant trigonometry wheel. He tried to show me that when he picked out the class. I have no idea what it means and doesn't tri mean three like triangle?? SO why is there a circle? 

A says I have to do it and get through it. There is no use complaining and he'll hold my hand the whole time. Painful... so painful. Ok this blog is not exciting today. That's ok. I'm tired and it's bedtime and my man is whistling some weird tune while he works on his laptop at the dining table.  


  1. I always got the math requirement out of the way first. As a matter of fact, I have a Statistics class this semester. I did well in my other Statistics classes, so this one shouldn't be too bad. I'm only taking one class, and thankfully, it is online as well. With my crazy work schedule and trying to have time with my guy, I am going to take my time with this current degree program. It's great that your husband is a math whiz. You have a built in tutor. 😁

    I can't wait for the current chapter to be posted. I need my Lukas fix. Lol


    1. It posted. Yay!

      One class. How much longer do you have? Are you working on a BA? I hope I like the online classes. At least they will keep me busy and maybe not go too crazy being in the apartment all day. He isn't that great of a tutor because he will explain things one way then get frustrated when I don't understand. Sometimes I pretend to understand but then that has its own problems. :) But at least he is trying and he will be there for my important assignments.

    2. No. I am taking classes for the doctorate program. I already have undergraduate and graduate degrees. There is no hurry for this degree, so I am going to take my time.

      Ah, well at least he tries to help you. 😁

  2. Great cliffhanger...

    Zahir is gonna be pissed, but I think I know what happened. Sneaking on the jobsite to prove my theory in the morning.
