Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Orange County and a look at our future.

We went to this crazy gym today for A to meet up with some clients. They all play basketball together and they gave us free passes to join them. It was a super swanky place! A went to play with them and I got on some cardio machines where I could see the basketball court. 

This one treadmill had all these programmable paths and the tread was made of the same stuff they use to make tires so it was springy and soft. It took me on this run up hills and down. It even felt like the path was twisting and turning. It was so crazy. I want that machine! 

Watching him play basketball was fun. I love seeing him run around and act like a kid. He had on a tank top and short shorts with those running tights under them that make him look like a super hero. Something about him in running tights just makes me all twisted inside. My man is built for combat!

His team lost the game, but he said the clients on the other team were his real targets so he was happy about the score. One of the target clients lived nearby and we went there to shower and change. A loves Orange County, the views, the nice quiet neighborhoods with gates, the wide open boulevards with good pavement. I know he is happy that we chose the apartment we have right now, but a big part of him is ready to get the house down there and get started on a family. 

The client whose house we went to shower and clean up at lives with his partner and their two kids they had using a surrogate. They're both older white guys and very sweet. They have two big dogs I got to play around with. We had dinner with their family before heading back up to LA. It was a good day. 

I'm working on Lukas. It's coming along. I think I have a storyline. I think it's decent. I think I need to finish it within the next few days. 

What's up next? I've really thought about going back to the Cage series and giving it another chapter. I left a cliffhanger two years ago with his dad coming to visit and Cage worried about seeing him. It might be time to wrap that one up. 


  1. The gym I belong to has a few of those! They have a screen on them, so you can watch the scenery of the path you choose and a personal trainer that talks to you as you run/walk. I know they have to be crazy expensive. If I want one of those machines, I have to schedule a time. It seems everyone wants to use them.

    Ok. Hot sweaty guys in running shorts? Yum!! One of the best parts of going to a gym. Ear buds, good music, a machine facing the gym floor and hot sweaty guys. 😍😍😍

    I hope you guys get a house someday soon! Then you can have your dog(s) and fill it with kids. I have the house, the dog and a new budding relationship. I'm on my way...😁


    1. Isn't that the coolest machine ever!?!? I loved it. I can't wait for the house. A says its good we got this apartment and are having some urban fun while we're still young. If I don't go crazy this year, things will be good. :)

  2. Hot sweaty guys in tight clothes! Yer killing me Em!!!

    The rest of the Jordanian design team are the middle aged slightly portly married straight guys, and Zahir's friend. On the up side I will have the Ukrainian guys to look at tomorrow. They are straight, but they ARE cute. Cue mantra, "Here to work, here to work, here to work..."

    Here is to having everything, I hope we both get there. Cali-Persian kids sound like they would be cute.

    1. We had hot ukrainian movers when we moved this summer!! OMG they were beautiful men. The husband kept me from bothering them. hehe. Have fun!

    2. Good morning my friend. It is 5:30ish in Keiv.

      This is my second trip here. Don't want to disillusion you totally but they are just like guys everywhere. Some are ripped, some are skinny, some are fit, some are not. But I am loving the accent, and the ink. There are a couple on the build team I could eat with a spoon. Their bodies scream gym rat. (my catnip)

      My corporate host is a married guy. I had dinner with he and his wife last night while the rest of team Jordan hit the clubs. They were the ones who took Zahir and I to the aircraft museum last time. Museums are my thing, I know I am a dork. I am gonna try to fit in the National Art Museum. Not sure if Betey will lighten up enough for me to go. If it were totally up to him I would be either here or at the office.

      I indulged in a little act of rebellion... I ordered the full English breakfast (A fry-up). Eggs, tomatoes, beans, four kinds of pork (including B-A-C-O-N), and toast. Betey was not amused when he lifted the lid.
