Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Pirates and Tutors

We are having a pretty normal week. :) It's nice and boring, but with stuff to do. 

I got the information for my classes. I have four of them and I can look at the projects and the lectures. I only had to buy one big book, the rest had readings in pdfs which is kind of cool. 

Lukas is coming along. I just need a sex scene, but I keep getting distracted while working on it. I'm more excited for the next chapter. The tenth! I need some big drama to shake things up. I need to kick this series back into high gear. I need big drama, big sex, lights, action, fury, fire, 2 cans of whoop-ass, and a scented candle. Maybe Lukas will be kidnapped by a pirate.... 

So A. (the Persian husband) hired a tutor for me. We meet next week! I'm excited. We texted which is really weird because the only two people use my phone number, A and my dad. My friends use whatsapp or hangouts to text me. I like whatsapp because I get in on the group messages so even if I'm not really part of their daily world I get to see the back and forth arguments, memes, and jokes and feel included. 

Anyways, so the tutor was texting me and of course A is included in it. We are going to start next week and meet at A's office when he is there working. He's going to help me plan out the projects  and assignments so I get everything done. A says I am NOT to use him to do my classes for me. I would never do that!! I don't know why he would feel the need to explicitly tell me that. 

A said he was a skinny kid who is focused, but will be fun for me to work with. He knows I mostly just need a slightly encouraging friend to work with. I'm a great students. I always get my A, except in math... and science. But in my major stuff like English or Writing, I always get my A. I do way more than is required. 

It's interesting because he says the guy is Asian, but with A that could mean anything. He could be Russian, Indian, Arab, Chinese, Eastern Egyptian, or Turkish. I didn't want to ask him more about it because I feel weird talking about stuff like that with him. I think in the US, we mostly assume that when someone is called Asian, they mean East Asian, but it's a huge continent with tons of different cultures. He likes to confuse me with that stuff to "open my mind." 


  1. I am the reverse... English or Writing are my kryptonite! Sciences are where I rock.

    1. You use your brain differently. :) But your skills are probably more useful than mine.

  2. I never really thought about that point of view, Asians considering all Asians in that vague category. I guess Americans are very specific. I can't see an american describing a Canadian as American. When I'm abroad, and people ask me where I'm from, i always tell them city and state. Haha! Sometimes they're not exactly sure where I mean.

    1. Yes! he explained it to me like that. Someone from Argentina is just as much of an American as I am. I try to use US-Americans in writing. That's the accepted convention.

  3. Best of luck with class. I can tell by your writing that English is going to be an automatic A.

  4. I think most Americans generalize people into categories. I love it when I tell someone that I am African American, and they immediately come back with, "But you aren't black". No, I am not black and in fact as white as snow. Ha ha! My mother is South African and I was born there. My father is 2nd generation Scottish American. I am one of those people lucky enough to have dual citizenship, and I am truly African American. I can speak Afrikaans like a native South African, or rock a kilt like my pop. :P

    My only class this semester starts on Tuesday and is online also. I have taken classes like that, and I like them. It will give me more time at home and maybe remove some stress from Sajid, since I will be here.

    1. I forgot you were South African. You have a very cool mix. I'm not even sure what my mix is. A says it's definitely far northern european, but he said it looks mixed with spanish or italian. Some day I want to try that DNA test. A says he is mixed Persian/Arab. I bet he would have some surprises too.

  5. A heard once from a YouTuber who is famous in Mexico (she lived half her youth ther) that her country where she was born which is the USA has no name. Indeed they use the word Americans when anyone from American continent is an American. She mentioned that the most accurate name should be ’unitedstatian’ as in being from United States instead of calling themselves Americans

  6. Okay... The reason people from the US are referred to as "American" is because we are the only country in the "Americas" that actually has America in its name. We are from the United States of America, hence we are Americans. People from Canada are Canadians. People from Brazil are Brazilians. People from Costa Rica are Costa Ricans...
    We are also the most ethnically and racially diverse country on the earth. Typically, if someone is [historically] from a country or continent the race is almost a given, but not so in the USA.
