Friday, August 10, 2018

Friday night out.

We had a fun night. A came home early from work (about an hour early, that's what he called taking off early! Workaholic!). 

I made a new friend. He has this client who is from Shanghai and he has this younger boyfriend who is Korean/white and is his version of me but a few years older. He was really nice to me and he helped me pick out what I would like and not like from the menu. I think he liked my husband too... a lot. :) 

We went to this Udon place in JapanTown. It was really crazy. So you start by ordering a bowl of the noodles and whatever meat you want, then you go through this line with your tray and you pick out extras. It was tempura shrimp, tempura vegetables, tempura potato things, tempura fish, tempura chicken, so basically a bunch of fried stuff. I stuck with the noodle soup and got a piece of chicken that wasn't super fried. A (persian husband) loaded up with all the fried stuff I don't let him eat. 

They even had this full cooler of Japanese drinks. I tried this one that was like a milky fruit juice. It was so good! We walked around the area a lot. It's mostly UCLA students and a lot of Asian people. They have cool shops and stuff. 

After we finished, I asked if we could stop by the beach before going home. A groaned and said he was super tired from the long week. I told him, "Ok ok, we can go home. I know you worked like crazy this week." 

But when we got our car from the valet, he went down a street the opposite of where we came from and drove until we got to this super dark little street with a few houses. 

"We are here," he said. 

"Where? It's all dark." I looked at him all weird. Then he turned off the music and rolled down the windows in the car so we could hear the waves. 

"Is the beach. The ocean is dark at night. You want it to glow?" he laughed at me. 

We got out and took our shoes off and walked in the sand down to the waves. There's just something magical about putting your feet in the cold pacific ocean after being trapped inside this apartment all week without seeing much of the outside world. 

I know how tired he was and how hard he worked this week so it was just really special. 

And now we're home and he's answering some emails and making a phone call, then we'll have some together time and I can repay him. That is unless his stomach isn't totally effed from all the fried things he inhaled. :) He was rubbing it on the way home and burping... My Persian loves food. 

We decided we need to go out in the city more instead of just walk to places near us. But he's usually so tired when he gets home. He works so much. 


  1. That sounds like a very nice evening! I know you don't get out much and it's important for you guys to that every once in a while. Maybe a weekly date night? Mine likes to take me out, but I think he secretly likes it better when I cook and serve him (I like that too).

    I had my own really excellent evening out last night. I normally choose lighter menu items, or even just eat something from the appetizer list, but my guy wouldn't have that and ordered for me. He was going to speak to the waiter and order for me anyway, but did not like my choice. I knew I wouldn't eat it all and he finished his, then the rest of mine. Middle eastern guys love to eat, don't they? Lol


    1. Yes! mine will order something for me that he wants to try and then he'll eat the half I don't. If there's ever a side of something cheesy or potato-ey that comes with my food I immediately set it aside knowing he meant it for himself. It's funny how couples get into routines like that
