Sunday, August 5, 2018

Au Revoir Pei Wei

I got so choked up when PeiWei's mom came to pick him up tonight. It was only 48 hours of being a couple with a dog but it was so much fun. PeiWei is a whippet (see previous post) and is 6 years old. He was so cute and he followed me everywhere. 

The husband got a little jealous because I even insisted that the dog come with me when I went to the bathroom. That is one thing I don't like to do with A. I am a door closer. He'll be totally on the pot checking emails on his phone with the door wide open!!! The only time I let him in the bathroom when I'm doing sit-down things is when I've been really sick and he won't let me go alone. Other than that... no sir. 

He did draw the line at letting the dog take a bath with us. I insisted that he needed a bath too, but A said that would not be healthy. Do people not take baths with their dogs?  He's just so yummy and I love him. THEN!!! He kicked him out of the bedroom when we were having sex. The dog wasn't even trying to join us. He went to sit in the big comfy chair in the corner, but A wasn't having it. He said PeiWei kept staring at him like he thought I was in danger... I'm always in danger when A gets too horny. 

So I learned that the husband gets jealous when I paid too much attention to the dog. I told him I'll probably be worse when we have actual children. He said that's ok because kids sleep a lot and in their own bedrooms so we'll still have private time. 

I am working on Lukas Chapter 8. In an odd turn of events, I have a really good sex scene but no story!! Usually it's the other way around where I have a really good story and need a sex scene. 

I keep thinking up ideas and then I remember that I did that in a previous series. I want Ari to show his jealous side, but it all seems tropey. you know? I thought of having Lukas kidnapped or maybe Ari's dad finds out that Lukas is not with his father like he's supposed to be so he flies there to get him from Ari because I DEFINITELY see Ari's father, Mr. Khorasani, as being a little to interested in the boy... 

One reader who emailed suggested he thought the chapter 7 was going to turn into an asian guy gangbang of Lukas. haha. that is DEFINITELY not my style. Although if I was going to do that it would be in the Cage series and that's a good idea for a future chapter of Cage... 

It'll come to me. I'm going to the dentist tomorrow so maybe something will strike me while she's cleaning my teeth. 


This video is DEFINITELY not us! We don't even fit in each other's clothes though it was funny the one time he tried to put on one of my tank tops. He looked super hot stretching it out. We'd never check out guys in front of each other (well rarely...) and A would never have an opinion on how I dressed our kids unless it was inappropriate for where we were going. Plus he plans the trips and vacations... and restaurants and other things we do outside the house. And our kids will call me dad/daddy and him Baba. That one was easy... I think it would be strange to have such close roles to each other. 


  1. I like the twist of Ari's father Mr.Khorashani possibly flying in and trying to take control over Lukas. As it's been hinted that Mr.Khorashani may a softer side for Lukas deep down inside. It would be interesting to see 2 Lions compete for a cub. Another twist could be his brother who adores Lukas trying to scoop in on Lukas as well,but stopping at the last minute out of respect for Ari.

    Or another completely different Lion trying to compete for Lukas's attention altogether.

    1. Ari might need some competition. Either from inside the family or out. I think that's a good idea. :)

  2. That video is cute. I think the discussion about their son's school form was hilarious. It seems like school systems need to update their paperwork, because not all families are male/female. I loved the discussion about who was going to be the Mom on the form. 😂

    I would have to agree about the dog not being in the room during sex. I would hate for my dog to jump up on the bed during that time thinking we were wrestling or playing. Well, we would be, but the dog is not invited...


    1. Maybe he would have done that. That's what A thought. I just felt so bad hearing him whimper when we put him out and closed the door. He let me be clingy with him and loved my attention. :)

      I think those guys are in California so it was surprising to hear they still use mother and father on forms. It should just be parent 1 and parent 2. I'll see what the forms say when we eventually have kids. I'm sure I'll always be the mom... ALWAYS. lol. I don't mind.

  3. I have to agree with A and Birdman, on the not pets in room during sex. Kaeleb is wicked jealous when Zahir "touches" me. Zahir had a custom nightstand made for my side of the bed. It doubles as Kaeleb's bed/crate. The first thing the little shit did was to learn how to escape the crate. I think he "thought" my honey was hurting me and grabbed Zahir's ankle with his teeth and started growling. When he realized I wasn't hurt, Kaeleb started playing like it was a pack activity. Both of us said no to the puppy 3-way.

    Kaeleb sleeps with the falcon now when Zahir and I are cuddling. Of course he is my cuddle puppy while Zahir is gone. This week he is gonna be with his brothers in the security office and yard while I am in Kiev.

    Gotta go... car just arrived to take me to the airport.

    Luv ya Em.

    1. Have fun in Kiev! I hope the weather is nice there. It's been crazy hot here. I'd love to go to some cold climate for a little while. Might be fun. Are you guys skyping or facetiming every day? We end up doing that when he is away too long. He just likes to watch me doing stuff around the house. Sometimes he puts it on at work even when he can't really pay attention to me.

    2. I grew up in hot and humid Miami... The swamp side. It was a dry 92°F in Amman yesterday, it's only in the high 70s here. I am freezing and the temp drops into the 50s at night!!!

      I got the same corporate host as last time. He and his family are nice and greeted us at the airport. My chaperone (body-guard) Betey, is insane on security. Haven't even unpacked and had the first meeting with our design team. Looks like the problems they are having stem from someone stupid changing the plans, and the local government NOT obeying its agreements. Looks like my week is gonna center on two locations, the worksite and the hotel. Small price to pay to be here.

      Communications... Zahir and I have to keep vocal talks VERY short through the firms encrypted server. I got about a billion quick texts today from him. If I didn't answer quick enough Betey would get one. I grumbled about a couple restrictions Betey imposed. This earned me a one word reply "OBEY." You know the only response is "Yes, Sir."

      This is the first time traveling without Zahir. I feel naked, it isn't as fun. Have to get into a clean suit. I am having a welcome dinner with the host and his wife in the hotel restaurant tonight, Betey will likely be standing around somewhere looking menacing. The rest of our firms team is going clubbing, David is happy with that.

      It is so weird I'll be ending my day as you are just beginning yours. It makes me realize how big our world is.

    3. That's crazy. What an adventure! You should make a story out of it. Hot Ukranian guys. yum :) I hope you have fun there and don't just work all the time. Maybe they have an aquarium? Those are the best.
