Friday, August 3, 2018

Whippets & Puppy Play

Puppy play is something I kind of knew of... but never really thought about it. We're just not that kinky of a couple, or so I thought... 

There's been a heavy dog theme to my week. It just keeps coming up! I'll start with the PG Stuff. Skip below it if you only care about the filthy stuff: 

Our neighbor, an older lady who always says, "Oh handsome boys!" when she sees us is going out of town and needs a dog sitter. Husband likes her because she keeps an eye on our floor (He is always the unofficial floor captain or cul-de-sac captain wherever we live!). She has an adorable dog who loves me because I always go crazy over him when we pass in the hall. Sometimes when I'm at the gym I see her with him in the dog park area and I go out and play with him. She likes that I wear him out so she can sit in the shade and talk on the phone. 

He is a whippet and the first time I saw him I thought he was a baby deer. I was like "That is a deer! There's a deer in the hall! OMG!" I'm so excited. She told husband this morning that she does need to go tonight and thanked us for watching him. She offered to pay, but he told her of course not and we love dogs. We do!

+++ The Filth +++

Lately I've been feeling like a house pet. I stay in our apartment building and clean, go to the gym, make dinner, and wait for him to come home everyday when I pounce on him and beg for attention. So a reader recently made me revisit and do a little more digging on this puppy play thing. Reading about it made me think of two things the husband compliments me on frequently: submissiveness and quiet. 

I'm a naturally quiet person. I express myself much better in writing. Even with my husband I find it better to send him a message or note or email when it's something lengthy. It's intimidating to look him in the eye and speak. Plus he's usually on his phone since he works so much. When I message him he will take it seriously and focus. 

I was thinking about this yesterday and came across a gift bag the apartments gave us when we moved in and one of them was this pool ball. It's squishy and about the size of a tennis ball. It's designed to float in the pool when it lands. The idea formed together in my brain with a click!

When he came home about 3 I told him we should go to the pool. He was kind of restless and tired but he said he had a free hour before he needed to catch up on work stuff. We got on our swim-trunks and he slathered me in waterproof sunblock then headed out to the pool deck. Thankfully there was no one in the pool, just a few people on the lounge chairs and deeply engrossed in their phones. Of course he immediately got a phone call he had to take. His investors and clients never leave him alone. 

He had his earpiece in and was looking away from me so I put the ball in my mouth. I swam up behind him and made whimpering noises. I poked his shoulder with the ball in my mouth and he turned to look at me like "What do you need?" I poked the ball against his hand and then made a growling noise. He just laughed thinking I was being silly. He reached for the ball and I let it go then panted happily. I kept looking away and making dog noises. He got the hint and tossed it. 

I barked and swam for it. I got it in my mouth and brought it back too him and poked his hand with it again. 

The look on his face! He very quickly figured out what was going on and had this smile like he wanted me then and there. It was funny because he was still going on his phone call, but his interest quickly transitioned to this game. He threw it again and I fetched. I brought it back and he rubbed my hair and called me a good girl and scratched under my chin. We've NEVER discussed anything like this, but he just naturally took to it. 

We didn't stay in the pool much longer. He finished his phone call then we headed back to our apartment for the hottest time we've had in a few months. This one was definitely top ten of our times together. 

I would post some pictures with it, but um... I'm at the Lexus dealership while his car gets a big service. He got a loaner to go to a meeting and I'm here waiting with the car and enjoying the wifi. 

Yep! We had that good of a night together to where he insisted I come work with him today. 

I'm going to explore some more with him on this. It's definitely worth it and it inspired me this morning to bang out the first give pages of Lukas Ch. 8. So hot! :)


  1. I'm so glad you're comfortable enough with your man to experiment a little! It's pretty tough to open up with your partner sometimes. It took me a while to tell my husband about some of my kinks. I'm pretty bad about communicating when it comes to sex stuff. I get afraid he's gonna think I'm a freak and get weirded out, but he constantly reminds me that I can tell him anything and he'll be open and love me. It's nice when things work out tho and you end up having a bomb love sesh full of rough stuff and sweet cuddles. It's also fun to go out and about behaving like a normal couple while knowing you're both getting down and dirty behind closed doors. It can really bring us closer and increase our intimacy level.

    My husband got me started on writing out my thoughts. In the beginning of our relationship he would type out a page with his concerns we needed to address. It's more helpful than having a conversation sometimes because it's less impulsive and you can really lay out your internal conflicts in a concise form. We haven't had to have those serious conversations in a while, but it's definitely more constructive when it needs to happen. Writing out little love notes are becoming my new thing when he's sleeping too. He likes to keep them around the house to read randomly.

    We leave for LA tomorrow!! I'm so excited. We've got a crazy early flight tomorrow so we can get to the music festival early to see all his favorite bands. I miss LA so much. I hope we can go to Shakey's pizza shack or to the local Mexican joint for some uber cheesy enchiladas :)

    1. Welome to LA! It's going to be super hot for a few days.

      It can be so hard to open up to a guy who is so big and dominant. He doesn't see how intimidating he is. We do find other ways like the notes or texts or having big conversations in bed and in the dark. That's where we open up the most. and Cheesy Enchiladas are the best! :)

  2. It's cool that you can be open with A. about this kink. Hopefully you guys will explore it further.

    I does make me sad that you feel like a house pet. That's not good. Does your husband know about that? And is he willing to give you some more freedom?

    1. It can be hard to open up to him about feelings. Especially because he works so hard for us and loves me so much that when he comes home tired and just wanting to hold me I feel kind of selfish for wanting to talk about my feelings.

      He has come a long way since we got together. He comes from a super traditional culture where the "weaker" partner is at home and protected. When I want to go somewhere, he says to wait for him to come home from work. I don't mind that, but sometimes it can feel pretty lonely.

  3. I hope you tell him if it ever gets to where it starts to seriously affect your relationship. You seem like a great couple. And I’m more like A in my relationship, when I stop to think about it I realize I can be a bit of a steamroller. But day to day when my partner doesn’t say anything I assume we’re good. At least until he has a meltdown. I’m sure your husband would much rather compromise more than lose you or have you resent him.
    In the meantime, I’m glad you have your online community to connect with!

    1. He's learned to schedule quiet times to check in with me. It's even in his phone calendar. He gets alerts. :) Which is nice because sometimes things get too busy and he forgets to make it a priority.

  4. I think the "pup" play sounds hot and I wouldn't mind trying that. Our relationship is still new and we are figuring out what each other likes. I did find out that calling him Daddy when it accidentally slipped out in a moment of passion kind of put him into overdrive. So, maybe adding a little kink might be fun and may grow into part of our fun. 😁

    Oh! How was the dog sitting this weekend?


    1. This dog is so amazing. I keep begging to let us get one, but he says we are waiting until we're ready to have kids. He likes that we can travel right now and not worry about things. Once we get the babies he plans for me to be home all day and a dog will be good for protection. I'm so sad we have to give him back when she comes home tonight. It's been fun taking him places and sleeping with him.

      And yes the daddy thing! For mine it's not just sexual. He is the daddy full time, but he still likes to hear it or Baba (their word for it).

  5. I can so relate to being a pet... Thinking about coming home.

    1. Home to the USA? Aww. You miss your guy already I bet. :( I'd be going nuts.

    2. Thirty days, Iran can have him for thirty days... Longer and I will release all the fury pent up in my 5'7" 99 pound frame... cue skinny teen-boy jokes...

      I am moving into the big house with Baba, Mama, and Zahir's little sister in a few hours. It would be wrong to stay in the little house alone with our widowed housekeeper.

      For now I am gonna cuddle and nap with the other boy in my life Kaeleb (my malinois fur missile). It is four forty-five in the morning and I haven't slept all night.

      Thanks for the shoulder tonight Em. I needed it.

    3. I hope you get a good night's sleep. That sucks when you can't sleep and have to function the next day. :( I feel zombie mode when that happens. It's awful.
