Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Birthday and Lukas page!

5 days til his birthday. It's a new decade for him. He's just finishing the one I started last year. I can tell he is a little bummed. He had always said 20’s for building work and love, 30’s for building family. He accomplished his 20’s and he had lined up for us to be in a house in gated Orange County by now.

He mentioned it yesterday when we had our long talk, but he said that if I was unhappy feeling trapped in this high rise with the gym, pool, grass deck, and coffee shop then I'd be feeling even worse in a big empty house behind gates.
He said it's worked out better to be here where I at least have things to see and his work is closer. I know once his birthday hits he's going to really want to kick off the baby making process.

I think I'll be ready for it. We are going to take a child care class. They offer them at an lgbt friendly learning center and it'll be at night so we can go together. It's probably the ONLY gay thing he'll ever want to go to. It'll be fun though meeting other gay and lesbian couples. He would rather do it out here but he wants us to hear from other people who will be going through similar things.

I have his birthday gift ready. I shouldn't post it here because there's always the chance he stalks me enough to read this blog. Although I think that if he did he'd shut it down quickly.

One day way down the road I'm going to give him a bound printed copy of Noah's starship. I'll have to change the names and events a little for accuracy, but I think he'd like that I chronicled our first year. I won't call it Noah's Starship. I'll need a different title. Something with his name in it.

I was thinking about his accent today and how he calls me Emi but can't say it like I would. It sounds more like EHH-me. When we first met her said it like UHH-muh-ree. I thought it was so cute and never corrected him. Eventually he got closer.

We are getting into a routine of him doing an hour of work before bedtime. It's better than him working while he eats dinner straight through to bedtime. He did come home for lunch and I was just back from the gym and freshly showered so we ended up having playtime and then I made him a sandwich to go. It was a nice surprise.

I made a page on my website for Lukas & The Shah. Ok this is a FAIL attempt at making a picture for it, but it's not horrible is it???? I used a guy Brittany Spears is dating. The original pic was two different colors:

Is it terrible??


  1. So, he is going to be 30, and the thrid decade is for making a family? That's cute! I'll bet he has everything he does planned down to the second. That kind if sounds like someone I know. :D

    Do you guys have a surrogate? I know there are a lot of women out there who do that. I actually have a few friends who told me they would carry a child for me, if and when the time came. I think raising children and starting a family would be the best thing ever!

    The accent...mmm...I absolutely love Sajid's accent. It's so sexy, especially when he purrs out my name. Instant goosebumps and wood. When he is being romantic or speaking in hushed tones with his accent, I would do anything to keep hearing it. TMI? I don't care. Ha ha!


    1. Yes totally! He has it planned out to our deaths, or his at least. He plans to go first. :( He is working with a surrogacy finder and has eggs in progress from my close cousin so the babies will be related to me. She offered to carry twins for us, but he wants to use an outside surrogate just to keep things from getting messy.

      I'm actually kind of excited about it. The last few places we've vacationed, we have gotten a few baby things since that's the only time we have time to stroll around a baby store.

      Ok you need to demand that he talks dirty to you in Arabic when he's um... back there doing his thing. It is super hot. A does Persian for me in a deep growl while he nibbles on my ear/neck and it pushes me right over the edge so fast.

  2. That child care class sounds awesome!! I should look up some in SF for Andrés and I to go to before we leave SF. It would be so helpful to learn and ask questions from other like minded couples.

    I thought of you the other day as I was out running at Dolores Park. There was with small blond dude with his baby strapped to his chest drinking his morning tea. It was such a tranquil scene.

    My cousin offered to give some of her eggs to us the other day! I hope she wasn't joking. She's only 18, but Andy and I got super excited.

    That bound book idea is dope! A might actually get teary eyed :)

    1. I hope that works out for you Kel! I'm no where near ready for children yet, but I have my sister and a few couples (gay) with children for support. If we get to that point, I am not sure how much Sajid would help. I think having children would be wonderful!


    2. We'll see, I've still gotta get into and complete the whole nursing school thing, so it might have to wait a couple years :( Next month I start my EMT classes tho! I'm excited and also kinda nervous. But it should make my resume more competitive. Did you go straight into nursing Alex?

    3. No, I didn't. I was a Biology major before going to Nursing school. I now have a Master's degree in Nursing and I am starting the doctorate program this semester. Nursing is a very high demand program and I'm glad to hear you are going in to it. Feel free to email me any time, if you have questions or concerns. My best email is

      I would be very happy to help you. Nursing is primarily a female dominated profession and I experienced a lot of push back when I was starting. I can absolutely help with that.


    4. That would be awesome!! I'm currently looking at BSN and ASN programs in the bay, but they're so impacted I might have to go to like Dakota or Minnesota. Or go to a private school near SF which would run like 150,000 bucks :( This weekend I'll be working on my application essays. But I'll definitely email you if I get hung up on something or just have questions. Thank you my friend!

    5. I told you two MONTHS ago that you'd both be friends. :)

      I'd love having tea with a baby strapped to me in the park. That sounds so nice! We always see moms out walking with strollers when the sun starts to go down here. A says we would never have the babies out on the street like that with all the crazy drivers. But by then we'll be in a quiet gated neighborhood and they better have a nice shady park. I used to not think I'd do ok with a baby, but I think I would. We're going to try for two sets of twins maybe 4 years apart. That's his plan at least.

    6. Lol you're exaggerating my dude! I only found your blog like a month ago :P but you're right. Alex seems like a chill guy

  3. I had a coworker that had “twins” through surrogate. Both guys donated sperm and had eggs from same woman. The babies looked adorable but very different. Each baby resembled her biological dad. My co-worker is Latino and his husband white. That might be another option for your twins so each one shares your own blood.
