Sunday, September 30, 2018

Lukas and The Matchmaker

I color-coded this blog for the 3 distinct topics.

So things are going well with quiet friend and the Arab guy my husband sneakily set him up with. I asked the husband today if he had meant to set them up and he looked at me like it hadn't occurred to him, but then said “Well maybe…  I see how Mohammed is look him over and know he wouldn't move in on my baby's friend so I give him the ok and then push the magnets together… but they click on their own.”

That does sound believable… 😋 he always calls us magnets. So when he sees two lost magnets he slides them together. He is a scientist's child.

In Lukas news: trying to decide what I want for this next chapter… haven't had super inspiration, yet!

So I was taking to quiet friend, Ollie. He told me my girlfriend is moving back to LA from Portland. He still keeps in touch with her.  I'll have to text her and maybe make the husband jealous.She grew up near me and we were friends from first to tenth grade when we kind of parted.

After the summer before 8th grade, she came back to school looking totally different!! You know those lesbians that look like skater boys? That was Angela who turned to Angel. She isn't trans, she just likes the guy look and doesn't mind if people think she's a boy.

I hope this doesn't come across as weird or transphobic or anything like that. If so, I'm sorry... Just let me know. I'm just opening up about a crush.

Like this... [These pics are NOT her]

So she came back to school for 8th grade looking like a hot guy. She's Hispanic and she had hair like the pic and where she used to wear colorful earrings she just had little black circles. I so want them but my husband doesn't want anything pierced or tattooed on me.

We had always been friends and she had always been athletic and more masculine than me, but she changed that year. She was a total dude, laid back and chill, but also protective of me.

I felt this super attraction to her as a boy, like everything changed. She looked out for me and put her arm across the back of my chair when she'd sit next to me and sprawl out. She said I was cute and wished I was female a few times. We even kissed kind of in a weird way one night in the dark. I totally would have dated her except she likes girls.

We went to different high school programs since I was into writing and she liked sports and science. We still talked all the time but then just kind of drifted.

I told my husband about it over dinner and he kept looking at me strangely until I made Ollie send me pics of her and he saw what she looks like. He seemed just a little jealous but I assured him she is into girls and I am into him. He says he is ok with meeting her if she wants to. I haven't talked to her in like 4 years.

In the pics she has tattoos and looks even more like a hot guy now. She's super lean and has a pretty face with a boys cut and piercings. I'd still date her… 😎I always had a thing for girls like that... kind of how some guys have a thing for guys who dress in girl gear.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Princess Choice & The Quiet boy

Today we got to do the Princess Choice day that got derailed last weekend. 

It was pretty chill. I could tell he was tired from his week and our party last night, but he trudged along through Tokyo Village with me and the fun Japanese shops. There are some truly strange things to buy. We got our Turkish food. I had this kebab burrito. It was really tasty! Imagine that lamb they roast on the turning thing wrapped in a flat bread with rice, yogurt, spices and some weird sauce. I ate about half because it was heavy, but it was pretty good. Husband had the same but with fries and he finished his. 

Last night we had a friendly get together, or SO I THOUGHT! Turns out Husband had other plans. 

I have this quiet friend from High School that I used to see on campus sometimes. He's nice and gay and super quiet. He's not bad looking. He's small like me, but he just seems like he's got a lot going on in his shell. 

Husband likes him because he isn't loud like my other friends. He's super shy but when I'm one-on-one with him we have fun. SO I had him over and Husband had his friends. My friends are kind of intimidated by his friends. They are a mix of Arab and Persian Bros. They are loud, athletic, alphas who play jokes on each other and have a good time. You wouldn't think any of them were gay, and maybe some of them aren't. I don't know. 

Anyways, as intimidated as my friends normally are around his friends, Ollie was even more so! He basically shadowed me. Husband was so cool to him. He even went downstairs when Ollie said he was close and he saved him a parking spot in the big garage (parking in our area is insane). 

Husband steered Ollie towards one of his friends who is this cute nerdy jock Arab guy who looks like he would be a super stud if someone just fixed his hair and clothes. 

Husband kept making them talk. It reminded me of when you go camping and the spark thing to start the fire doesn't work right but you just keep on trying and trying and trying and then WHOOSH. There was fire. Ollie stopped following me and started following Mohammed. I dont know how things turned out, but I texted O tonight and he said they have been talking/texting. 

I suspect Husband set it up! I think he wants good friends for me and this is NOT the first time he has set up my friends with his! He's a sneaker like that! 

I like this song, but Husband says the lyrics are annoying, but I likes...

And yes I am working on Lukas Ch. 15! I have four good paragraphs written! So there... 

Thursday, September 27, 2018

New Lukas is posted.

The new Lukas Chapter posted. Chapter 14 is up. yay that was quick!! I posted a link on my google plus but it was quickly deleted by google. Apparently I can't post dirty story links on there... 

At least Jesus Likes it... :( 

I can't wait to see how people react. It is a little more than I usually do with my "perfect couple" characters. I might go for more if it's well received. 

I went to sleep after the husband left for work this morning since I woke up so early. I woke up at lunch time and did some edits on the story then some school work. Pretty chill day. Luckily I turned on the crock pot when I went to nap so there is delicious food to be had when the husband comes home. What a long day he has. He got off about 9 and he won't get home until nearly 7 tonight. Poor guy. 

I did make the dinner he likes with the roast and vegetables in the slow cooker. I rarely use it, but I've been thinking about it lately. We are supposed to get rain next week so that makes me immediately think of winter food since winter here is the only time we usually get rain. 

I'm on to Lukas 15 soon. I want to either do something with Lukas being back at school or Lukas being sought by a rival of Ari's. 

I also want to get them back to Ari's condo for some time. He hasn't been there in awhile and maybe Ari has spruced it up with some pictures of his love. 

Lukas & The Wasp

Almost finished with chapter 14 of Lukas. I got some good writing in yesterday. If chapter 13 pushed the limit, 14 might just be too much! But I'll leave that to the readers. I'm really happy with where it's going and I hope to finish it today.  

I'm sticking to Lukas' perspective but trying to give Ari more voice and insight in this chapter while also bringing in more of Lukas' dad. There's a lot, so it'll be another long chapter. 

I woke up at 5:00. I NEVER wake up at 5:00! It's still dark outside! I had a nightmare and I woke up with a jolt that woke up A. He tried to settle me back down and hold me, but I realized I was keeping him up. I told him I wanted to get up and do some school work so he would go back to sleep. He works crazy hard so he needs all the rest he can get. I'm staying home today to work so I can go back to sleep after I get him off for the day. 

The nightmare: 

I was at this party working as a cater waiter guy. My husband was there with a lot of his business friends, but for some reason I was working. 

I was in the dining room and it was my grandmother's house where my dad used to take me when I was little. 

A bee or wasp or something got in, it was one of those angry yellow jackets and people started to flee as it buzzed around. I didn't leave. I kept telling everyone what my dad always told me. "If you don't bother it, it won't bother you."

None of them listened. They ran screaming while I tried to serve cucumbers with some white stuff on them. 

I stayed there and tried to avoid it. I thought if I left I'd lose my job. Then the bee came at me and I got under the table in the earthquake position squatting down and covering my head. It stung me on my head and I squashed it with my hand. 

A (the husband) came suddenly and helped me up and we could see the squashed yellow jacket on my hand along with a stinger stuck in my hand. He pulled it out and I woke up. 

Does that mean anything? 

Monday, September 24, 2018

Need some Input

I'm working on the next Lukas. I'm ⅔ finished with it. I like how it's turning out.

I need a little advice though. How public is Ari when it comes to sexual things or affection with Lukas?

Most of you have read the series, I hope, so I think you know his character somewhat. I think one issue with a story like this is it has too many characters so there isn't always enough room to fully develop Ari. Even with thirteen chapters posted he is still somewhat two-dimensional.

He's tall, muscled, Persian, loving, wealthy, athletic, protective…

One problem is that he shares responsibility of Lukas with his father and Lukas’ father. If he had Lukas in his home then there would be much more development like foods Lukas makes for him or how Lukas takes care of his home.

With me, I met A. (husband) in June and moved in with him in November. After that we've never lived apart.

That felt like such a long time, that period between where we got serious (July) and when he got our townhouse (November). It was really only 5 months. Since then (3 years!!!😍👏🤗), I've had to learn how to be a good houseboy. I've learned how to take care of more upscale things and clothes. It's a lot of growing. He even offered to get a cleaning lady to help out but I thought that was weird. I take care of him. He is mine to adore...

Someone posted this folder with my name on it online but it's in polish. What is it???

I haven't googled my writer stuff in a long time “tarzanacide”

It's a unique username so it all tracks together. I didn't realize adult reads was publishing my stories. They link to Literotica So I guess it's ok but it's fascinating that people are voting on my stories there?! That feels weird. As long as they credit me and my email address I guess that's ok? I don't know.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Princess Choice and House Hunting

Yesterday was "Princess choice day (PCD)" as A calls it. He let me make plans. But they fell apart... 

I'd wanted us to go to the Tokyo Village and then eat at this Turkish Street food chain that I saw pictures of on Yelp when researching what I wanted to do for my choice day. It is a kebab place with crazy looking food that I knew he would like. I wrote up my proposal for him and emailed it to his work email on Thursday. He sent back an approval and we were all set. 

Side note: He always jokes about having forms for me to fill out and he sends me little pdf surveys with his business letterhead. I've used the complaint form a few times. It actually does make things easier. :) 

We got in the car and he put on the traffic app and it was crazy red. 40 minutes to get downtown which is 7 miles away. It was sending him down some crazy routes and around Dodger stadium. 

"Is your day, we will go!" he said when I told him we could do something else. But then he got a phone call from one of his friends we hung out with Friday night. He's a realtor who specializes in Orange County homes and he said he had a few things for us to come look at just to get some ideas. 

A told him no. He said we had plans and it was my day, but I quickly jumped in and said no let's go do that. We headed in the other direction away from the traffic and it only took us a little over an hour to get 40 miles away down to Irvine. A promised we will do PCD another weekend. He knows he railroads me sometimes and he tries to be extra mindful of including me on decision-making. 

We had three houses to see! They were OMG beautiful. The one thing we talked about with the realtor friend is that we want there to be a kitchen and that is open to a living room and small bathroom but somewhat contained from the rest of the house. 

We plan on having lots of babies and we want an area where I can keep everything together. Some houses have a stairway that goes right into the living room and then big open area to dining and other areas. We want to have a few baby gates to keep everything contained and everyone together for the 9-12 hours a day when he is out working and won't be there with me. 

I saw it on one of those house hunting shows where the lady had her kids in the living room and the kitchen was right there and a small "powder room" but then the rest of the house was separated somewhat. 

It's important because my biggest fear is that I'll go to make a bottle or something and one of the kids will escape and something bad will happen. I don't want to think about that.

We are definitely in love with our apartment life, but we wants kids soon and A is already working out a timeline with my cousin who is going to donate eggs (She looks like me and my dad's side has very dominant genes so the babies will at least resemble me from half with his sperm making up the other half). 

We'll be here at least through the spring when he can wrap up his current projects and then start to take on more stuff from his company down closer to OC. 

Friday, September 21, 2018

Friday night

We are going out tonight with some of his friends. I'm ready for fun. This week was hard. Lots of schoolwork and writing. I'm waiting for him to come home and change so we can go. 

If you read Chapter 13 of Lukas, don't worry. I am going to get into his father's stuff, but it'll probably be in the form of Lukas seeing it or hearing about it in talks from his dad. I won't shift perspective and write from his dad's pov or Mr. Teza's or anyone elses. 

I may down the road do a chapter from Ari's POV. That could be interesting. But this is about Lukas and Ari. So I don't want to focus too much on the dad or Mr. T. 

Sometimes in my series the side characters become more interesting than the main ones and I've made the mistake of switching to them which is confusing for the reader and kind of odd overall. 

I want this to be Lukas' story. 

So this dude got hit by Ashton Kutcher's Tesla! HE could totally be Lukas. Or Colton for that matter. When I saw it on TMZ I was like woah! hah. Apparently he's a real douche though. His instagram is full of weird stuff. 

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

New Lukas finished.

I just sent in Chapter 13 of Lukas this morning. Maybe it'll post today since I sent it early [EDIT: It posted! And I already got some nice comments!]. I made him breakfast, sent him to work, then got down to final edits. It was a mega chapter. It's 4 pages more than my usual 20 page chapter. 

I gave it one last look over and decided to go with it. I made some interesting moves in this chapter and I'm not sure how it will be perceived but um well we'll see. 

I have plans for the next chapter but honestly they could go in so many directions. Maybe there needs to be some big drama. I have heard some great suggestions and I'm so grateful for the feedback I get from readers. It's always so humbling to know people like to read about my little people and their weird lives. 

I've been going to work with A the last two days. Monday I met with my tutor and he made things seem so simple! He is really good and A likes him a lot. We work at the meeting table in his office. It's funny because the point of me going to his office is so he can get work done while I get tutoring, but I know A when he works and this is not it. 

Normally he is pacing around with his earpiece talking to people and leaning over the computer to look things up. He moves around, looks out the window, leans against the glass, fidgets with the toys on his desk (I buy him fidget toys when I find them at Target. He loves them). 

Monday he just sat behind his computer and typed some things or made some phone calls, but it wasn't his normal energy. I think his desire to keep an eye on me with another man kind of overpowers his need to get work done. He would look up whenever we laughed or got off topic. 

After the tutor left he went into his normal energy and I worked on my stuff. I'll go again tomorrow to meet with the tutor so he can go over what I did. He's a cool guy and working on his own degree. I think he's at CalTech. He seems happy for the envelope of cash he gets each week. 

Monday, September 17, 2018

Finishing Ch. 13. Soon soon

I'm finishing up chapter 13. I should finish it by Wednesday. If not, please yell at me. Yell loudly because you're likely far, far away... Unless you live on our floor then please don't yell because A will want to know why you're yelling. 

I'm a little worried because I want to push things with the characters but i don't want to end up going off into completely unrealistic weird world. 

Sometimes tv shows do that, especially when they have been on the air too long. Some regular character ends up going to jail and the whole thing just goes weird. 

I don't want Lukas ending up working in a Tijuana meth lab or anything. :) 

These guys look so vintage, but I would wear that... 

Nifty stories can especially go too far. Sometimes in chapter 1 the character is a mild mannered banker (He always says "I'm older, but I take good care of myself"). Then by chapter 4 he's living off of pee and oatmeal, covered in tattoos, and taking it from anyone who breathes on him. I try to keep my characters from going over the cliff. 

We had a long day! I went to work with A and my tutor came and worked with me some. I am making good progress on my courses and I feel like this semester is going to be so much more organized and paced than I regularly do. I'm a planner and I like to take my time with things, but then sometimes when I have four classes going I miss some assignment until it's due the next week and then I'm scrambling like crazy to make it both perfect and finished. That's hard. I don't want to do that. 

I am obsessed with these converse with the little heart guy. I have four pairs of them in different colors and some I only wear for special time. Does your guy like you wearing shoes when you play? Mine is big on my feet. He likes shoes and socks on me (with nothing else) but then he takes them off to play with my feet. I don't know, but it makes him happy.... so that's what we do. 

Saturday, September 15, 2018

All out of hunger.

I have been working like crazy on Lukas 13. I started it in Phoenix once the comments started coming in begging to know what is going on with his father. Sometimes a few days out of town with my love can help me get inspired. I like where the story is going. It's one of the few series where I'm 13 chapters in and feel like there is a lot more to tell with this series. I only have five pages left and I need a good bang-boy scene to wrap it up. 

I feel bad for Mr. Khorasani. I really want happiness for him. I think out of all the characters I feel the most attached to him because he reminds me of how my husband's father treats me and treats us. 

My dad once said that one of the big reasons people have kids is so they can fix the regrets they have in their own lives. I kind of feel that way about my father-in-law. I know he loves his wife so much, He is so sweet with her and never argues much with her. The only time I saw him get upset with her is the few times she hurt my feelings. I know he has a very happy life with her. 

I don't think he's gay. I don't. But maybe somewhere on the scale of sexuality I think he has a piece of him, an alternate version, that would have found happiness with a boy of his own. Like maybe out there in an alternate universe he stayed in London and met a nice English boy with blonde hair and green eyes; a boy who cared for him and followed his every direction like I do with A. 

I heard somewhere that we model our relationships off of the examples of our parents. I think this is true in our case. A follows his father in being a leader and provider. He is hard and shrewd with his business self and saves his soft and caring for his partner. He is loyal and never misses a chance to reassure me. 

I am definitely like my father. He chased after my mom and put up with whatever horrible thing she offered him. He'd still be chasing her, doing whatever he could to make her happy, if she let him. I lucked out in finding someone who cares more about me than I care about myself. Even if he was toxic I'd chase him to the end. We mate for life. There's nothing else for us. 

This video is sooooo gay, soooo me, and soooo good... 

Friday, September 14, 2018

Lukas 12 and Phoenix

Lukas Chapter 12 posted and I'm already getting comments. People are demanding to know what is going on with his dad. I guess I need to address that more in chapter 13. I also need to get into Nasim and how that works out. There will be some drama with Lukas on the track team. I think it's time our boy got into some trouble. 

We had fun on our trip. He feels good when people want to get help from him and learn what he does. He came home from it happy. It's good to see him built up. I try to do that for him, but it always feels good coming from the outside. I always tell him how grateful I am that he works so hard for us. He just says, "That's what daddies do."

We had an early flight this morning from Phoenix. We got home about 10 and I felt bad because I got to go back to sleep and A had to go do some work. Poor guy. He is going to be tired when he comes home. I'll make him a nice dinner and put him to bed. 

We couldn't come home last night because we had a dinner with clients and his coworkers at this really cool place in Scottsdale. Phoenix is beautiful but so hot. We are not considering a move there. Scottsdale had a cute downtown with shops and restaurants and a river canal walk. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Gross but funny... but gross

We are in Phoenix for a few days, well just outside Phoenix at a resort. The cool thing is that his company asked him to go and when they sent him the package they had already planned for me to go along with him. He didn’t even have to request or offer to pay for my ticket. They are so cool and they really love him.

They sent him here because some of their commercial real estate people aren’t doing well and he’s supposed to review their stuff and make recommendations then he’ll start to oversee them from back in LA when we go home. He loves helping other people be better and it’s nice to see him so happy with what he is doing.

Now the gross thing *stop reading if you don’t like gross stuff or semi graphic stuff*

So last night we settled into our room after dinner and I’m doing what I do between his legs like a good boy should. Anyways. I was sick last week with sinus stuff but it’s getting better.

So my head is going up and down like you’re supposed to do only he is kinda big so it stuffs me and it makes my ears stop-up for some reason. That pressure made my sinuses drain and right as I’m going forward this big wad of white stuff dislodges in my left sinus.

Before I could stop it, it came sailing out and lands on his belly button (he’s an innie. I’m an outie but it’s tiny and not like a stick out gross one. He loves to nibble there because it’s sensitive. My whole stomach is a turn-on place. He says that’s a thing of youth that everyone outgrows… but that’s beside the story).

So it was a good tablespoon or more of thick white goo.

I froze and looked up at me. He gave me this wild look with one eyebrow raised.

“Your nose came,” he said. :) Gross but funny. He got a tissue and put it to my nose then told me to blow. Then he wiped himself off, and told me to continue. He is very much the daddy and never grossed out by me.

The clean desert air is much better for me than smoggy LA. I do have to get saline stuff to shoot up my nose because it’s so dry here. Otherwise I get a nosebleed by day two. Vegas is worse.

Anyways now I can breath again. 😃Thank you, Arizona.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Sad stories and old obsessions.

I was working on the new chapter of Lukas and writing another scene that made me cry. 

I blame all of you for sending me such amazing but heart-rending stories about growing up gay in conservative areas or with parents who didn't take it well. I have to include them. I get inspired. So again A found me post-cry with my eyes a little red. He chalked it up to the illness and made an appointment for me with the Persian doctor on Monday. 

It's a really good scene about Lukas feeling free and being blown away by how different things are for him now. Ari doesn't really get why he's crying, but Mr. Khorasani does. He knows that for Lukas staying in Glendale was much more than just being close with Ari, it was being closer to what he dreamt of becoming and being in a world that embraced what his home world mocked. That's an Almodovar quote (A director I became obsessed with when learning Spanish in high school). "You become authentic the closer you get to being the person you dreamed." or something like that. You have to fight for the life you want and make it happen. A does that for us so I don't have to. Being with him is the life I want. 

Oh! By the way. Check out some of the blogs I like to read. I hope they don't mind me sharing them! We need more LGBT blogs. What are some of the ones you like?  

I used to post my stories on both Literotica and Nifty. The cool thing about Literotica is you can see how many people looked at your story. You can se it in the picture below. 17,200 people opened Emerson and the Lion! That's amazing! Noah got 16,500 readers. I have no idea how many people read on nifty. It doesn't count. 

I haven't posted the last two series, Colton or Lukas. I can't post them on literotica because all characters in their stories must be 18 years or older and both Lukas and Colton are 17. 

The other reason I don't post on there anymore is this picture below. Every single story I posted on there (56 chapters) has a red "hot" sticker on it (The red squares by each chapter title). That means it averaged a rating of 4.5 or higher on a scale of 5. That's SUPER awesome, but I became obsessed with the feedback and ratings on there. I would check and recheck to see the ratings and agonize whenever I got low ratings and lost a red square. Ash even caught me one time looking at the website once because I was checking it at dinner. It was too much. 

We are going out tonight for dinner and to the see the movie Peppermint. Fun. :) 

Saturday, September 8, 2018

New Lukas & The Meat

Just sent in Chapter 11 of Lukas. It should post soon, maybe tomorrow this link will have it. I'm trying to blog less and write more. That's my new mantra. 

GRRR! I just realized after sending it in that I didn't give the chapter a title! Ugh! All the double checking in the world and I miss things. 

I like this chapter and it has some turning points for the characters that will play out later. Usually by chapter ten of a series I'm ready to wrap it up and move on, but Lukas will be starting his senior year soon and there are lots of ideas to come. I may do a jump ahead in the next chapter and start with his first day of school. That could leave room for some built up longing between him and Ari. I am NOT going to do a perspective switch and follow some side character. No, sir. This is Lukas' story. 

I got kind of emotional with this chapter and ended up taking a big chunk back and rewriting it because it felt so personal. Sometimes A does and says things that are so cute that I just have to put them in the story. 

The other night he was talking to me when he got home from work and was stripping out of his suit. I was sitting on the bed watching him. Something about a man stripping from this polished executive into the sweaty, muscled boy who loves me with everything he has... I got lost and he snapped his fingers at me. 

"Hey! I talk to you! Eyes up here. I am not just your meat piece!" He did that two finger point at me then directed me up to his eyes. It was so cute. And yes, he is my "meat piece."  

I've been super tired lately and going between the gym, the kitchen, my school work, and bed. A is taking care of me and urging me to not do the gym until I'm all better, but it feels like the one time of the day I'm not in the apartment. 

We're going out this afternoon just to get me out of the house and into some sunshine. There may be tacos involved... 

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Sometimes flowers get jealous of their bees.

I keep having discussions with people where I'm like, “I have to blog about this!”

Tonight's chat/topic/sermon is on jealousy

A… should I just name him Ali for the purpose of this blog? I've accidentally called him Ali/Ari/Amir before and Ali is one of his brothers’ names! He jokingly called me Erwin in response! Erwin is the guy from the long-running furniture commercials you hear on the radio in LA (Erwin & Larry). It's a bit they have done for YEARS. Anyone born and raised in SoCal will know, “You're killing me, Larry!!”

Anyways, he is super social and he charms his way to the best tables at restaurants, the last two seats together on the airplane, the best room at the hotel, etc... He's a business guy and he's good at it. Lots of guys and girls take it as an invitation and yes I get jealous... but:

A) Middle Eastern people are naturally chatty and more friendly with strangers than Americans (at least Californians... we can be a bit stand offish).

B) He's hot and well dressed (I coordinate his outfits in things I like so that's mostly my fault! He looks super hot in a tight shirt and pants! Plus I yank them when he gets weird hairs in strange new places.)

C) Their men are more outgoing as they are usually the ones addressed more rather than the females. Also their mothers treat them like princes their whole childhoods. I treat him like a king and a warrior.

He is very quick to put a stop to it when he realizes it's happening. Sometimes he just thinks people are being nice back to him rather than seeing it as a sexual advance. Although!! He is super quick to notice when someone is eyeing me, or as he puts it, "there are bees hovering my flower!"

He will tell me I'm crazy but then blush and be all over me when I get jealous. It makes him laugh and hold me and tell me I'm being silly and he's a beast who is lucky to have his dream boy by his side. He likes to know he's seriously wanted and craved by his boy. He likes to know that I'm not just holding onto him for my own protection, but also to let others know he is mine.

Seriously, the ads run like 80 times a day since at least before I was born.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Sick day 3 & Luuuuukas

Chapter 10 of Lukas is up. Thanks for all the kind feedback! I am already storming away at chapter 11! I decided to do the crazier story line that will be hot although maybe a little over the line... I think I found a way to do it semi tastefully! We will see how it turns out. I don't always know where stuff will lead. I just toss the ingredients together and then it takes on a shape of its own in the oven...

A (Persian Husband) texted me this pic (See Below) that he saw on instagram. It's funny because we have joked about that before. I said I would throw him and all his stuff out (he was being EXCEPTIONALLY messy that week and throwing clothes around the house wherever he decided to undress). He said I was the most important thing he owned so I'd have to come with him.

A. took me to urgent care since our Persian doctor is closed for the holiday. My sinus stuff added a cough and throat junk with it. This doctor was Armenian so A. wasn't totally unhappy since that's at least a neighbor of Iran. He said I have sinus stuff, possibly an infection. He talked to A. instead of me. Everyone tends to do that after spending more than two minutes with us. They know which of us is the daddy.

He gave me a pack of antibiotics to take and told us to get stuff from the pharmacy that will help my sinuses clear out.

SO we rested and I'm working on Lukas ch. 11. He worked on business for the week and then played video games. I did do some school work too!

We got delivery from a BBQ place since we weren't able to attend a BBQ with his friends today like we'd planned. They have those good pickles, the thick sliced homemade ones. I get smoked turkey thin sliced, wrap it around a pickle slice and dip it in the BBQ sauce. That's all I need… maybe a tortilla too. A got meats and sides that I never make for him like macaroni drowning in cheese.

When he was about to order the food, I told him, “Go on to your BBQ with your friends. I’ll just make a sandwich and go to bed.”

Him: Only a loser would leave his sick baby wife to go party.

Me: I’m your husband, not your wife! (He only calls me wife jokingly because he knows it bugs me).

Him: Only a GAY loser would leave his sick baby husband to go party.

Me: No one says loser anymore... you dork.

Him: [Attacks me with tickles]

He’s pretty good with jokes in English.