Thursday, July 26, 2018

We are all just slurpees waiting to be consumed.

A (husband) got mad at me last night. If anyone else had seen it they would have said, "What are you talking about? He's not mad at all!" We don't argue like regular people, but I can tell when he's mad. He gets very soft with me and sits me down facing him and lays out what he wants from me in a calm and direct way. He talks to me like he's negotiating with someone who has a knife. It used to feel kind of insulting, but I prefer it to him blowing up and getting angry which he never does. I've seen his anger on other people, but he'd never use it with me. 

The issue is I have a friend I've had since 6th grade who is going through a breakup with another guy that I know from the lgbt group on campus so I'm friends with both of them. I went through a period where I dropped everyone when my guy and I were getting serious. When A got the townhouse and moved me in with him I disappeared completely from my friends and I got really sad. 

Being a houseboy isn't all like you read in stories. It can be really isolating and you feel like a pet. I used to jump on him when he came home from work like a puppy. He loved it, but then I started doing bad things and he got concerned. So now he makes it a priority for me to schedule time with my friends and even have them over for pizza and a movie at least once a month. 

But when they get into drama he wants me to stay completely out of it. He says I shouldn't get involved or take sides. He said, "It is best to leave them to find their own way. I do not wish for you to be in the middle." 

I know to him we seem like little kids. He doesn't deal with these things in his grown-up world. When his friends are sad about something he invites them over and they drink beer and play video games. I can't imagine him sitting on the phone for an hour talking his friend through sadness. 

He doesn't really understand boy drama even though I know way back he had some with a guy in the UK when he was a teenager. He only talked about it once and if I ask him now he says, "It doesn't matter. It prepared me to know what I really want and now I have it. Now nothing else matters." He says over the top love stuff like that and I always feel bad for not thinking of the perfect thing to say in return. I usually just blush and then let him kiss me. 

We agreed that I should not try to work things out between the two of them and just be a supportive friend. He promised I'll never know heartbreak like that so long as he is living. I told him it makes me glad that I'm not out there dating. I would be really weird about it. 

He always jokes about the guys I would be with if I weren't with him. I mostly attract really cute Asian guys with cool hair. I made the comment once to him that if I hadn't met him I would be with a guy like that, someone small like me but maybe a little taller. Whenever we see one who fits that he gives me a look and smile like, "Are you interested?" Sometimes I am... 

I don't know why, but that is the number one type of guy who will chat me up randomly. I have two extremes to my attraction scale. I like dominant Middle Eastern muscle guys and Asian guys my age and build. Now I've discovered dominant muscled Asian guys and that sparked my Tabula Colton series. The few I've gotten to know through A's clients have been really hot, but they seem to view smaller white boys like collectable action figures. One of them had this younger white guy who said he wasn't even gay until he met the older muscled Chinese guy (super wealthy). 

We hung out with them a few times last year when A was helping him invest, and the older guy treated the younger one like a pet (not in the nice way I get treated like a pet). He ordered him around and talked about how dumb he was. The younger one kind of brushed it off, but seemed fine with taking the older one's money and they traveled around the world. The last time I heard about it, the younger one had left him, sold stuff, and moved to NYC. 

I was happy for him, but A said the younger one was using the guy for money and if he had been interested in love he would have insisted on being treated better.

I reminded A that he makes all the money for us and I don't contribute much at all. 

He said that's not true, that I'm always begging him to slow down and making a nice home for him to come for relaxation. That I care more about spending time with him and turn down things when he takes me shopping because I don't like to waste money. He says I recharge him and he knows we would still be ok even if he worked at 7-Eleven. I do love 7-Eleven... Slurpees are dope.  

I have a clue about the birthday weekend. He says to pack for cooler weather. That either means we are going somewhere coastal or mountainous... or it means we are going somewhere with other guys and he wants me covered up to not expose my body. :) So maybe it's not a full clue. 

I'm working on Lukas some, but I've reached that point in a series where people stop writing me emails and commenting on it. They just expect more chapters will come. I don't like whining about that because as soon as you care more about the response to your art than in the act of creating something you love... things go downhill. I try to remind myself of that. I write for me. 

I write because these characters are in my head and they do crazy stuff and demand that I recall it on paper. I write because I love going to the gym, putting in my headphones, and listening to the autovoice read back to me what I created. I do that ten or more times with each chapter and then I go back and rewrite things and make it better, or explain things more clearly, or add descriptions because the picture is fuzzy. It's nice when someone likes my art, but art is about freeing the soul, getting out the animal inside that is restless and needs some air. 

Whatever your release, you have to do it for you. I like to create more than I consume. Whether its writing, food, working out, listening, being kind, I try to make a safe space for someone to come in and enjoy a moment. And I love 7-Eleven. 


  1. Thanks, Now I am craving a cherry coke Slurpee... Do you know how FAR I have to go to fill THAT craving?!?

    I love everything you write even your "Cage" series. Zahir says that is naughty of me...

    I got distracted with my writing, had to finish therapy notes for the Shrinky-Dink. Now that I am just a house boy for the next month+, I am losing my mind. It is only day two. On the up side Aya loves perching on my shoulder while I am doing my class-work. Until the dog insists on face-time. Tomorrow we stay up late for Zahir's Birthday and watch the lunar eclipse. He still hasn't given me a hint on what my costume is.

    Goodnight from Amman EM. Hoping you have a good afternoon.

    1. They really are perfection. I like the blue one. Small because it's a ton of sugar, but in this crazy heatwave we have to stay cool.

      Birthday fun. I hope you got him something nice. I have trouble getting mine stuff. He likes when I make him sentimental things like I got a laptop sleeve printed with pictures of us on one side and just black on the other so he can keep it private. He likes little things like that, and anything with pictures of me and us. Things he can carry in his bag or have in his office that are semi-private. The internet is full of ideas.

    2. Baba helped me out this year. I designed and had a masculine two sided charm made for the thick braided neck chain Zahir wears.

      On one side of the cartouche is his name. The other side is what my name translates to in Arabic "Mutarada" (chase, hunt, pursuit).

      I got crazy snuggles last night when he put me to bed! True to form, this morning Zahir TRIED to see how much I spent. He sneaks money back into my account whenever I buy something for him. I have been withdrawing and squirreling away cash all year from MY U.S. account. I woke up to more mad snuggles.

  2. That's a bummer your friends couldn't make it work, hopefully it's for the better. I agree in the not taking sides part too. I've heard it's better to respect the individual relationship you have with each person... but on a more serious note blue raspberry sluprees all day!

    It's impressive how much time and effort you put towards your passion. I've never heard of the auto read back thing. You must get so in depth with your knowledge of the characters and their world after listening, editing and rereading the same paragraphs so often. Kinda reminds me of George RR Martian when he talks about how much Westrous has enveloped his thoughts over years of creating and contemplating characters and plots.

    1. They could have made it work but they were both wanting the other one to do all the work and then would get mad when it didn't happen right.
      The reader thing is awesome. If you have an iphone you can set it up easily. You just swipe down two fingers and it will read an entire page. SO if you load a story (Better be one of mine!!) from nifty then swipe down, you have 45 minutes to an hour of good listening while you workout. Plus working out means you don't get a crazy erection. lol.

  3. Well, I don't want you to ever stop writing. I have told you here, and I'm private how much I enjoy your stories.

    When you are passionate about something, it can almost consume you. When I am caring for my patients, a lot of the time, I skip my meal break, stay late or come in early, and even lose sleep worrying about them at times. I believe our passions are a big part of who we are, and you express yours beautifully.

    On a side note, I have never had a Slurpee ��

    1. That's really awesome. You're the kind of person I'd want there if I ever have to go through that. I hate hospitals. Even walking by one, it scares me like crazy. I had to go for blood tests every two weeks when I was a kid from age 7-11. There was only one nurse I would let take my blood and if she wasn't there I freaked.

    2. Woah I just realized that is another 7-eleven parallel!!! freaky!

    3. BirdmanRN: You sound a lot like the nurse who cared for me after I was attacked. Ben was the only person who could calm me after a burst event. I lost count of how many time he was called to the psych ward.

      My foster dad took me back to the hospital when my voice started to return so I could say two words to him, "Thank You."

      I am betting you guys don't hear that a lot. I hate hospitals, but I love those people who make them work.

      "THANK YOU!!!"

  4. Emri. Please tell your friend that there is someone out there for each and everyone of us out there. I believe in that, for that is how I met my husband.

    As for the slurpees, I love to relax with a banana strawberry slurpee. They are awesome when you need to vent from a rough day at work. (especially when you don't do anything like drugs, alcohol, or sex with others than spouses) It is an awesome rush!!!

    As for your b-day gifts, It has been wise to make something yourself or from the heart. Hope you and your readers have a good day!


    1. Thank you! Strawberry banana? I havent seen that one in California. Must be special. :) I think my friends will be ok. They just kind of really hurt each other and need to vent about it.

  5. I haven’t had a slurpee either. I’ve had Kona ice but that’s more sno-coneish. Currently addicted to Clean Juice protein smoothies. They started in my home state but I heard they’ve opened some in CA now.

  6. I love either the Pina Colada or Blue Raspberry Slurpee flavors myself.

    I look forward to reading everyone of guy your stories and blog diaries. Because you have a special with your words and storytelling. You draw your readers in from the first word and keeps wanting more after the last word is written or read. I cant wait to see how your stories and characters develop throughout the chapters,its almost like they're real people who are coming to life.

    On another note, I always prefer to make special gifts from the heart. Than go out and by store bought gifts for a loved ones birthday or a special occasion. Gifts from the heart are more meaningful than store bought gifts in my opinion. It's nice to receive a store bought gift every now and then, as long the person put some real thought into picking it out.

  7. You guys are killing me! No Slurpees in Jordan!

    Oh, the cravings I am having. Bacon, pepperoni, MoonPies, boiled peanuts, fried green tomatoes, fried okra, Goo Goo clusters...

    The local bacon & pepperoni is made from beef, that is just wrong. That said, the trade-of is worth it. :)
