Sunday, July 8, 2018

Lukas 4 is done.

I finally finished the fourth chapter. I agonized over what to do and I rewrote it like 3 times until I got something I liked. I will never again write myself into a corner like that! I should have left them in town, but honestly I like how it's going to come out. If they lived right next to each other it would be hard to eventually get Lukas living with Ari which is where a good love story should always end. This way there is an opening. 

You can check here tomorrow (Monday?) night if it's posted. 

I added some religious, anti-gay elements to this chapter. I got that from a few readers' emails. I was raised by a dad who knew I was gay before I did and I never had to come out to him. But from some emails it seems like a lot of parents out there can be pretty harsh. I can't imagine going through that, and I almost cried for Lukas when I wrote it. It's going to get worse before it gets better, but Ari will save his boy. 

I also wanted to make Ari's parents a little different to show some of the more liberal muslims I've met since being with my guy. I hope it turned out ok. But you guys always let me know either way. I have some very vocal readers. 

Thanks everyone for the suggestions and help. I used so much of your feedback. 

Next chapter is going to be interesting and a big pivot for the series! I so want to discuss it, but I'll let you read chapter 4 before I get into that. Hopefully it posts tomorrow night. 


I've learned that if I don't put a picture of a hot guy in each blog post then people don't read it. So here is one. He's not my type at all (You should know that if you've read my stories). I actually have pajamas JUST like this with the hood. A (the husband) pulls the hood over my head when he wants me to settle down and go to sleep. It's the same if I wear a baseball hat. He pulls it down over my face when I'm being mean to him or too whiny. 

A lot of my shirts have hoods on them. I just thought about that. I just like them. I even have a sleeveless shirt with a hood which seems kinda pointless. My husband likes me covered as much as possible. I chalk it up to his muslim side, but maybe he's just overprotective. 


  1. I hope it posts before bedtime you give Zahir good ideas...

    1. It should be up now. I got the email confirmation two hours ago. yay :)

    2. Those pajamas are hot. I wish the pic was a little lower to see the package in front and the may be worth a Google to find some. ;-)

    3. I know, right? The butt tease is strong.

    4. Home run again Em,

      Denise reminds me of a couple of my foster mom's, the bitch who branded my chest jumps to mind. All pious and proper until they don't get their way.

      Couldn't drop off tonight, until I read your chapter. Its almost two AM here and gonna be a long day, but the wait was worth it.


    5. Wow. I heard some really scary stories from some of my readers who grew up gay in older times and not in a big city. It's things like that that have me hugging my dad randomly. He not only accepted me, but protected me from his super religious family They've only said mildly weird things here and there and if he's around they keep it zipped.

  2. Chapter 4 isn't available for me yet...

    1. Sometimes it takes hours for it to show up. :( Sorry


      Hot link, force the issue...

    3. So are you Em.

      My guy has something scheduled for us tomorrow afternoon. He is only willing to tell me it is a good surprise to erase the past. I am excited.

      Why do they do that, get you excited and then tell you to go to sleep? At least he relented on the no more tablet in bed rule.


    4. I guess it is now THIS afternoon

  3. Another great chapter. Thank you so much, I had tears in my eyes again. Poor Lukas. Can't wait for the next chapter!
