Thursday, July 19, 2018

Monterey, Afghans, and Lukas

We slept in late yesterday and then left for Monterey. It's so beautiful down here. Monterey is like a little version of San Francisco but much calmer. It has the beautiful old victorian houses and curvy streets along rocky cliffs with local shops and interesting finds. 

We did the aquarium (I love aquariums), had some dinner, and made it an early night because he's pretty sleepy from all this work. I hope he gets a real break soon. Last night he had planned to take me out, but I suggested he get a few local craft beers (he loves that stuff) and we just hang out in the room. He watched ESPN, drank his beer, and relaxed. He got really happy and told me how much better his life is with me. I know how to make him slow down when he starts spinning. He loves his business and loves making new clients and getting things done, but he will work himself to death if I don't relax him. 

On our way down to Monterey, we stopped to meet some clients for lunch in Fremont. I didn't know this, but Fremont has a ton of Afghanis. The men in that culture are big on fitness and bodybuilding. OMG so many hot guys! We went to a kabob place and I sat quietly while the husband charmed them. Their language is similar to what they speak in Iran and the cultures are related. I was in the middle of a hot guy soup just eating quietly and then playing games on his phone. After that we headed back down to the coast to our hotel. 


Lukas 6 is coming along but slowly. I should have it finished maybe this weekend. Once we get home I can write more. I know where I want to go with it, it's just finding the time and concentration to do it. Some people can work better while out and about. I get inspired when we travel, but I write best at home at our table when A is at work and I have quiet. It's also been hard finding workout time here. We have been walking around a lot, but for me there is no substitution for being on my cardio machines and doing yoga or pilates on a mat. The hotels have decent gyms, but I like what I know. 

When I don't workout just the right way I don't feel like I did a good job and then I don't want to eat. Routine is life. Routine makes me happy and puts me at ease. 

I talked to my dad last night and he said they got surprise rain in Glendale. I missed rain! I was pissed. :( 


  1. Hot guy soup and you aren't sharing? Shame on you!! ����

    Your trip sounds like a lot of fun. I'm jealous while sitting here in the Midwest with humidity so high you sweat just changing your mind. Again, I have to take time for a trip to California. Specifically San Francisco, my dream destination.

    Have a safe trip. I'm waiting "impatiently" for the next chapter, as I'm sure your other readers are doing. ��

    1. It's coming It's coming. I'm on page 14 and I usually do around 20 per chapter. I'm just trying to get Ari right and he's not talking to me like I need him to. I have a bad habit of writing my "men" a little too emo and apologetic then I have to go back and edit to make them lift something heavy, use the word "pussy," or something else stereotypically masculine because you kind of have to overdo it just a little in print since there are no pictures.

  2. If I ever find myself in Fremont, I'll have to check out some Afghan food markets and pick me up some legit spices and rare produce

    1. Fremont is pretty. I liked that you can see the bay and the mountains. It's like a greener LA with different views. I liked Milpitas too. We stopped there to refill supplies for our hotel room. We always have to make a nest wherever we hotel (hotel is now a verb :P). We poked around the shopping centers and it was all really friendly and diverse people. I think I could live there if we had to.

    2. We could both live in the east bay! Maybe even have play dates with our brown babies lol. Fun fact about Milpitas: I got this kids book for my niece about some ancient love story from the Aztecs and in it, they teach you the Aztec language (Nahuatl). I learned while reading it to her that Milpa means "farm" in Nahuatl. So Milpitas means little farms :)

  3. Afghan men are hot... ����.. +++ Emri, I don’t know if you had mentioned already on your blog or if it’s come up on a question from other followers. Does your husband reads you stories or even your blog. If so, what’s his take on it? In a way you are sharing your love story’s with strangers. Considering how protective he is of your relationship.

    1. No. He would never agree to that. It's kind of why I stopped posting Noah chapters. It felt like betraying our relationship and when we got married it just made it that more important to protect "us." I've thought about taking Noah down entirely, but I worked so hard on it and it's one of the most popular series I've posted. :( I'm conflicted.

    2. Please don’t take it down! It actually made me look at things in a new light, as far as how Middle Eastern/Persian/Muslim men feel about their partners. The chapters on knowing your partner’s heart, why the weaker one isn’t addressed and why they prefer to dress modestly taught me a lot. Didn’t expect to get that type of ‘lesson’ when I read these stories, lol. But I did and I’m always interested in seeing things through someone else’s eyes, especially when it changes my perceptions in a good way,
