Sunday, July 29, 2018

Cayucos and Tears, but good ones.

I think Cayucos is our happy place. He remembered how much I liked it the last time we went and he got us a little place on the beach for my birthday. It was so beautiful but it never really warmed up. We headed up Friday and he didn't tell me where we were going, but we stopped at a grocery store and got food to grill (it's the only way he knows how to cook really). 

The place was like two long townhomes with a courtyard and big wall across the front. We didn't see the neighbors until A went out to grill and this older lesbian-looking couple came out and talked to him. They were nice but we didn't see them again.

He promised to not work for the weekend and except for a few emails, he kept his word. We went to a small aquarium down the coast for my birthday and then spent time on the beach and a lot of time in bed. He got me these kick ass headphones that are way too big for the gym, but good for writing time and housework. 

Sleeping with the windows open next to the Pacific Ocean is a crazy experience. It got so quiet at night we heard the waves crashing and it was so peaceful... until sunrise when the seabirds were squawking outside our window. A got up, walked that beautiful furry bottom of his over to the window, cursed at them in Persian, closed the windows and shades, came back to bed, and went right back to snoring. It was so cute. 

He got champagne for us, but as soon as I got goofy he cut me off. He didn't drink much. It was nice. 


Friday I got a burst of inspiration with Lukas ch. 7. It's nearly finished. I just need to go back and do the sex scene. 

I wrote, in my opinion, one of the best scenes I've ever done. It's probably only the second... maybe third time I've cried while typing it out. It's a beautiful moment where it really hits them how much they love each other. It's the middle third of the story. 

I felt like I was watching them go through this heartbreaking moment in the middle of a room crowded with strangers. Lukas gets all embarrassed and Ari tries to be the strong protector and hold his emotions. The scene just totally made me think of what my own husband went through when we had our struggles of trying to get to each other. That moment where it feels like you'll spend the rest of your life with a hole in your chest that nothing can fill. 

I wanted to show Ari's  perspective and what it feels like when you think you always have to be the strong one. I know A definitely feels that way all the time with me. He goes out of his way to be the rock. 

I'm an ugly crier, not like this guy. Who is this guy? the pic didn't have a title. My face gets all mashed and my eyes get red and A freaks out. He paces around then tries to hold me and figure out what to do. 

When he came home to get me on Friday to start our weekend, my eyes were still red and he kept trying to figure out what he'd done. I kept saying I wasn't crying. He didn't believe me so he licked my cheek and then confirmed his suspicions. He's a good detective.  


On a side note. About a year or so ago I got A one of those Juul things so he wouldn't smoke anymore. He was a social smoker when we met and loves the hookah like most middle eastern guys. Then when he finished school and started working like crazy to build his business it just kind of turned into a habit. I didn't grow up with it so it's pretty gross. But when you love someone... He really liked the Juul and immediately switched over. 

Anyways so he hasn't had a real cigarette in forever, but now I find these little guys everywhere!! I wonder if they can be recycled? And please don't tell me to make him stop (can't and he'd probably just hide it from me) and that it's going to kill him (nooooo 😟). 


  1. Happy Birthday Emri! Sounds like you had a lovely weekend. So nice to read :-)

    Did you tell A. why you had cried? He doesn't know about Lukas and Ari, right?

    The guy in the picture is a young Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie Romeo and Juliet (at least that's what a reverse image search on Google tells me)

    1. Thank you! :) I just told him I was thinking about all the stuff he does for me which is true! No he doesn't know about the stories.

      Oh wow Leonardo DiCaprio! He doesn't look like that anymore. I'll have to watch that show now. :) He was hot!!

  2. Our guys with their stoic facades. Inside they are hopeless romantics too...

    Sir Walter Raleigh deserves a special place in the hot spot for bringing tobacco back to this hemisphere. It is a huge problem in Jordan especially in Amman. I am blessed, Zahir doesn't smoke, and Baba forbids it in the house. Lung cancer is what killed his first wife. The oldest bother only rarely lights up around me. When he does I know something is VERY wrong.

    BTW to hack with the guy in the photo, I had to google what a Juul was.

    1. You don't have Juul over there? They blew up a few years back when I was going from high school to college. Dude everyone just got overnight hooked on them until the campus banned any form of tobacco. haha.

      Hey!!! I realized today that my FAVORITE workout station to listen to (Beat FM) is from your country!! They always say Jordan but then like I thought maybe that was a town in Florida or somewhere weird. hah cool.

    2. I have seen e-cigs, (I think blu is the big one) but they haven't taken off here. The oil is too expensive,and to few places carry it. I hear the foreign tourist grumbling about it. I think the government doesn't want people to just trade addictions.

      A lot of the neighboring countries are the same. I went to Tel Aviv on business with Zahir last year our guide/facilitator was pissed that Israel bans sale of liquid nicotine.

      BeatFM is one of the non-government stations... It is kind of like having a piece of home in my earbuds.

      The biggest thing to get used to are the malls!!! Holy crap they are HUGE!

  3. It sounds like you had a great weekend. I'm happy for you!

    I can't wait for the next chapter. I love your stories and several times I have gotten emotional reading them. Don't stop doing what you do. 😁

  4. Your birthday sounded sweet and simple. I had to convince my husband that I prefer small chill birthdays to massive extravaganzas that some of his uber gay friends were trying to convince him to throw me. And he got you the CHAMPAGNE!!!! woot! It's good to didn't over do it and yak like most 21st parties. Hopefully his trust in you drinking moderately over the years grows.

    :( that's crazy he read you like a book and worried when he noticed you were sad. It sucks you don't feel comfortable telling him about your creative outlet, but maybe as y'all spend more time together you could open up to him one day.

    That's dope he was able to switch to the Juul!! I was a smoker since my senior year of university and finally kicked the habit about 3 months ago thanks to the Juul. I was worried about the impact those stoopid lil cartridges would have too. Eventually I found Mr. Salts which sells the nicotine liquid online. It's cheaper and I can refill the pods. They kinda leak now a wee bit and have less nicotine per puff, but I prefer it. Also, I looked up the current research on the nicotine vapor.
    According to the UK ministry of health, nicotine itself doesn't seem to cause cancer, only the tobacco plant along with the BS the corporations add to it. Ive also noticed my lungs cleared up hella quick so I can now push myself cycling and jogging way harder. Plus when I go out to the bars and my drunk friends light up a fag I'm not tempted in the slightest to smoke it. What's your man's favorite flavor pod? I like the mango and mint :P

    1. I would go nuts if he threw a big party. That is so not my style. I just liked being with him and having him put his phone and laptop away so there was no work to disturb us.

      He knows my emotions really well. He studies them since I am not always as outspoken as I should be about things that upset and bother me. Some day I can write something truly publishable and then I'll share it with him. It won't be gay erotica. It'll be more mainstream and less trashy. :)

      He loves the Juul. He has like four of them because he loses them constantly. I got some reflective tape at Target to wrap a little strip around the two he keeps at home.

      He originally liked the tobacco one, but then he tried the cucumber and loved it. I love actual cucumbers, but he forbid me from trying it. hah. That's good they aren't killer. I didn't know you could refill them. I'll ask if he wants to try doing that. I find them everywhere! I should send you a box each month so you can use them. He likes the convenience that he can order them online instead of stopping at a gas station for a pack of cigarettes.

      I don't mind the smell and the vapor seems to disintegrate quickly. He blows away from me.
