Friday, July 13, 2018

Lukas 5 and Bombs dropped.

I finished the new chapter of Lukas & The Shah last night and sent it in so hopefully it will post today! I think I worked out the issues with it and I hope people like it. It's longer than the usual chapters. I write long chapters. 

Last night I was eating dinner with the family and my husband's mom (she is trying to be extra nice to me since throwing away my meal prep stuff) mentioned that we should go shopping for school clothes for me for the fall semester. 

I told them I really don't need any since I'll be doing online classes from now on and staying at home. His father translated this into Farsi and both of them looked at us with concern. 

Apparently A had not filled them in on me being a stay-home student. I had no idea they didn't know. They were not pleased at all. 

"He will go crazy being in the house alone all day." "What about friends and social things?" "You work too much and will be too tired to take him out when you get home." "He can stay home when he finishes. He's too young and needs to be out." There was lots of buzz and his dad translated for me, much to A's annoyance since he keeps me out of his family drama. 

I could feel A getting upset. He doesn't like other people offering opinions on us or how to raise his boy. We've discussed it between the two of us and he talked to my dad about it to address his concerns, but ultimately he decides what is best in matters that are between the two of us. He takes that very seriously and always considers what I want, but he doesn't want input from others unless he asks for it. 

They did make some good points. But... The university I went to is 20 miles away and I don't drive and he doesn't want me to drive. I could do the bus. I grew up taking busses and public transportation. He does not want me on busses. He could drive me, but his work takes him all over LA and traffic is horrible trying to get out of the valley in the mornings and then back into it in the afternoons. 

It would add at least two hours of travel to our day. We thought about only going two days a week and doing other classes online. He said that might be an option in the future if this doesn't go well. Another option is for me to travel with him for his work a few days a week and work on my laptop while he is in meetings or at his office. That's his favorite option since we'd get to spend more time together and he could use the carpool lanes on the freeway (LA Traffic is a serious life concern). That's probably what we'll end up doing some days. Especially on days when traffic is awful. 

That's what we're doing today. He has a meeting with clients in Hollywood so I'm parked at a starbucks. 🍪 

I know his goal has always been to have me at home where he knows I am safe. Plus with our new place there is a sweet gym and a really nice communal area with coffee, wifi, tables, big couches, etc... And the roof has a deck with cabanas and a pool. I'm allowed to go anywhere in the complex and I could take my laptop and work. 

He said he's already set this up and if things don't go well this semester then he'll think about it. I think that if he didn't tell them about this then it means he doesn't feel right. 

But to him, the thought of having me safe at home while he goes out and does his work to provide for us is everything. I don't push him much on this. He'll come around if things don't go well. He always gives in when it means me being happy.  


  1. I think that's why Zahir opted for the house. I knew I would never be able to function in the high-rises. People in large numbers scare me. Greece didn't kelp matters.

    On-line school is not for everyone but it is where I thrive. His father understands, not sure his mom does.

    1. Sorry should have been "didn't help matters"

      Never post stoned.

    2. I hope I like it. He's excited to have me stay at home and not have to drive across the city to take me and pick me up from school. We'll see how it goes. I have a month of summer left.

  2. Just read Ch 5. Awesome as always... Zahir made time from packing to read it to me. With his whole family running around, I have been condemned to the boy cave. I miss our bed.

    Oh, by the way... That you for the "Pink boy nipples" reference. I almost shook his play name for my nips of strawberry bumps. ;)

  3. The story is getting sooooo good. I can't wait to see what you com up with. It is funny to see what you come up with next. If this story is supposed to be like your life, then I am amazed that you and A ended up together. (not that it was bad) Your story is taking me to different places in my mind. I haven't been to CA. but it gives me an idea of what I am missing out on.

    As per the nicknames you have for your "Private Parts", it makes me grin and think you are loving it when you label them instead of saying it out loud.

    Keep up the awesome job,

  4. I lived this chapter! I laughed out loud when Ari offered Lukas an onion to eat, thinking it might keep guys away. So funny!!

    As always, love your story telling Em.

    1. "Loved", not lived the chapter. I swear that autocorrect really hates me sometimes...

    2. Auto-correct hates all of us... I for one am getting tired of it's shirt.
