Saturday, July 7, 2018

Long Post about the husband. :)

As overprotective as my husband can be, there are certain little areas of insecurity he has where I step up to take care of him. Dating a hyper-masculine guy has been a lot of learning. He's confident and outgoing, but when it's just the two of us he opens up in ways I didn't know he could. One of them is his body image. Middle Eastern guys can be super into their appearance, even straight ones. When we first got together we were both taking classes so it was easy for him to go the gym for two hours and work really hard on his body. 

With work and family pressures, he doesn't have that time anymore and he feels a little self conscious about it. He used to have those hard-etched abs and big pecs. He also used to have more hair on his head and less on other parts where he doesn't want hair. He still makes it to the gym a few days a week and I make healthy food for us, but with his mom here she stuffs him with home food he loves. 

All that to say! This morning he came down in a pair of shorts with no shirt on while I was making his breakfast (blueberry pancakes) and his mom said something to him in Farsi. I don't speak their language, but I could see he was hurt. He said something and then she said something back and laughed. He didn't laugh. He turned and went back to our bedroom without getting his breakfast. 

His mom kind of shrugged at me. I took his breakfast to our room and he was working on his laptop looking sad. I put his plate on the side table and snuggled up to him. I didn't say anything. He doesn't like being poked for information. He just held me and sent an email to some client. Then he finally opened up. 

He said he has to make more time for the gym. Apparently his mom said he's let himself go like his brothers have and that he should share more of his food with me instead of starving me and eating it all himself (She thinks I'm too skinny and accuses him of keeping me that way). 

Can you imagine a parent saying that? I was horrified. My dad would NEVER make a hurtful joke about me. Even when I do it to myself he gives me a disapproving look and says something he likes about me. I know A has said before she picks at all of the kids like that and it's just something Persian mothers do. It upset him, but he couldn't tell her that or she would say he's too sensitive. I was pissed. I can be super protective of him when I need. 

I reminded him of how hot he is to me and how turned on I get just seeing him in his boxerbriefs. I said some other, filthier stuff and then I went down on him while he ate the pancakes, but the point is I got to make him feel better. 

No! Actually the point is sometimes I forget that inside that big pile of steel I married is a guy who needs just as much support, love, and care as I do. 🙌


On a weird side note! We were flipping through channels last night with his parents and I screamed when I saw my husband on tv! Well not him, but this actor on this show looks JUST like him. It's a show called Quantico and we had to all google like crazy to figure out who the actor is (Jaylen Moore). I can't find out much about him. A was not amused. he said he looks nothing like the guy and that I think anyone with brown skin and muscles looks like him... That is sometimes true...  but even his parents said yeah he does kinda look like him a little! 😃 So now I have to watch the show! 


  1. That's really sweet. The big buff guy has a soft center and he needed you. I'm sure he could gain a lot of weight and totally lose his hair and he would still be the most handsome man in the world to you. Your relationship sounds wonderful.

  2. my cousin told me it has something to do with genes. Like if you're pretty hairy on your body you've got a great chance of going bald. My husband started balding a few years ago and was super self conscious about it. He finally just buzzed what was left and then uses a razor to shave off the rest. Also recommend using coconut oil after shaving. IMO he looks sexier with a bald head. It goes well with his beard and hairy chest. It also makes him a bit more intimidating which works for me :P

    1. Bald head, beard and hairy chest? Mmm... Sounds good to me. Does he have a brother? Ha ha.

    2. haha yup! Hes got 3 but they've all wifed up or knocked up their girlfriends. How do you like being an RN? I'm applying to nursing school right now but have been interning at a ER and kinda like it

    3. You two totally need to talk! Seriously so much in common! BFF material, maybe. I don't really know, but um yeah. talk!

    4. Nursing is a good fit for me. It is awesome to be able to help people at the worst time of their life. It can be very difficult though. Very physically and emotionally draining.

      Plus, I get to work with some really hot doctors and med students. ;)

    5. lol you whore! thats good to hear. I like that you get to help people and stay active moving around and not stuck in a desk job all day. Plus you get orders from the Doc so your job seems fairly straight forward until someone codes. and a full time nurse only works 3 days a week no?

    6. Most only work 3 days. I work more than that though. I always have worked a lot.

    7. I'll definitely need to work more than 3 shifts to pay off my student debt and buy a house. but 3 days would be chill to raise a family

    8. Well, I own my house as it was willed to me and I don't have a family. I could get away with only 3 days, but I would be so bored here by myself 4 days a week.

  3. Yum... mine turns 30 this month and still works hard to look like he did in his flying days. I cheer him on. ;)

    I still don't see how he fit into an f-16. I once asked him, "Do they come in a larger size for Jordan's Air Force?"

    He laughed, the American pilot did not.

    1. Mine turns 30 in August. It's funny, he keeps talking about things he will do in his 30s and how it's time to get serious about family. I already feel like he's a grown up. He wants kids soon and is in a rush to get it going. It'll be hard trying to raise babies, but I know how bad he wants to start with two.

    2. You can do it. I would love to raise children someday. I need to find a man first...

    3. Has to be a 30 thing... On occasion my guy gets depressed after spending time with his family. Especially when the 4 older brothers kids use him as a jungle gym. He lights up, then the play stops and the light fades. I know he was kids and family so bad. He knows I want kids too, but he is right I am not ready.

      I am staring to see 30 as one of those cross cultural lines, the entry into middle-age... It is up to the boys in their lives to make it easier for them.

      Zahir has made good on his promise in Greece. We started my jump school last Friday... His parents were NOT happy as I gushed about it at dinner. Baba said, "Smart boys do not jump out of perfectly good aircraft!"

    4. I know he waNTs kids... Time to change the batteries in the keyboard

    5. Jumping out of a plane? Wow that's awesome. My guy won't even let me climb the rock wall at the gym. I don't know if I'm ready for kids, but he swears he will be there to help out... except for his endless work hours. But we will figure it out... I hope.

    6. its also pretty expensive to get a surrogate. I think its around 60,000 bucks. My husband works for the City of San Francisco though, and they have a program that supplies like 30 grand to help out. At least your cousin is down to give you some eggs. I still gotta breach that topic with my cousin. Even then, I've heard its better to harvest eggs after they've given birth to their 1st kid. So I might have to start convincing her to get prego haha
