Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Lukas and the Fourth

I finished the third chapter of Lukas and sent it in to nifty to be published so hopefully it will be up tomorrow. It ends with drama. I couldn't let them just have a fun little perfect relationship and I'm deciding whether or not to make Lukas' dad a jerk. Well... not a jerk, but I think most dad's would be concerned about their 17 year old son dating a 25 year old Persian man. 

My dad was concerned, but A (who is now my husband) was so good with him. He was so respectful of my dad and always let him know where we were and what we were doing. He always brought me home at a good hour and asked my dad about plans before he even asked me. My dad liked knowing what we would be doing before I even knew. That was kind of frustrating because it made me feel like a little kid or pet, but A explained that it was what happens in his culture. The man responsible for me should be the one to give permission for things. It worked out. 

For Lukas, I think it might go differently. I think it would be interesting to have Ari's parents turn out to be the tolerant and accepting type while Lukas' dad is the one who objects.

Any thoughts? I've made his father super close and supportive, but he also thinks that Ari is straight and has a girlfriend like they saw at the restaurant. He thinks Ari and Lukas are just friends and Ari is like a big brother to him. Plus he let Ari take Lukas for the night so he might feel more betrayed when he finds out the truth and maybe feel a little guilty that he let his son be taken by that.... Any thoughts?  

I'll have to work in July 4th to the next chapter of Lukas. 

We came home from Palm Springs today. We all needed naps and then A has work to catch up on before we go eat and see fireworks. It's going to be so cool watching the fireworks from the rooftop. I can't wait! :) 


  1. I like the addition of Ari's family,they just accepted him and are so welcoming. Do they know about Ari and Lukas chemistry or do they too just see a sibling relationship between the two?
    Overall, good pace int he story and love the fact that Ari is has this dominating quality that can box you in but at the same time Lukas pushes back in a way.

    1. So far Ari's parents just know he is helping out a needy boy. They love how responsible and settled it is making him. They see their son stepping up and becoming a man under Lukas' influence. Things might change once the true nature of Ari and Lukas' relationship is revealed.

  2. You got me crying again... Brought me back to when Zahir called back to Amman I had just turned 17. Everything felt like life and death.

    Well done as always Em.

    1. That was always my biggest fear with my A. We decided that if something goes wrong we would go to Canada or France. My dad knows to be fully prepared for this if something happens. There's no way I'd live without him.

  3. I got to watch some of the fireworks from an upper floor window at the hospital last night. It isn't quite the same though.

    I am intrigued by the comments for the new story, so I think I'll leave Colton for a bit and read the new one. :)

    By the way, who is the hottie in the picture?

    1. I googled hot guy july 4th and he came up. Quite the firework, no? :) It's funny that now when I see a white guy I would have drooled over, I don't look at them the same. Once you find what you like it's hard to go back.

      Give Lukas a try. I'd like your thoughts on him. I'm having trouble with chapter 4. Writing heartbreak is rough.
