Tuesday, July 17, 2018

San Francisco thoughts

There are people who live their whole lives in LA and never visit the Bay Area and vice versa. Why? Because they're far apart (6 hours about). Plus you have the NorCal vs. SoCal thing. They don't like us. We are garbage people who steal their water. Our thoughts on them are... Oh yeah, that's cool. Fun. LA is too self-involved to have an opinion. I grew up learning about Northern California in history but never thinking I'd come here. It is a very different California. People are weird and look too smart. 

Interestingly enough though people assume we are together as a couple instead of some weird father/son pairing like we get in LA (even though we look nothing alike as he is darker Persian and I am a generic white boy). I think it's just that he treats me like his child, but here people assume we are a couple. They're more perceptive here I guess, or LA just makes quicker assumptions. I don't know...  It's kind of nice to not be mistaken for his child. People are smarter up here. 

We are heading out tomorrow and doing things along the way. We're staying somewhere down the coast and then going back to LA the next day... Thursday? I'm losing track of time. We took his parents to the airport on Sunday then headed up here. I always sleep when we're in the car for more than 30 minutes. He will play music, talk on the phone through the car system, whistle, curse, fart, I sleep through it all. He has about 100 pictures of me curled up in the passenger seat passed out and clutching my pillow pet. He takes a pic every time. If I'm asleep then I won't bug him to stop for drinks, restroom, roadside fun stuff, etc... So he doesn't mind it. 

We have been trying little restaurants. The restaurants here are like ten tables in a long narrow space. We went to one in Chinatown where he spoke in Farsi or Arabic to the guy the whole time. I didn't even get a menu, but I had some falafel and this really good salad. Then there was an italian restaurant that had this really good steak meat with salad and extra cucumbers (my favorite green food in the world). We saw the top of twin peaks, tried every independent coffee place we found, and bought lots of little tourist junk. I have three magnets, two shirts, funky socks, and a sticker for my journal. 

He had meetings the last two mornings so I was confined to the hotel room, but then he came back for lunch and spent the rest of the day with me. This afternoon we went to the beach and it was freezing so we just put our feet in and then walked around the sunset neighborhood and played cards at a Java Beach coffee place which is weird because it's too cold to be beachy. 

Boring couple stuff, just bumming around and having lots of sex because his parents are gone and hotels are always places for good naked time. Going to bed, heading out tomorrow. I miss LA warmth. No hot guy picture. I'm working on the next chapter of Lukas but I haven't written much lately. 


  1. I'm glad you're having an alright time up in the Bay! I know its colder than your hometown, but I swear it gets warmer during our Indian Summer. Around September. Generally I've found that people in SF tend to be more accepting of the strange and unusual and less fixated on outright appearances maybe because we're further removed from "Hollywood"? Just watch out for baseball folk! My husband gets shit talked all the time when wearing his Dodgers cap. Fortunately when in LA, nobody cares about my SF Giants hat lol

    1. I have an angels hat just because I like the tiny "a" with the halo logo, not the capital A one. No one ever seems to have any problem with the Angels. They're like a non-team outside of Orange County. Yeah I totally get that about SF, people here are like. "Oh, you're doing you? Ok cool that's great! I'll do me!" LA is like "Oh you're doing you? no one does themselves! do someone better! And Hotter!"
      We also have gotten in LA the "Oh I love LOVE mixed-race couples!!" A gets super annoyed by that!! and even more annoyed by the "Oh hot daddy!" or "Silverfox!" (he's starting to get gray because he works himself to death. I should blog about this).

  2. I loved this blog post, well I like them all, but this one is more of who you are. And the comment about "boring couple stuff", I don't think that at all. In fact, it sounds wonderful.

    Thank you for sharing
