Saturday, July 14, 2018

Lukas 5 and The City

Chapter 5 of Lukas posted. yay. You can read it here. It's the longest chapter so far. Lukas 6 will take awhile because tomorrow we are heading to San Francisco and the Persian parents are heading back to Tehran. 

We took them for lunch today in Tehrangeles. That's the Persian neighborhood of LA. It's home to the largest amount of Persians outside Iran... That's what they say. I don't know if it's true. 

If you've never been, it's like the TV show Shahs of Sunset. Don't EVER bring up this show with my husband. He'll grind his teeth and change the topic then tell me on the drive home that you are not someone he wishes to know. But seriously, those guys are all over driving their parents' BMWs and trying desperately to look wealthy. My husband says he is nothing like them, but he does dress nice like that and he can be a little flashy with his money too. 

We don't go to that area much because of traffic, but he does have some Persian friends around there and they're pretty cool. They're nice to me, but I always feel like an outsider. I never say a word unless they ask me a direct question. It's not that I'm too scared, it's that in their culture you have to like jump in and demand to say what you want to say. I don't like to compete for things so I usually disappear under my man's arm and play a game on his phone. 

We always stay at the coolest place in San Francisco. It's not in a hip area, but it's right by the pyramid building and he stays there on business so he gets a good deal. I like it when we go and there is a really cool little grocery store so we get snacks and fun stuff to make camping out in the room nice when he has to leave me for meetings. Plus they let him schedule the room cleaning time for when he takes me out so I don't get bothered when I'm spending the morning in the room. 

San Francisco isn't my favorite city to go to but it can be fun with him. There are some amazing museums and stuff to see. We go to this amazing little french place Cafe Bastille. It's so good and in a cute little alley. The problem is that it's really, really dirty and you get people screaming a lot or wanting to talk to you. It's like Hollywood, lots and lots of pee. We've seen street fights in the gayborhood with really crazy drunks. He doesn't like going to the Castro but sometimes his clients demand it. 

My birthday is in two weeks... I don't know what he is planning, he just smiles and says "you will see." 


  1. Have a safe trip and enjoy yourself! I still want to go and see Telegraph. If you go by there, take pictures for me 😁

    1. We didn't see any parrots. We drove around Telegraph Hill and the windy Lombard street there. It's beautiful but no parrots. Maybe they left for the summer? do they do that?

    2. Nope, the Parrots are here all year. They fly by my grandparents house in the Castro all the time. Noisy lil fuckers, but beautiful

  2. Be safe and Have a safe and enjoyable trip. Let me be the first to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! Tell A he needs to write your blog for you to let your readers know what he did for your b-day. Hope you enjoy your day. =)

    1. Thank you. He can't write my blog. He doesn't know it exists. If he did then he would take it down and destroy all blogs. He is a private person and I am his private boy. Thank you :)

  3. I hope you two have fun. California is on my wish list to see someday.

    Its odd now that I'm half a world away seeing so many amazing things, I have seen next to nothing of America. Keep your eyes open and see it all.

    1. You should come and explore. California has lots of Arabs everywhere. Your guy would feel at home here or in LA. :)

    2. I hope... California sounds so great.

      Looks like we MAY have to spend some time apart. The company is biding on a contract for a project in Iran. He would have to be there for about a month. Zahir bluffed me across the border once last year. He doesn't want to tempt providence again. Not sure if I'll be staying with his folks, the church family, or flying back to the states,
