Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Fighting with no common language is rough.

My husband's parents are here from Iran and they're going home in a few days when we're going to San Francisco. His mother speaks limited English, very limited. And this morning we had our first real conflict. 

I was planning to make them a special dinner tonight because his mom NEVER lets me cook. She lets me assist with whatever she's doing. I'm not one of those gays that loves cooking or decorating or brags about my skills or whatever, but I wanted to do something nice for them and A loves when I make fajitas for him. 

I had all the meat marinating in the fridge and about lunchtime I went to start working on the vegetables. I see the container that had the meat in it has been washed and is drying by the sink. All of the meat and marinade stuff was gone, like nowhere, not even in the trash. I went to ask A's dad about it and he got this weird look on his face and then went to ask the mom. I followed. 

They're speaking in their language and not in a friendly tone. His dad was almost yelling at her. She looks at me and looks horrified. Then he translates that she put it down the trash chute thinking it was old leftovers. She apologized a ton through him and he is very upset with her. 

I know she didn't think they were leftovers because she has been doing all the cooking for the last few weeks here and she would have noticed a large container with marinating, uncooked meat in it. I didn't want them fighting so I told him it was ok and then I held it together and went to the bedroom and cried. I worked so hard on it. I don't know why she would do that and it was a lot of steak meat. 

Husband came home like five minutes later from showing properties. He hears about this and gets super pissed. He told me his father was handling it otherwise he would have "corrected" her. He said its ok for her to be mean to him, but not to me. I said we should go talk to her and work things out, but he shook his head. He locked the bedroom door and changed out of his work clothes and then pulled me to the bed. 

He set up my tablet and picked out one of the movies he never wants to watch with me on Netflix. Usually he's the movie picker and it's either action or comedy, but always some super straight guy flick. He let me put on Alex Strangelove. I loved it!!! He was meh about it, but he spooned me and pretended to be into it.

He said he was proud of me for not being angry with his parents. He said he is always so proud of how respectful I am to them and that I didn't deserve this. I think he was also super pissed about the no fajitas for dinner. He loves them... 
I told him I didn't want to fight with his mom. I want her to like me. 

[Spoiler Alert]

It was so good! I cried for the last five minutes of it and then that ending with the real life videos of people's coming out stories? OMG! That was amazing. I was already emotional and then this just like drained me. He was so nice to watch it with me even though he hates movies like that. I told him we have to see Love, Simon next. He shook his head. I reminded him his mom hurt my feelings, that just got me tickles and kisses. 

Oh and Chapter 5 of Lukas is almost done! I just need to finish the sex scene. 


  1. Aww! It's too bad you didn't get to make your planned meal, but it was sweet of the mister to take care of you like that. What a great guy!! 😍😍😍

  2. Hey Em,

    Read your post while riding home between naps. I have never been so happy I don't cook. They love you, best to let it go.

    Pure love cuddles are the best, and that is what you got.

    I am getting sick boy attention, almost as good. Mama said Zahir was clutching my Pooh Bear while I was on the table. I think Papa chastised her for overshare. Oh gawd I hurt they had to dig deeper than planned... Zahir picked me up out of the wheelchair and put me in the car. It was so sweet, to be honest I don't think I could stand right now.

    Thank you for the kind words.

    1. Wow, I am out of it that should have been "Baba chastised."

    2. Hey, glad you're ok and things worked out. I hope you have good meds for a nice recovery.

    3. Thanks for the movie suggestion... Laughing my ass off on the frog and gummie worm scene.

    4. PS... Cried at the end too...

      Must be the pain meds...

    5. Pack tissues for Love, Simon... Fair warning.

  3. That blows about your food man. Now you know to put massive post it notes on them with some google translate Farsi so she's got no excuse next time. Then blow her socks off with some dope Mexican American food. It could also be a funny running joke, if thats the only Farsi phrase you can tell her. For years to come, any time you hand her something just throw out the "don't throw this away bitch!" in Farsi. Maybe keep out the bitch part lol

  4. Gosh Emri, I would had been pissed and hurt by that lady’s actions. Like you said she very well knew there weren’t left overs. She is another control freak in the kitchen. Too bad they didn’t get to taste a good Mexican food. Fajitas is my favorite dish. It’s so easy to make and very tasteful. Mmm getting hungry.
