Thursday, July 5, 2018

Babies and Lukas problem.... Help Please!!

Tonight we were eating dinner and A's mom said something in Farsi that made A (my Persian husband) stop and look with alarm. His father saw me look at A to figure out what she'd said. His father, with a fork full of salad, said "She wants to know when you two are getting children." Then he ate his salad. 

I had no response to that. I mean they know about us. They know we are married, but it's never discussed, much less that we are planning on having babies. It wasn't my place to respond since they're his parents. 

The funny thing is that the longer they are here, the more A falls back into his routine of putting his hands on me. When it's just us here or like when my dad is here (my dad could care less if we made out right in front of him though that is kind of weird for any couple to do), A always has a hand on me somewhere. He puts his arm around me on the couch or grabs my bottom when he walks past or just kisses my head. Even when he's working, if I get near him he'll pull me into his lap or have a full on phone conversation with his arms wrapped around me. 

Persian men are yum...

As he gets more comfortable and forgets to hide affection from his parents, he is getting back to his uber-handsy ways. His parents don't even look twice at it. Like today he did his work then came to find me cooking with his mother. He slid his arms around me from behind and put his head on my shoulder to see what we were making. 

So he told them. We are waiting until I finish my degree. He already has a verbal agreement with my cousin who is ok with carrying a child for us, just one time but she said if we want to try for twins she's cool with it. He keeps in contact with her and he's ready to go ahead and do it since I'll be doing online classes now. His mom said that I am young, but he is getting old and should start soon if we want to have many. She said I have the energy for them and A has the money... He was blown away by that. They always surprise us. I'm glad they are rooting for us. 

+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Lukas -+-+-+-+-+-+-+

I kind of wrote myself into a corner at the end of the third chapter of Lukas and the Shah! IT posted by the way in case any one wants to read it

I sent Lukas and his father away from Glendale. So now I have to write a chapter or two about them being apart but um... they need to have sex! Ari needs to get in there and own his boy. So there's that... 

I'll fix it. I always do! Don't worry. It will work out. I should have saved that for chapter five or so. I mean Lukas lived like a block away from Ari and there was more to explore there, but oh well. Maybe his dad's job won't work out and that weird Denise lady will cheat on him or something. Maybe Lukas will end up living with Ari's parents. Wouldn't that be interesting? Ari's dad has a heavy interest in Lukas and maybe he would keep his son from going to far with him. But Lukas leaving his father before he turns 18 would be a big deal and something big would have to cause it... 

I'll figure it out. We're going on a little road trip tomorrow so I'll have time in the car to think it out. I do my best problem solving riding with A in the car. He talks on his car phone system a lot and holds my hand or rubs my thigh and it gives me time to think. I can do this. Focus, Emi! Focus! Ok bedtime. 

Thoughts? Help? Assistance please? You can comment anonymously if you have any ideas or help or personal stories that would relate???


  1. Just a random idea: Lukas goes along with his dad, but then runs away from home. His dad and Ari are worried when he's gone, until he turns up on Ari's doorstep.

    Ari is torn between keeping his boy with him and driving him straight back to his dad.

  2. I might get there. An emailer reminded me that I put the story under authoritarian and yet Ari hasn't turned him into a slave boy. :)

    It reminded me of an article I read on how people are increasingly using smart devices to control their partners. I think Ari would do that, just to always be able to check in on his boy and know he is safe. If Lukas ran away, Ari would know.

    It also reminded me of how much monitoring my own guy does of me. His phone has apps that let him see where I am at and what's going on at home. He can make it warmer like I like it when he goes to work and can set it to cool down to the arctic temperature he likes when he is headed back home.

    1. Maybe Ari will do that after Lukas had run away. Their relationship was not at that point yet, I feel.

      Is A. very strict with tracking you? Like would he get mad if you go out without telling him or he sees you at some place on his tracking app?

    2. I don't leave the house without his permission except rarely. Last week I walked a few blocks to CVS and texted him I was going but he was in a meeting. He was not happy when he found out. He never yells at me or gets upset with me, but he definitely lets me know he doesn't approve. Our phones have tracking apps for each other so we can always see when the other is coming home or where the other is. He's a daddy all the way.

  3. Sorry Em,

    My creative juices aren't there right now. Maybe this will help.

    I just turned 17 when My guy went back to Jordan. I became depressed and stopped caring for myself. He and my foster father arranged for me to "visit" him in Amman.

    I stayed with his folks, and helped his mom care for Baba for a few months until it was time for the Wadi Rum hunt. I stayed will Baba at the camp while the other men went out to work the dogs and birds. At night I was so cold no one cared when he began hugging on me to warm me.

    We spent the rest of October at his place. His spare room became MY room. Kissing, cuddling, and occasional petting on the couch followed for two weeks until I turned eighteen. There was a line and he did not cross it. I got the party and that night he got to "unwrap the gift."

    Elapsed time, 2 years as a friend and mentor. 1 year as a celibate boyfriend, Coming up on one year as more.

    Don't know it that helps...

    1. Wow. That is a long long time. I was 17 when I met my guy and doing college classes during the summer between junior and senior year. He held off for a few months and tried to put me off, but we gave up. My dad loved how respectful he was and how caring he was for me. he kind of gave his permission without expressly saying it. 3 years is a long long time for that... I wouldnt have made it. I was all over him once I realized he liked me like that.

      He did take a very very long time before he would put it inside me. He was so worried about hurting me and wanted to make it special.

    2. More to the story... I'll email.

    3. Chase Nadir, have you thought of writing, having your own blog.? I now would like to pry on your love story. Is that bad of me? 😊

    4. V Lomeli - Not sure I am going to write anymore or blog. I am nowhere near the quality of Emri. He has a gift I do not share.

      Zahir and I are considering wiping my digital footprint. Someone already pried into our world and answered a question with data that was NOT for public consumption. We had to turn off public comment.

      Zahir knows I share, he didn't like it at first. He did however see a good change in me, I will miss it.

  4. That kind of heartache is all consuming and would be kind of difficult to write about. The fact that Lukas is a minor and Ari is a very stand-up guy will make it more difficult. I think what will make it worse, is that Denise is a religious fanatic that probably thinks homosexual relationships are sinful. I can't wait to see how you work it out.


  5. I really like the direction this story has taken. I grew up in the Midwest & knew many people like Denise. I hope you explore this more as it is an experience many share.
