Saturday, October 13, 2018

We got caught...

Yesterday was a day! I went with my husband on his meetings and then we got stuck in traffic on the way home. Even using the carpool lane it was crawling so we decided to stop for dinner. He got a beer and some nachos then told the waiter to bring me something pretty and pink with no alcohol. It was a strawberry lemonade with an umbrella. 

I love him in tight long-sleeve shirts like this. It just makes him look super hot. 

We got home and my dad was out with friends watching sports so we started playing around in the living room. Then we heard a strange sound! I got off his lap and went to open the blinds and it was raining! Like real rain! It is so rare here that the sound of it hitting the glass is startling. I opened the patio door and it was cold and windy. 

He came up behind me with our couch blanket and wrapped it around us. Across the street from us are low-rise buildings so people can't really see up into our place. Plus it has this high wall across the patio. 

We decided to take things outside. It was so beautiful with the thunder and lightning. We did things discreetly with the couch blanket around us. I know, TMI, but it was hot being so risky. 

When we finished up, we went and took a shower and put on shorts and shirts. We decided to make hot chocolate and go back to the patio since the storm was still going strong. 

As we passed my dad's door I heard his music playing and realized he must have come home. I knocked and he opened the door but wouldn't look me in the eye. He said he'd just come home and didn't realize we were here... right. He did a fake yawn and said he was going to bed. 

I turned to my husband for help and he just shook his head like we should leave it. 

Then my dad laughed. He said, "You didn't know I was going to come home. It's fine. At least I didn't see anything." 

Midterm projects are coming along! So much work. These online classes add extra work like they're trying to prove they are just as big as campus courses. But I'm getting it done. 


  1. Cringe. A version of this happened to me, except I was in high school so I got grounded. I bet he doesn’t use that blanket for awhile, haha

    1. That would have been much worse! I am hoping he really didn't see anything, but A had the blankie around my back so he would have just seen my head bobbing up and down. :) haha. gross. sorry

    2. You’re funny. Yeah, I’m still scarred from the high school thing. Crazy awkward. I feel for you!

  2. That's funny!! Outdoor sex is so hot! Our backyard has a privacy fence and we have done things out there several times. A few times, I'm pretty sure our neighbor was out there and could hear us, but who cares. At the time, it always seems like the bed upstairs is too far to go, so we will continue where we!

    Oh Em!! I think one of his friends made a slip up this evening. He and his buddy went to the gym after work and came in as I was getting ready to leave for work. We were chatting for a few minutes and his friend asked if I was planning to take his name and become Alex Khalife. My guy wasn't in the room at the time, but came in right after and I pretended like I didn't hear it. Is he planning to marry me?? OMG!!

    1. Wow dude that is intense but yes go for it! As soon as he even gets down on one knee, even to tie his shoe, just yell out "YES I'LL MARRY YOU!!!"

      There is a coffee commercial we saw and it remindedme of you so much! The guy comes home from work, gets ready for bed then makes coffee. His wife wakes up and comes in wearing a nurse uniform and takes the coffee then goes to work. When she comes home, she makes coffee and he wakes up and she gives it to him in a to go mug for work. I was like "AWWW! That is so sweet!" My husband was like "Why? They never see the other!" I asked him if he would be ok if I worked nights. He said, "I don't even want that you work days! My boy is busy enough." :)

  3. Outdoors rocks. I think we scared the wildlife and Wadi Rum. It's a good thing I can't get loud. He says he likes my soft noises.

    1. I an starting to think he doesn't want me working. He's making it sound like my degree is like life insurance. For when/if I have to care for myself, "When he is gone." Kind of morbid to think I may out live him.

    2. Yep! That is EXACTLY how mine thinks of it! He says when the kids are born and we have some time he wants to get me in on what he does so I can at least work as a clerk or paperwork guy if something happens to him and the insurance doesn't cover the rest of my life. :( It's sad to think about, but they love us enough to plan for the rest of our lives.
