Sunday, October 21, 2018

This is us... someday

He always sends me little memes saying "This is you!" or "This is me!" but Friday he sent me one that said "This will be us!" 

It's definitely us in the grocery store. He lazily pushes the cart and plays with his phone while I steer it from the front and put in what we need. His only participation at the store is pushing the cart and paying for things. This will definitely be us when we have kids, except I probably won't be in a suit and he won't be in pajamas... hopefully. 

Midterm projects are finally over and I am determined to finish the next Lukas this week! I only have like five pages to go. I have been writing little paragraphs here and there when I find a moment and feel inspired. 

Ok Ollie and Mohammed update since it's been a few weeks. They are ALREADY moving in together!! Ollie texted me all excited about it and said M. is demanding it and says his apartment he shares is not safe. I asked my husband about it and he gave me more info. He said there was a break-in in the complex and M. heard about it and got upset, plus he has gone over there a few times to visit Ollie and found the door completely unlocked! 

If you've never dated a Muslim guy from that part of the world, they are crazy about security. Apparently he yelled at Ollie and made him cry and then felt like an a-hole (something my husband has experienced several times!) and when they made up he told him he would get an apartment for them to move into together. 

My husband said, "He has to learn as I did not to yell. A boy does not know better." (Yes, he really does think we are naive "innocents.") 

M. was living with roommates sharing a house so he is going to rent something for the two of them. It seems really soon, but they have been spending almost every day together and Ollie is super excited. 

So life is good. Today we went to a brunch with the orange county gay parents friend group. It was ok. The guy who flirted with my husband wasn't there. We are kind of the young couple of the group. It seems a lot of gays like us don't have kids until their late 30's or so. Some of these people are in their forties. My husband doesn't want to wait.  


  1. Zahir was very vocal when I failed to consider security. He called me a little fool and added, "You more than anyone, should know how quickly you can get hurt!"

    I discovered his boy's tears are his kryptonite. Tears are weapons use them sparingly!

    1. SO true. The first time he raised his voice and upset me, he said he felt like an a-hole for making me cry. I try not to manipulate him with things. :)

  2. It is not just for couples like yourselves, it happens in everyday couples as well. That is a woman's secret. And afterwards it makes the gentleman feel like they were 2 inches tall, but sometimes they give in to what has happened.

    Keep on writing such awesome stories!!! Did you figure out what way you wanted to take your awesome story? It started on Lit. and has moved to Nifty, so You have made a follower out of me from the word go. I can't wait for the next chapter to come along to see what happens next. Thank you so much for writing Emri.

    1. Thank you so much! That makes me feel better. :) I try so hard to be his perfect boy and mirror the love he gives and I know how much he puts into "us" and I try to give that back. Sometimes I feel like a little lump he carries in his pocket like he is shouldering all the responsibility for us. Then he reminds me how much I do for him and I feel special again. I am so crazy in love with him and so grateful for what I have. I hope someday I can be worthy of it.
