Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The mid-semester crush...

Ok ok ok… I'm starting to get the angry emails demanding a Lukas update and it will come…
I'm finishing my midterm projects and this weekend I should have some writing time.

I miss my writing time when the house is empty and I can just sit down and get into
Lukas’ world. It's been a crazy busy two weeks. I'm getting to spend more time with
my husband, but it's mostly us working quietly in his office and him occasionally looking
up and saying, "How is my boy?"

He says it like he is desperate to hear me say, "It's great! This is awesome!"
Instead I wrinkle my nose and look frustrated and then he comes over and rubs my
shoulders and says, "Just do best you can. You put too much for perfection, little one."

Yesterday the husband was so stressed out that after dinner when I was loading
the dishwasher he came in and actually helped me. He never does that.
Then when the last glass was in and I turned it on, he silently took me
by the hand and led me to the big bathtub in our bathroom for some
bubble time. Right after we finished, he totally fell asleep.
I let him rest and washed him, but when it was time to get out
I had to wake him since I am totally incapable of lifting a pile of muscles twice my size.

Lukas is coming though. I think I have had a bad combination of no time to write
and no time to think up the crazy exciting twists and turns people want from my
stories. Some chapters are just nice little slices of life with an alpha. :)

I mean if Lukas got kidnapped, what would happen to him? I don’t want him
tortured or violated or anything like that. I also don’t know who I would kill
off if I did go that way. I could show the heartbreak of the Khorasanis getting
deported, but then I would get political comments on it. Though that could be
an idea… What if Lukas went to Iran? They could sneak him in.

I often think about what my life would be like if I went with my husband to Tehran.
He is dead set against that because he doesn’t want to go back and he doesn’t want
me to be in a country where I don’t speak the language and he would worry even more
about something happening to me.


  1. Take your time. After hubby-care, school must come next. True fans understand.

    1. I agree. You have a lot on your plate. Lukas should be fun for you, not stressful. When it's time, the story will reveal itself to you. Appreciate you!

    2. Thank you both! Sometimes I feel like everyone's going to stop reading me if I take too long between chapters. :) I've been doing this for three years now!! Crazy!!

  2. Lol damn dude, fuck those people demanding more stories from you! It's your hobby writing this stuff. Plus it's more important you focus on school and family. It's sweet you get to study with your man, I'm usually more productive when studying with my man.
    Good luck with midterms! I just finished my EMT class and have been stressing over my National certification exam this Saturday 🤤. We'll survive...

    1. Hey!! I miss you! Glad you are live. Hope things are ok up there. Yay for you! I know you will do awesome, good luck!

  3. Emri, please take your time and get your mind straight with school then familyand finally the stories will flow from you and you will know where you want to go with them

    1. Thank you! I am feeling drained of good ideas right now. They will come back. I can't force it. :)

  4. My comment is just an echo of everyone else. We read your stories because we like them, but we also read because we like you. Take care of yourself and your husband. Family comes before anything else.

    I have some ideas, but I'll PM you. :)
