Monday, October 22, 2018

I am blogging, look at me go

Ok I wil seriously finish Lukas this week at some point. I keep telling myself to do it and I should have time stating tomorrow. I just need to finish their sex scene and then a scene with Lukas and his dad because Lukas saw something he shouldn't have and he is confused and shaken like a little guy would be. I know I would be shaken if I saw my dad doing stuff with an older Arab dude. 

So husband brought home a bottle of wine a client gave him. Usually at dinner he and my dad have beer and I have water, but tonight after some whining I had some wine. :) It was gross and tasted like medicine, but both of them swore it was primo wine so whatever. Now I feel like the world is in slow motion. 

In other big news, my husband's dad got an offer from some research lab in Texas and they might be possibly going there!!! Texas!! My husband says that is a three hour flight away!! I don't know if they will take it, but he says they are considering it and it would mean they would be in Texas for a few years at least!! How cool is that? We would visit them like crazy! It is an engineering thing with oil and it would mean good money for his parents since Iran is currently going through some financial mess. 

Husband says it is near a Persian community with lots of muslims and not like crazy trump area so that is cool! 

I would be so excited to have them near us and we would visit a lot! So we will see!! 

Ollie texted me today. They went looking at apartments and Mohammed kept asking if he liked it and if he would be able to cook in the kitchen properly. haha. Ollie says I need to show him how I cook for my guy. I told him I will teach him all I know which isn't much but I keep him fed. I will be so excited if they move close to us. He said they can't afford our building, but there are some nearby where they can afford. Yay! :) 

Life is good and I am so in love with this man of mine. He is so good to me and I bounced in his lap to remind him of how grateful I am to have him. :) 

Yay for wine :) 


  1. Wine is the best. And California has amazing wine if you ever get into it. If you had red, try white next time. Like Sauvignon Blanc. Doesn’t taste like medicine, imo anyway. AND, even if it’s never your thing you should totally go to Napa or Sonoma for a weekend trip sometime. Peaceful, romantic, so pretty, and of course everyone is happy so it’s like adult Disneyland, lol.

    Don’t stress about Lukas. I think people probably get excited and comment a lot because of it. I doubt you’ll ever lose readers by taking longer. Your writing stands out in a way that most others don’t and people notice. Remember there are a lot of patient faithful fans who don’t write.
    Finally, your blog is quite entertaining. Blogs are a skill on their own and you are a talented blogger. Take your time with Lukas and enjoy all the fun things in your life. And that fabulous husband!

    1. Thank you that is so nice!! Lukas is slowly coming along. :) I am finding more time to write now and going back to reread what I wrote before so I dont eff it up. :)

  2. There are some alcohol products I enjoy... Ukrainian honey vodka, and German Eiswien are the bomb. I designed a garden bridge system for a German client. The customer was so happy with the outcome he sent me a little bottle of Eiswien. I laughed when I saw it. Then Zahir explained the tiny bottle sold for $300. Like my honey and the customer it was VERY sweet.

    After the incident with the ouzo in Greece, I am NOT in a hurry to try that again. Z reminds me alcohol is bad for me at my age. It is hard to believe I only have a week left of my 18th year.

    I will keep "A's" parents in my prayers. I think it would be so cool having them closer to you two, especially once the "grand kids" arrive.

    Zahir let me know he is not interested in kids, not even fostering. He jokes saying it is hard enough raising HIS boy (me). Oh well, I guess you can't have it all.

    1. No babies? :( Maybe soemday. You don't want any? I used to not want them, but now I want the big family for him. I know he will be a great daddy like he is to me.

      I can see why you would be leery of alcohol! :( I can count on one hand the number of times he has let me drink. He doesn't like to let me have any.

    2. I want them, he doesn't. Last time I brought it up he joked that I should date his sister...

      I think there are too many kids who need "real" parents. I know I did.

    3. It sux to be allergic to alcohol when it was so prevalent in my youth. I Loved German Beer from the Beer Gardens in Munich and now I can't touch a drop. I can not use anything that has any alcohol in it. I went to Ocktoberfest in Munich Germany for my igh school class trip and I fell in love with German Beer. But nowadays I can't even touch a drop.

      I hope A's parents get to be closer to you both. I will pray that it happens. You both deserve some time with the in laws.

      As for the kids, hope you get to experience the joy of parenthood like I am, for they make your life always feel worth it.

      Keep up the great writing,


    4. Aww. I hope our kids turn out nice. Im sure they will love me since he will be the discipline one. I already told him he has to be the tough one and he says he knows. :) We'll see how things turn out.

      I hope his parents get to come here! I hope his whole family gets to come and settle here. Hopefully the national scene here changes to be more friendly to immigrants. My husband says he wants them closer so he can help them when they get older and medical stuff is better here.
