Thursday, July 13, 2017

The ring...

This happened yesterday morning but it never posted! It just sat here in a minimized window. haha sorry. I forgot to hit publish: 

I should totally save this for the next chapter of Noah's Starship, but I can't!! I'm so excited. Plus I had to write it down as soon as it finished so I wouldn't forget anything.

Ok so quick catch-up or is it ketchup? I talk to "Navid"'s dad a lot. He was majorly helping me with science and math stuff this year. He is in Iran so we use the video chat on the computer. But since the semester is over I haven't talked to him nearly as much. Last night when he talked to his son (my fiancee), he said he wanted to talk to me and so they set up a time this morning.

But now I have the ring I got for engagement and I asked if I should take it off. "Navid" said no. His parents know about us so why try to hide this.

So his dad! We talked when I got back from the gym and I was wearing the ring.He asked about it. I was freaking out. I kind of stuttered and was like “Um “Navid”… gave it to me.” Then he nodded with this serious look and paused then said “It is very nice, a very nice ring for you.”

Then he asked me, “So what do you think of this ring? Is something you want?” But it was like he wasn’t asking about the ring, but about the marriage.

I said “Oh it’s the best thing I ever got... I love it... It’s perfect.” So he just nodded silently while I floundered with words but he looked like he was thinking.

THEN he was all “Do you think you will want it forever? Maybe it is just something you will want for now, but later find one of your own to give to a wife?”  My heart was pounding like crazy.

I said. “Yes sir. It’s something I’ll never take off as long as he wants me to have it. It’s more than I ever dreamed I could have.”

He just nodded again like he was processing it. He said, “You are still so young. You could change your mind someday when you grow to be a man.”

I said. “I don’t think so, sir. I can’t imagine going a second of my life without it. It hurts to even think about that.”

And that was it. He just smiled a little and said, “Ok. I’m happy you love it so much. It is a beautiful ring.”

OMG couldn’t you just like piss yourself thinking about that?? I was so nervous! I mean it’s his dad and I don’t know. I just felt like he was actually giving his blessing for it like saying Ok I just want to know you are for sure about this. I mean “Navid” is his boy, his rough and tumble army boy sports jock alpha guy that he raised to be a provider, a father, a good man. And it almost had this layer of like he was saying “Please don’t hurt him.” It's as if he knows how much his son loves me and he was just more than being ok with us being together and getting married. It was him saying he wanted to make sure I knew what I was getting into.

How crazy is that?!?!? I have to call him, but he’s in a lunch meeting. I don’t know what he is going to think about this. I just needed to write it down. OMG!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! I am just so blown away it's like unreal to think he could be accepting like that. Hopefully it gets better.

  2. His parents seem to be taking it into serious consideration! Hearing your commitment and sincerity to their son will probably help them come to terms with the reality of everything. I hope that one day soon they'll give your marriage a direct blessing. Congrats Ems, I'm truly happy for you two :D

    1. Thank you. I am hoping for the best here. Through everything that happened, we just seem to keep on going and making it good.

  3. I'm so happy for you! Congratulations! I wish you all a lifetime of happiness!
