Monday, July 10, 2017

oral fixation

Yesterday I was waiting around for AT (the boyfriend, "Navid" in the Noah series... Oh and now officially my fiancee).  He is new car shopping and we were at a place in Beverly Hills (the center of  the Persian world in the US).

AT had me try out the front passenger seat with the things he says I do in the car. He put the seat all the way back and had me test out a nap, then he had me lean over the center console and put my head on his shoulder. I had to sit up and type his text messages while he dictated and I cleaned up his English. It was funny and the sales guy was of course very accommodating. I didn't realize how much AT knows about me and my habits. He surprises me sometimes with information like that. He is really smart when it comes to me.

So I was waiting in the little coffee area while he was going over the details/negotiations. He came out to check on me and I had my earbuds in listening to music. He started laughing at me.

He said, "Why does your generation all do that?" I asked what he meant and he explained that for some reason we all put the microphone between our lips. He says he sees it all the time with younger guys, and even his little brother back in Iran does the same thing.

So it's this part, the part circled in the diagram. Apparently we all put it across our lips when the earbuds are in.

I can't find a picture online of people doing that, but I see it all the time! I didn't really think about it, but I used to always chew on the ends of the strings on my hoodies. I think I put that in one of my stories, maybe Kasper... 

I just thought it was funny that he said "Your generation" like we are in different age brackets. I mean he is 9 years older. It's not like he's my dad's age. He notices stuff like that though. 

1 comment:

  1. Zahir, noticed I also am oral when it comes to my earpods. He thought he resolved the problem by buying me wireless earpods. I take one out and nibble on the stem periodically. I seriously don't even notice I am doing it.

    I guess that proves I have an oral fixation.
