Tuesday, July 4, 2017

July 4th

We are heading to a pool party and then fireworks tonight. I can't wait! I'm waiting for "Navid" to finish up his emails and get ready. He's being lazy this morning. 

Things with Noah chptr. 21 are coming a long slowly. I'm struggling with the sex scene. 21 chapters in it is kind of difficult to keep making it exciting that the same two people are having sex. 

I love what we do together and we always try new things, but that is hard to put into words and I get a lot of feedback that it is boring and they should sleep with other people or at least show other people having sex. 

The reality is that "Navid" would never expose me or my body to other people nor would he let me sit and watch while other people get it on. He thinks sex is a private thing just between us. I totally agree and I love what we do. 

So I'm kind of putting in a fantasy sex scene to this next chapter. It's a stretch. It's hard to write a reality based series that doesn't get stale. right? I mean we've been together 2 years now and never wanted anyone else. I hope it's that way forever. I hope his is the only sex I ever know. 

I am SO OBSESSED with this song: 


  1. You need to write about what you know or the experiences you've had. At the same time you want to ensure that you are respectful to your Lions wishes and keep the sex private. It doesn't mean you can't get a little kinky with the sex and push those boundaries in the bedroom.
    My husband and I have been together for 24 years and we are monogamous and our sex life today is as hot, if not hotter than the firs day we met 24 years ago. It's about the steamy romance of the making love and not just sex.

    1. That's true! and like I said, I love what we do and we try new stuff, but in a story that graphically describes full sexual encounters people want variety. It could just be the way I'm writing it. I'm kind of figuring it out as I go. :)

  2. Not to disappoint the readers, but if your having difficulty keeping it fresh...not every chapter has to end with detailed sex. The sex could be implied vs heavily detailed. The chapter could have other elements also leave us emotionally satiated (i.e. good feelings) or begging for the next chapter like cliffhangers.

    The sex techniques may not be different but the emotions might be. Romance isn't only sex.

    I dont know what everyone else has been requesing from you in regards to content, but I enjoy connecting to the characters and learning about their lives. That emotional connection makes those intimate scenes all more worthwhile bc I can feel the love and etc that they feel. I understand the meaning behind their romantic moments no matter how vanilla they might be.

    There's a reason I read erotica vs watching porn lol.

    I hope that helps.

    1. Truthfully if I could write a story without sex, just an actual plot and allude to the sex like a romance novel does (I've read exactly one romance novel, haha), I would totally do that. Someday I'll write an actual book and do that.

      BUT, for now I publish on nifty and Literotica and with what I write, I get emails asking me to put in more sex. So I try to please the readers. That's from male readers though. I was shocked at how many female readers I got, and they're (stereotype/generalization alert) more concerned with the actual health of the relationship between my main characters. (based on the feedback I get).

      But I edit my chapters ruthlessly so when I review the story (I listen to them while I work out), I sometimes skip through the sex parts. :)
