Monday, July 22, 2019

Monday back to routine.

It feels kind of sad to be home. Husband slept in all the way to 8:30! That is late for a Monday for him. Vacation is over and he hit the ground running. Poor guy. I will make a special dinner for him. 

Last night we got to Orange County around 11 and my dad was there at the baggage claim waiting for us. We were so tired. I think my dad must have been lonely. This is probably the longest we have been apart from each other. Normally he just checks in with me once a day, usually for dinner. Being away from each other for 9 days was long and it was hard to talk to him while we were out cruising. 

Anyways! Back to work on chapter 12 of Hayden which I wrote nothing on for the whole week! 

The guy who put Noah's Starship up on Wattpad a few years back is redoing it and making shorter chapters and new art for it. I think it just didn't get promoted well on there. Check it out if you can:
I like the new cover! :) 

I need to do artwork for the chapters of Lukas I posted. 

It is a heat wave this week. It's not too bad in Orange County, but the rest of the country looks crazy. I'll be inside mostly today just cleaning and laundry. I need to pop into my dad's little house in the back and probably do some laundry for him too. Happy Monday :) 


  1. Happy Monday to you as well! For me, this week has been... long to say the least. I was trying to juggle my two part-time jobs and taking one summer university course to have one less in the fall. I had to blitz through two assignments and I sent them in only eight minutes before the deadline. (Still have not gotten over my procrastinating habit, lucky me).

    There's a heat wave up north here too. I'm forced to endure it cuz AC prices jump at any moment's notice, but oh well, I'll live.

    Are there any pro tips for uni that you can give me? I'm getting used to it, slowly, but surely.

    1. 8 minutes before deadline!? I would be freaking! hah. I have to have it in at least a few hours before, if not a day before. I get anxiety about that stuff.
      My husband had a tutor to help me when I started doing the online classes. It helped. He got me set up with the google calendar and broke down my big projects and set goals and alarms for me. Sadly I won't have him this semester since we moved to Orange County, but now I can do it on my own. I'm only doing three courses in the fall though.

      No AC? Yeah I grew up in the super hot san fernando valley with just window units and when it got too expensive my dad and I would sleep in the living room and close off the other rooms. That sucked, but I was used to it. Now I am living with a Persian husband who likes things super polar. :) hah. :)

    2. Wow!! I almost always have my projects and papers done and submitted at least a week in advance. If Sajid knows I have something due, he won't let me do anything else until it is finished and turned in. He always tells me, "To be early is to be on time. To be on time is the same as being late". Strange logic, but I understand it. 😁

    3. Sound logic! One I should keep in mind more often.
